Hi, new here :): Hi, we've just been told our Son has... - Mencap


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EHLD81 profile image
11 Replies

Hi, we've just been told our Son has borderline learning disability. Everything is feeling a little overwhelming at the moment and not sure how best to support him and help him to understand it all. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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EHLD81 profile image
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11 Replies
Jofisher profile image

Hi I’m sorry you’ve been given this news and I know how hard it is to hear it but your among people on who who really do understand. Please can I ask how old your son is ? Where do you live is it in the U.K. have you been given a diagnosis for your son or have they just said he has a borderline learning disability? Apologies for asking so many questions.

EHLD81 profile image
EHLD81 in reply to Jofisher

Hi. Thank you so much for your lovely response, feeling a little lost with it all at the minute. No need to apologise, he's 12. North East UK. Borderline learning disability (score 72 on full scale IQ). They're now looking at doing ASD assessment.

Jofisher profile image
Jofisher in reply to EHLD81

Hi the organisation’s that have helped me regarding my son are the carers association they have a specific team who support parents with L.D. and my social worker from the learning disability team but my son has severe L.D. And I know things have changed so they only support those with severe L.D. Now but they should still be able to provide contacts to you. Also speak to your local council and find out what contacts or support they can give you and your local voluntary services as they will also have lots of contacts and the local Autistic society as they should have one where and hopefully you can meet other parents and learn so much from them. There are benefits you maybe able to apply for and charities that can help if you need things. Contact a family springs for mind and the Joseph rowntree fund. I hope this helps there will be things I’ve not mentioned as I don’t know enough to give you anything else at this time and I know you will still be coming to terms with everything. When things happened for me it was such a traumatic time and I went through a grieving process but you do get your head around everything in time and you will learn so much and you will become an brilliant advocate for your son I’m sure. All the best but ask questions as someone will always be able to help I’m sure, and Don’t forget the mencap helpline as well.

SpeedyH profile image

Hi there. IQ tests are not hugely helpful taken out of context. Your son’s score of 72 for example, puts him in the category of low intelligence compared with the general population but doesn’t generally signify a learning disability. It is great that he is getting an ASD assessment because this might be what is compounding your son’s difficulties. What is really important is that your son gets the support he needs with his learning, socialising, everyday living skills and keeping safe. School should be putting extra support in place for him and if not, the special needs coordinator should be able to sort this; and if you are struggling at home, social care might be able to signpost you to help. It is hard to hear a diagnosis, but remember that he is still the same person in all regards as he was before you were given that score. 💕

Eeviee profile image

Hi there. I think it’s important that an experienced professional assesses your child Who gave you the IQ information? Was is an educational psychologist? If so that is good news as this person can help you get your son an education and health care plan and so get the help snd support that is needed. This is a important bit of funding that the school will receive to help you don. Research this. He may have been struggling before at school. If he hasn’t been assessed by an independent educational psychologist I would do that now as this helps everyone to understand his difficulties. Have you thought about having him tested for dyslexia as this can be a severe learning impediment and needs special teaching? Good luck

EHLD81 profile image

Thank you everyone 🙂 We decided to go down the private route for a full cognitive assessment with a qualified clinical psychologist. The fact that basic reading and spelling skills were slightly higher resulted in the overall score being 72 and outcome of borderline learning disability was given. There is no evidence of specific learning difficulty. They've said its a global issue he has (if that makes sense) sorry this is all new to us. They've done the screener for ASD which indicated a full assessment is required. At the moment he's in the 'grey area' but we'll fight for everything and anything he needs. His school SENCO said he won't get an ECHP.

outdoorsy1 profile image

it would be worth taking this to your gp and trying to get them to recognise the dx, or if they wont, then to refer to get a diagnosis. Generally the term 'borderline' isn't used, learning disability is described as mild, moderate, severe etc. Also there is a difference between the terms 'learning disability' and 'learning difficulty' - learning difficulties cover things like dyspraxia, dyslexia etc.

Sencos tend to not like private diagnosis - although I entirely understand why you went that route. Also it seems to be part of their job to restrict as much help as possible (!), so I'm afraid it is a fight all the way for you. Have a look at ipsea ipsea.org.uk, they are good for advice and model letters regarding education.

Lastly, welcome - whilst it must be hard to get your head around, life can be great, x

sl20 profile image

Hi, with all the information you have I don’t understand why your sons school won’t give him a echp plan! I would suggest you need to ask them why! If he gets an asd diagnosis this may help. You may need to go through your gp for a referral for assessments as schools don’t generally recognise private assessments ( my son left school a long time ago so this may have changed) your private assessments should encourage your doctor to agree to a nhs assessment. Even with help at school your son is still likely to need support for the future. When he gets to 16 look at your local college they often have specific courses for people with learning disabilities including courses which include supported internships. These are good as it will indicate if your son would be able to work on his own after being trained or show that he will need some type of supported work. It is never too late to get a diagnosis. My son had help all through school but only got officially diagnosed with a learning disability around 17 years old and asd a year or two later!! ( the problem is your often learn of things too late!!)

Good luck

BenjiB profile image

It’s not up to the school whether your son gets an EHCP or not. It’s a line trotted out to most parents to put them off applying. The threshold for assessment is very low “May have Special educational needs and may benefit from a plan” basically. You can apply yourself.

IPSEA is a great resource and has standard letters you can use.

TinkerO profile image

Some great advice already given. I agree to go to Gp, ask to be referred to Paediatrician for diagnosis. Also you can get help to apply for EHCP yourself but it can be hard to get. Also I found it upsetting as you have to put all the worst traits your son has, but important for school support. The Senco at school can ask experts to come and assess eg Speech & Language or Ed Psychologist? Good luck and don’t panic, it seems daunting but you are already doing lots by finding out about things 👍

EHLD81 profile image

Unfortunately the school are not really on board with anything at the moment, they're just putting the basic support in place and in a round about way saying they don't agree with outcome of assessments. They just keep saying there are no 'red flags' with our son!! I'm not one to back down though and will fight tooth and nail if I have to. Thank you everyone for the support and advice it's greatly appreciated x

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