My brother is 43 and we believe he has an intellectual disability but never diagnosed.
Since my mum got Ill I have been keeping an eye on him more closely. He lives by himself (a house bought for him by my parents to give him and teach him some independence) is able to care for himself just about, get himself to work by bike, (he is a shelf stacker at a supermarket) work the tv, make a cup of tea, wash up, work a microwave and washing machine (after giving very basic instructions) however he struggles to read and write and has a poor IQ and lately I have been so worried about him living by himself due to things not working correctly in his home.
He gets ashamed and embarrassed when things break and will decide to just live with his problems, for example I found out he had no hot water and he didn't say anything and for weeks he was showering in cold water until I noticed when I went over there. This isn't normal behaviour and I don't quite understand it and would like to. This is just one example. More and more things pop up that things don't work in his house that a human being needs to live and it is now making me think, can he live by himself and this is becoming a big problem and a real worry for his future. He struggles to follow basic instructions and is easily influenced by agreeing to anything that's asked of him. He is okay socially and is able to talk to new people and make conversation.
When my brother talks his speech is not good and has very poor English, he was born in this country.
I would like to learn more about his disability and understand more about it, but how do I go about doing this as I feel this is a real unsual disability? Is there anyone out there like this!? My parents didn't do any assessment for him as a child so a diagnosis was never made.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.