Hi everyone,
I am seeking of parents' experiences of their child development after meningitis. My daughter was diagnosed at 42 days and now she is 8months.
I am also keen in experiences of people who had meningitis in young ages during childhood.
Hi everyone,
I am seeking of parents' experiences of their child development after meningitis. My daughter was diagnosed at 42 days and now she is 8months.
I am also keen in experiences of people who had meningitis in young ages during childhood.
At 11 mos of age my son was diagnosed with BM, had hydrocephalus in ICU 3 days, seemingly in a coma but no one actually used that word. I recall that He finally smiled on day 6 and I was ecstatic! He was hopitalized 14 days.
He is now 4 1//2 and is a normal happy, healthy child...(has asthma, eczema and peanut allergy) He may be somewhat cognitively behind his twin brother, such as small motor skills...slower to have hand control when trying to write, but since he is only 4 its hard to say.
He also has trouble sitting still in preschool, and doesn't know all his numbers or letters compared to others his age. I'd have to day, though, overall he is a normal 4 yr old.
Many thanks for this reply.
I know the feeling where your baby is responding to you for the first time after being in such situation!
Am very happy that your son is a healthy and happy boy. this is want i want first for my daughter as well.
As long as our children can be like this then being a little behind is something i can comprimise with. After all they faught something from which they could even die..
Hello iam also new to menigitis. My new born daughter at 10 days old got ecoli meningitis. She spent 2 months in the hospital on antibiotics. She is now 3.5 months old . She goes every 2 months for mri the dr said she has 40% chance that it will come back in her first yr of life . Idk if that is a high number ? I don't know the long term affects as dr said it went on the outside of her brain. Can anyone explain this to me pls
Our experience of my daughters meningitis is that doctors requesten an mri to see the possible damage in the brain or the excistance of abcess or meningocoele.
After this mri they did not request for a second one. maybe your dr wants several mris because of the ecoli bacteria? we never found out which bacteria caused my baby meningitis. Maybe its because of this?