Loss of left eye vision after mengioma ... - Meningioma Support

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Loss of left eye vision after mengioma tumour removal by optic nerve in my daughter-anyone experience this or regain vision?

Santamusic profile image
6 Replies

Anyone experience loss of vision after mengioma tumour surgery-vision return?

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Santamusic profile image
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6 Replies
Piquedame927 profile image

Yes. This is exactly what my tumor did to me, only in my right eye. It has now been eight years since my tumor was diagnosed. I am legally blind in my right eye and there is no possibility that my vision will be restored. I have had 2/3 of my tumor removed but there is still a remaining 1/3 that is in operable because it is wrapped around my carotid artery. Please keep in touch if you need more information. I am so so sorry for your daughter, but I have learned to live with only one eye functioning.

Santamusic profile image
Santamusic in reply to Piquedame927

Hi Piquedame927,Thank you so much for your reply. Daughter’s tumour still around artery & optic nerve as they couldn’t remove it because it was enclosed in the orbital apex? Is this also why you did not have rest of tumour removed & did you get radiation? We are trying to get her into a central nervous system cancer center close to home for 6 weeks fractional radiation as driving an issue.

My daughter is so depressed, angry & very verbally aggressive ever since she realized she was blind in her left eye 2 weeks after surgery. She refuses all referrals from hospital social work (or any counselling) as she is afraid they will admit her to the mental health unit-hence hospital phobia-along with all the very negative outcomes from surgery & all the other negative life altering changes that may come with radiation-hair loss, nausea, loss of fertility, possible loss of vision in other eye as tumour very close to where both optic nerves cross & radiation may affect that.

She was very angry at the surgeon & now that anger is being directed at my husband & I as she is staying with us while she is recuperating & has radiation treatment.

We are past our wits end as we cannot get her to go to any counselling of any kind & finding it very, very difficult to function with her daily verbal aggression (screaming in our faces right face to face)-(screaming & opening our bedroom door from 11pm till 3:30 am).

A few days ago ran downstairs with her hydromorphone pills & locking herself in bathroom while screaming put me out of my agony-had to call emergency & police came & talked to her as I would not let them go near her as I was very afraid she would get aggressive & get injured if they tried to restrain her. Due to calling the police I am now seen as a huge threat/enemy & treated as such with even more anger. It is so very hard to try to offer support when you are seen as a threat so things are getting much worse while waiting for the radiation to be arranged. Don’t have any idea what to do anymore. Thanks for listening.

woodedareas profile image

I did not have surgery and lost the vision in my right eye. They have encouraged me to have surgery now but I am on a wait-and-see for another month. I am living very well with it but it is certainly different.

Piquedame927 profile image

I really don’t know what to tell you. I declined radiation because my oncogist said there is a 3-5% chance the tumor could become malignant.

I have been living with vision in 1 eye for almost 10 years. The only downside is that I cannot drive at night nor in rain.

Your daughter needs to look at this situation in a different light. Be thankful that it’s only 1 eye, non cancerous, etc.

The majority of the time…I am not even thinking about my tumor!!

Santamusic profile image
Santamusic in reply to Piquedame927

Thank you very much for your reply & listening. Thinking of it in a different light-that it is only in 1 eye & non-cancerous etc. is how I hope she will eventually be able to see things with time & when the radiation is completed. Just right now everything is so raw & a shock that we are all having trouble getting through it gracefully. The other day was her way of expressing her grief because of course this is all still so raw. Hopefully time will heal her physically & mentally.She has her good times & her bad times. Hopefully if she is able to eventually talks to someone she will be able to process it better. I have told her about this site & suggested she join a group as only someone who has gone through this before gets it. I know just being able to express my feelings & realize that we aren’t the only ones has helped greatly. Thank you for your support.❤️

Piquedame927 profile image

My remaining tumor is wrapped around my carotid artery

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