I cannot believe they only have less than a £100 a month to live on that seems so unfair at the moment he spends a lot of his money he loves football shirts which are around a £100 each likes wrestling PPV goodness he's going to have to get used to not having it all to himself 😒I don't know what an ATU is sorry the social worker said he will keep his pip but may have to put a small amount to it well that doesn't sound like a small amount to me but I read on here one post where a young womans savings had been allowed to reach £16000, and her benefit was stopped well on less than £100 I'm not going to have that worry but I am worried about him not having a lot of money to do things with 🙄
Thank you for your replies : I cannot believe they... - Mencap
Thank you for your replies
hi is you son going into residential care home or is he going into to a support living as there’s at complete different rules for each of them. Residential homes are. The model that takes most of all benefits PIP AND ESA(U/C and only leave the person with £25/30 per week spending money I think.
If your son is going into Supported living model his care costs are met by county council his rent is payable via Housing benefits local council or by ( universal credit benefit ). His PIP AND ESA or ( U/CREDIT is his income controlled via the appointee to pay for the household bills (food etc he will also have to make a financial contribution towards his care costs via the council assessment. Example my son pays about £400 care assessment and £395 food and utilities per four weeks and the rest is his spending money for the month clothing petrol eating out holiday savings PIP & ESA is about £1500 per 4 weeks
I hope this helps
Hi Amjap thank you for your reply so I'm guessing he has approx £700 left each month if I'm reading it correctly.. It's supported living he will be going into I'm just so worried he's also had a lot of health issues kidney cancer which he still has regular scans bloods etc he has eating issues OCD and anxiety along with the LD but very sociable and friendly I know it's the right thing but it's hard to let go. Can I ask did your son's benefits stop when you signed the tenancy agreement this is what the social worker told me...
No he won't lose his benefits if he goes into SUPPORTED LIVING, but there are costs to consider. If I were you I would contact your social worker to come out and explain so you fully understand the process. His benefits do not stop so don't understand why she would say this unless as someone has said it is residential care which is different
As I said somewhere else the support costs will come out of his benefits, my son’s take the best part of his PIP so are not cheap, but benefits don't stop.
As 49twister states his benefits do not stop you will remain as the appointee fi you are at present the appointee?.? the S/Worker is wrong the benefits he receives are un affected by moving into supported living model it is not affected by signing a tenancy agreement there may be other costs to consider. we pay our sons household bills (food) and also give about £400 to cover his own spending money every month we never allow his money to get any where near the limit for his benefits to be capped this is important sometimes parents give up control (appointeeship) to the county council to control his benefits it’s not a good option for most I my experience