If you goggle adsd.nv.gov there is a report specific to each states’ requirement to maintain a driver’s.
I look for the other report I had found. Brain fog, not sure what I used for a query. LOL
If you goggle adsd.nv.gov there is a report specific to each states’ requirement to maintain a driver’s.
I look for the other report I had found. Brain fog, not sure what I used for a query. LOL
Another article, which seems to have a more recent date. Wendy
And this one. As you can see, we function independently for many items, in each state. Hope this is helpful. Wendy
My issue with my tumor has always been my complete loss of vision in my right eye because my remaining tumor is crushing my optic nerve. I had to take a driving test two years ago to renew my license. It was the first time I had taken a driving test since I was 16 years old. I am now 69. I do have driving restrictions, but I am able to drive with no issues, even though I only can see out of one eye. Good luck and I hope everything goes well for you. Let me know if you have any other questions.