Can any one give me some advice please my daughter is 3 years old and she has global development delay and i really dont know what to do any help in the right direction would be helpful
Global development delay : Can any one give me some... - Mencap
Global development delay

my 4yr old was diagnosed today
is there any classers or course that can be done to learn about it or get support and some advice?
Hi there
Have you spoken with your Health Visitor? She will be a good source of advice and will be able to signpost you to all services. Whoever gave your little girl the diagnosis- Paediatrics? should also be referring you to speech and language physio etc.
Good luck
Hi Antony, it might also be worth speaking to Mencap on their Helpline (0808 808 1111 ). They can provide loads of resources to help you understand and point you in the right direction.
Hi, my son was also diagnosed with GDD at about the same age. If your daughter is in a nursery then it might be worth talking to them about applying for an EHCP if she has additional needs that can't be met within the normal environment. She may also qualify for speech and language therapy and occupational therapy. If she gets an EHCP then this will carry through for the rest of her school life to ensure she gets enough help. There is some useful information here: parents.actionforchildren.o...
Call social services and ask for the child disability team as you and your child need to be assessed your child for her needs so they can work out how they can help also contact the carers association so you can get a carers assessment so they can support you and the family. Try the local voluntary services aS they will have details of lots of charities and organisations that might be of interest. also the Mencap helpline for information and advice. All the best I do hope you can get the help you need.