My 28 year old son has GLD and is on the autistic spectrum . This was diagnosed when he was about 4 before I adopted him.
He appears to go through very strange phases and I have wondered if he could also be bi- polar or a similar mental health condition.
We had thought that things were improving when he indicated for the first time that he would like to get a job. I then found a charity close to where he lives who run courses for adults with learning disability to help them get skills needed in the workplace. He completed the course and was very proud of his diploma. We thought that there was light at the end of the tunnel. However, over the last few weeks he has become extremely angry that the Charity involved haven't found a job for him yet. We have explained what they are doing behind the scenes but he will not accept anything anyone is saying. He just tells us all that we are all interfering in his life.
Currently he is refusing to speak to anyone in the family, even his birth brother who was adopted at the same time . We know that he wants independence but he has no financial means for this. He now only gets PIP at the very basic level. I think it should be appealed but he won't allow me to help. As PIP has reduced he gets Universal Credit at the lowest level and again he refuses to allow me to get his doctor to provide the relevant medical evidence to support a higher level. UC is also extremely trickly at there is an expectation that he'll get a job which is proving to be almost impossible and in addition as he only gets basic UC it appears on the "system" that the had nothing wrong with him!
He has always had obsessions, but it is his current obsession that is now causing huge problems. He is obsessed with Sweden having stayed over there with his former girlfriend who has now sadly died. When their relationship failed he was destitute and I had to fly out to get him back to the UK. He's been back about 30 months or so but we have found out that he has booked a one way flight plus a hotel for a week thinking he can stay and settle in Sweden. He has no money ( the UC will be cut almost straight away) ; future accommodation ; job ; he doesn't know anyone or speak the language ! I feel that this is possibly a sign of an underlying mental illness that he really needs help with. Does anyone have any ideas of (a) what it might be and (b) how best to address this with him?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and foe any help you can give me.