I have a 40 year old son who has mild to middling learning difficulties. He lives independently and is employed at ASDA, but he is hopeless with money. I have managed to help him, by opening a joint current account into which his salary is paid and a linked Saving account into which I release money on a weekly basis. Also I leave about £50 per month in the joint account to cover unexpected bills / holidays / Christmas etc. This has worked well for nearly 10 years and his 'savings' have grown considerably. Unfortunately, he has acquired a bank card for the joint account, discovered the savings pot and is running through like a dose of salts.
Although taking his card from him would act as a temporary solution, there would be nothing stopping him getting another one. What I am really asking is, does anyone out there know of a bank or building society which provides whereby an account which can be overseen by a responsible adult but which allows the holder to have some autonomy? I know many do this for children up to the age of 16, do any do it for those with learning disabilities?