how do I find suitable accommodation in a community setting for adult family member with some learning and communication difficulties.
Any tips on where to start ?
how do I find suitable accommodation in a community setting for adult family member with some learning and communication difficulties.
Any tips on where to start ?
hi, are you under any social services team? if not, contact the adult social services team in what ever format possibel for you or ask someone to phone on your behalf and ask for a community care asessment,i think thats the name for it. i think you can go via your GP, and a lot of GPs now use an online messaging service which may or may not be more useful for you.
write,type or (if writing and/or typing are part of your learning difficulty)-use 'speech to text' apps instead such as dragon naturaly speaking.
make sure to note all of your impairments and how these affect your daily living, whether you are in need of being moved quickly (or not) ,your mental health in your current home -and mention if its worse because of where you are living,if you are at risk of being taken advantage of,any risks that may happen while living there (an example here woud be a person who has alcohol or drug dependency issues being offered drugs or alcohol by a neighbour or staff).
dont forget to mention your communication diffiiculties in case they can offer support or it affects a place where you will end up viewing to live in.
if you cant verbalise it during the asessment then at least youve got it written/typed down and they will hopefuly put a fund or support package together for you.
if social services decide you need to go inrto supported living, or residential care what they woud do is something called tendering.they put an advertisement out on a secure intranet with your needs and they will pick the three cheapest quotes and then offer them to you to visit.
if its more independent care,im guessing a social worker from the mental health or learning disability team will be in charge of your case and will help you find a place and can then put into place some care/support.
if you have difficulties speaking to people or using phones, and you get a social worker-ask them for their email and explain why,im non verbal and have my social workers email adress but it took my mum kicking off about it this year about why she only ever speaks to my support staff and not me.
try and get someone to back you up,whether its a family member you trust or a friend you trust,so they can help you get what you need from them,and they need to be bothered a fair amount to make sure they dont forget your case.
i will will warn you though, you may have a long wait to get into a new placement because theres a huge backlog of cases, my case is one,ive waited many months just to get contact that isnt over teams,but now my social worker who i had known for years has moved jobs and im waiting for a new social worker.
im waiting to get a new organisation to support me from here (i need 24 hr 1-1 day/waking night outreach which my social worker had said is possible) but unfortunately mencap cant as the company i live with had undercut them on every service in this town.
i hopr this helps and best of luck with getting a new place, i hope it goes well for you.
yes, first step 👍