Hello there I live in supported living accommodation and I'm struggling to find my own place as I hate supported living been living here for over a year and I've been treated horribly by the staff they will not support me with getting my own place they instead give me a rude unprofessional answer i have tried adult social care and they never called me back I do not have any family support due to what happened 2009 the family fell apart and it very toxic.. I'm autistic and I have no idea who to turn to in regards to getting my own place so that can be out of supported living I'm also very nervous on who to approach is there a way you can help?
Need some help : Hello there I live in supported... - Mencap
Need some help

You should keep trying adult services, they may not get back to you straight away but should be able to tell you what else is available in your area. You should also tell the manager of the supported living service that it is not working for you.
Try to find a local advocacy service that can support you having your voice heard.
Here is a link to Mencaps information a guide to advocacy.
Hi, do you have a social worker or support worker? They really should be your first point of contact. I’m a foster carer of a 17 year old boy with additional needs who will be going into supported living at some point post 18. I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling. I’m not sure if I can help further but please ask if I can only listen! Tracy.
I don't have a support worker but I've trying to get in contact with adult social care as I'm under the duty team and I've had no luck with them yet but I'll keep trying
You need an advocate to help you make the right decisions and how to get the best help. Google in your area advocacy and give them a call. Good luck.
I agree with the others that have suggested an advocate. I have just had to get one for my brother. All I did was google advocate and the area ie Surrey and then you can call them and tell them what help you need and why and they are there to access information and services you need.