Hi, I am new to posting! I first had VM in 2014 and spent a week in hospital where I had a lumber puncture to confirm diagnosis. For several months I had headaches and tingling in my legs. Apart from tiredness my recovery was not too bad.
About a month ago I started having back pain and headaches. I did not think much about it initially but come the following Sunday it had become too much. I spent the night in the local hospital and was discharged the following afternoon armed with aciclovir, (7 days) codeine. trimethoprim and paracetamol.
The aciclovir course finished and although I felt better the headache and neck/back pain continues. I have since been put back on aciclovir 800mg and over the counter pain management. The pain is worse at night and early morning, on one occasion I had to crawl on hands and knees to the bathroom because it was so intense. Any suggestions to alleviate pain? I am certainly going to try cranial osteopathy.