Nearly three weeks ago I lost my beautiful daughter to meningitis. She would have been five in December. Her funeral is a week on Wednesday. As you can imagine my world has been torn apart. She began throwing up at 10am by 10.40pm she was gone. I can't explain the pain this has caused me and my family. She was so precious. A truly wonderful little girl. The past three weeks has been a testament to that as it has touched so many people. If I could swap with her I would with no hesitation. She was everything descent about this world.
Now we are trying to plan her funeral. A day in which she would be proud. But the heart ache and pain is to much to comprehend.
If there is a heaven they have a new beautiful angel in there ranks.
This disease is so aggressive the speed in which she was taken, even the doctors were in shock. No family should ever have to go through this. When time has past and we try to rebuild our lives I will do as much as I can to make sure this doesn't happen any more.
A loving father