Many thanks for your comments and suggestion, a positive reaction for the first time in months ! Have been on the Meningitisnow website, very useful, but why don`t the G.P`s look here, they may learn a thing, or two !
Thank you: Many thanks for your comments and... - Meningitis Now
Thank you
No problem. You can talk to me any time.
Yes they would learn such alot off here they don't recognize or want to avknowledge that meningitis can have any other effects unless it is that you have lost a limb etc thanks jenny
My sentiments exactly, all GP's across the counrty should b made aware if what we are all saying... My doctor didn't have a clue what I was going through & to be honest still hasn't... Lets face it vm is meningitis without septicaemia.... GP's say 2 weeks & you will be ok!!!! Oh my word if only they knew.... I've said it before & il say it again I want to shout from the roof tops and let people know just how much I/we are affected by vm..... Until that time we carry on supporting each other & find comfort in the knowledge we are not alone..
Take care x