Anyone here decided to go back to work and found it hard ? I’m struggling doing 12 hour shifts , I work in a care home, so need to be on my game , but finding it a struggle , had bacterial meningitis last march . Now suffering from after effects , permanent headache some days worse than others , get disoriented and confused, I forget things , have joint pain in my knees always tired , …during this time also last my dad , nursed him till the end too which took its toll on me , I’m trying to find a new normal as I’m probably never gonna be the old me again . Had now health issues before
How did you find going back to work after m... - Meningitis Now
How did you find going back to work after meningitis?

I struggled and went back to work too soon ended up having 4 mini strokes in a week so 🙃 took heed, listened to my body and took a few more months off. I still get headaches 😩 2 1/2 yrs on but a lot less than initially. I pace my life now n learned to do a lot less. I had to become my own health advocate n asked my Dr to do blood checks on my iron n vit levels. Discovered low iron n low vit D. Take regular supplements of vit d and c now. Get massages and Bowen therapy for headaches n it helps A LOT. I sleep 😴 longer that helps. Go to bed early. Scaled back social interactions. Any stimulation good or bad can trigger headaches. Needy people trigger headaches so avoid them. 🙄 rest rest rest rest rest and more rest is the best medicine.
I’ve been trying to push myself, which led to me getting really sick so had to take time off , thinking I’m going to leave as can’t cope , but not working won’t pay the bills
I have learned to live frugally. Its amazing how life looks after you when you look after yrself. Its been a very humbling experience to accept help on all levels incl finances from family and friends. ♥️
It’s hard asking for help when before meningitis was perfectly fine. I’m waiting on an appointment at the doctors to discuss the after effects and if there’s any medication that will help, I’m allergic to codine
Yesss it is very hard asking for help. I went from being a very independent fit active person walking 7km a day to barely being able to walk to my letterbox. I was always the one helping others. If you can see a Neurologist you may get better care than with yr general practice doctor. I have had better success with complementary health care esp homeopathic remedies.
I just couldn't do it. When I did try to work, even a half day, I would be asleep on the couch the minute I got home. The fatigue was horrible. It took me a solid year to 18 months to have the fatigue start to let up. I'm on daily medication for the headaches which never went away. I have recurrent (6x now) and am about 3 years out from last bout of VM. Finally feel more like myself but I know the next bout could happen at any time. My only advice is listen to your body as much as you can. That can be hard with work etc but you need to be careful. A stressed body is open to more medical issues.
I was in a coma for 8 days had a gas of 6 when taken to hospital, I can’t remember being taken to hospital or anything until I woke up 8 days later, then being told was very close to death , spent 3 months off work , now have lost 95% of hearing in my left ear, constant headache some days I can’t even lift my head up , pain in my knee , memory loss/memory fog, get dizzy quiet alot, and feel disoriented all the time ,
I had BM in 2015 and I was released to work 2 months after recovering to a relatively good functioning level. I was dizzy a lot, had decreased hearing and had an unsteady gait. I really struggled but physical therapy & medication helped. Mentally it was much more difficult for me. Any stress would send me off & I had constant “ache” in my head. Worked for another year and then quit work. I found a less stressful job but still have to deal with the ongoing physical limitations. Unless a person has survived BM they have no idea what a person with BM goes through. With God’s grace I am able to cope & function pretty well. No one has all the answers about how to “fix” us. Take care of your self.
I had bm 3 years ago and I went back to work after 6 months, I have headaches 24/7 yes a nightmare to live with. But as my wife took me I don’t know know what you are going though, but one thing I do know is you are still alive and that is a bonus to me. So all can say to all the people who had this at some way shape or form we are still alive and let’s we can get though this together. Take care 🤞
The headaches are horrendous, I’m have lost hearing in my left ear completely, so I get disoriented when out and about not knowing where sounds are coming from, the tiredness is a big one for me also I’m always exhausted, I’m now very forgetful and have trouble concentrating
I was retired when I had VM, but still found it difficult to cope with "everyday living". Still get headaches but have to listen to my body. Perhaps the attention being given to Long-Covid will help doctors, and the other team members, to have a better understanding of after effects in the meningitis community?
I can't even imagine going back to work after BM. You're tough. Yes, fatigue is an issue for me too at the one year. Also I still forget what I'm doing and have memory issues. I'm so sorry you have to work like that but the symptoms you're describing took me a year of hearing to somewhat get through. I still tire easily.