Hi all,
My 24yr old daughter has mild learning disabilities and autism , but she falls into the middle line of being able to most things , but really not understanding , .She insists on not needing any help ,and since leaving college ,has decided she will do everything on her terms /time. To try and help with the independence she craved , I set up a joint basic bank account with her , she has a debit card , which is need because she does not understand value and hates using cash , but wanted to be able to buy her own clothes etc. Unfortunately this also allowed her to set up Netflix /Amazon accounts.
When she forgetthe passwords , instead of asking for help to retrieve them , from me or anyone else , she refuses to listen and just sets up another account. She will not keep a record of passwords.So now we have multiple accounts , which means lots monthly subscription for the same thing. Does anyone know how I could help her to stop doing this ,but let her stay in control..?
Keeping her room clean , having high anxiety, her bedroom is her safe space and she will not allow anyone in it , the only way I can clean it ,is if she is out. She is not hygienic , if something is spilt ,it will not get wiped up , she would rather sleep on bare mattress , duvet then allow anyone to change sheets. If I ask her to do it ,I get shouted at , The room smells and I don’t know what to do .It’s like living with a teenager , except I do not have any authority anymore, I can’t ‘ground her ‘ or stop pocket money ‘ . Any ideas?