I have had multiple recurring meningiomas with subsequent infections since 2020. I have undergone radiation treatments x2. The first was 5 times/week x 6 weeks. The next was called TrueBeam. It was only one treatment in November of 2023, but it left me with brain lesions (areas of necrosis on the brain) . In late December of 2023, I began having difficulty walking. In March of 2024 I had what was classified as a seizure. In May, I had trouble with controlling my right foot. I have been to many doctors and done a fairly significant amount of research on my own. I have also been having issues falling as of late.
I have been placed on the following meds: Avastin ( infusions every 2 weeks at 12 mg/kg), Trental (to increase blood flow, Vimpat (for seizures), as well as many other OTC vitamins/supplements.
I have consulted Neurologists, NeuroOncologists, and Physical Therapists.
Any info/suggestions would be helpful as none of the DR's have any idea what is happening and they don't want to change any of the meds.