Hi guys,
My name is Jemma, I am 20 years old and In October 2013, when i was 19 and in my second year of university I contracted bacterial meningitis strain y and encephalitis which impacted on mine and my families life greatly. I'm still undergoing physical rehabilitation due to losing sensation in all my body when I came out of a coma. I was in a coma for 3 weeks but after i came out of it i had to learn how to breathe, talk and move on my own. Now i have full sensation back but i have a lot of muscle weakness therefore am undergoing physio to learn how to walk again. My sister is getting married in May and I am a bridesmaid so the goal is to be able to walk by then! I still have up and downs days but i strive to get my life back to the way it was as i still have the goal of becoming a lawyer.
I am interested in hearing from anyone else that has had a similar experience or has had a loved on go through this. In contrast I would love to help people in a similar situation or a family member that's supporting someone that has been effected. Whether it is to listen to someone or help them see the light at the end of the tunnel. As i myself have needed that encouragement sometimes.
Jemma x