Debit card for someone living away from home - Mencap


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Debit card for someone living away from home

nobodynowherenope profile image

A family member is about to move into supported living for the first time. They have a bank account which their benefits are paid into, but we want to get them a simple debit card that they can use to pay for things from their 'pocket money'. We will top it up from their benefits account but don't want the two linked directly as there is a lot of money saved in that account.

We have looked into simple debit card providers like GoHenry and Rooster but we haven't had the full deputyship awarded to manage their money, and that's a stumbling block. Their parent has previously managed their money but is now in poor health and can't manage sorting out another sort of card.

Has anyone got any suggestions about how to easily and quickly get them a debit card they can use for pocket money and expenses? We don't want to get one in, for example, my name and hand it over as that's technically fraud. It seems like such a simple request but we are totally stuck.


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12 Replies
Eeviee profile image

Hi there. I have 2 joint account with my son. One for benefits and the other for pocket money with a debit card. . I transfer money between the accounts as required and keep all records of transfers and spending and ask carers to provide receipts daily fir all expenditure. I am my sons deputy so I am happy that I am keeping all records as required and I have the authority to operate his bank account - although it is legally a joint account I believe, none of my money or expenses are ever paid out of these joint accounts. They are purely for my son and anyone could see that if required. I would suggest you get the deputyship asap as you may not be able to get a joint account without it. Deputyship would give you more protection from accusations of improper use of your relatives money as well Always keep full records too.Hope this helps.

Rocky profile image

I am my Son's appointee for his benefit money. He has his own debit card account, and I have an account in my name for his benefits to be paid into. I transfer any extra money that he needs by bank transfer into his account, and it works well. Anyone looking at my account for his benefits can see what goes in and out for him, and what I transfer to him. Our accounts are both with the same bank

LDAutie profile image

hi @, i am under a corporate appointeeship as i dont have full capacity and id never had a card of any kind up until the covid time of all things ,and the service im in decided to bring in a top up card trial for service users with limited or no capacity. anyway,it worked and ive been using one ever since,mine is by a company called equals (i think fairFX own them) it is a mastercard its worked on everything and any websites i needed even on the game platform 'steam'. it doesnt work when my staff get out of my motability car to pay for petrol at the pump though-they will do a strange error on top up cards so it needs paying in kiosk,just in case that woud be an issue.

officialy speaking the gohenry card is only for children of schoolage,right down from signing up for them to the app .it is designed around things they are likely to do, the app has sections for doing things like chores after school and doing homework. the gohenry card is a visa card-which makes a lot of people (including parents of non disabled kids) think it means they can now use it online but its not a full visa,its a limited visa which ive been told means it cant be used online and can only be used instore and it has a maximum theyre allowed to spend-a lot less than a top up card.

a learning disabled adult can have a cheaper, standard adult top up card registered for them.depending on the company you go with youur name can be on that card as well as your loved one (my equals card has both my name and the service who are my appointee named on it to), and my set person within the appointeeship has both the app on her company phone and the password to the app for my card. you can easily swap money from their bank account onto there card and they can only spend whats on that card-no more,and in the case of security leaks from any shop card databases and hackers getting hold of your loved ones card info (i only say this as not all shops update there server or software code quick enoufh-thats how lots of leaks happen),they can only steal whats on that top up card and cant get into your bank,ive emailed my dad many times about top up cards as itd stop the hacking problems hes had.he is rubbish with computers so falls for any tech type of scam like phishing or adware with RATs and key loggers atached so im going to mail him again to remind him on top up cards i think.

i was also going to recomend looking at the money saving expert list of the best top up cards, unfortunatly martin lewis no longer does it,but staff who are just as good it looks like have taken his place and theyve wrote a really good page on top up cards, what to expect, the best ones to go for depending on what you want out of it etc:

worth a read before getting any card.

49Twister profile image

As others have said, my son and I have had a joint account for many years with only his benefits going in and any of his outgoings. I have a separate account for myself. When he went into supported living we set up an account in his name with a debit card. I transfer a weekly amount by standing order so I don’t have to worry about it, the money is transferred automatically.

Martha2409 profile image

Apply online for a monzo… if you also get one you can move the money between the two monzo accounts … I think all I had to do was show id - passport and proof of address - and it doesn’t cost anything unlike go Henry

Galwaybay2 profile image

Monzo works brilliantly for us. I transfer a managed amount and my son loves the autonomy and his lack of understanding of value/money has not been a problem.

FlashGordon77 profile image

I have third party authority over my sons bank account with HSBC which means the account is in his name but I can control or assist him like when he lost his card x

sl20 profile image

Hi, I found it was quicker and easier to open another current account with my sons existing bank as all the checks have already been done. The first current account is used for benefits and direct debits at his supported living home. The new second current account is his for personal spending which I transfer money into every week. I have got a third party mandate from the bank which although both accounts are his allows me full access and control legally over his bank accounts as he has signed the form to give me permission.

Riveresque profile image

Santander has a carer card that allows spending of £100 limit, dunno if that might work in reverse

Jac_789 profile image

My daughter has 2 accounts that I run for her using online access. Her Main benefits account which I keep the card to and a Basic account that she has the card to. It is a simplified account so can't go overdrawn etc. All banks have them I think and they are free. I just transfer pocket money every week to it by Direct debit

Head_cook profile image

I’m glad you have had lots of replies to help your decision making. But you say he has a lot of money in his account. I don’t know if you realise it affects some benefits and you can lose it if you have too much. Use it to set up through a solicitor for LPA’s for monies & health VERY IMPORTANT! Then set up a Discretionary Trust Fund where his money cannot be taken from him. Mencap can’t help with this. Also if you ever need legal help for him in the future and apply for legal aid , he cannot have more than £3000.

BenjiB profile image

my son lives in residential care. He doesn’t have his own account. I’m his appointee, I have a Barclays account and I transfer his money into one of the “pots” within the account. He has no ID so I asked the hone what other parents do and they said most parents have opened another account like Monzo in their own name and their son/daughter just uses that so we’ve done that too. I do intend to apply for a passport for him so I can open his own account but this will do in the meantime.

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