My son is 5 and is autistic and has global development delay. This lockdown has worried me regarding school. He is in reception and although he doesn't participate in a lot at school due to lack of social skills the lack of routine is having a bad effect on him. He has started to make funny noises like squeaks since not been at school. Is this just a habit or is it going to get worse
Autism: My son is 5 and is autistic and has global... - Mencap

Can't say for sure but it might just be his way of coping it might comfort him,my son is 20 now and he had ways of coping,there is such thing as stimming it may be that.look it up take care
Thank you so much yes iv googled stimming and it makes sense now. He has only started doing it since not been at school. I dont think he realises he's doing it and telling him to stop doesn't make any difference. He mainly does it when hes frustrated/ can't get his own way/upset etc.
Hello Mina1979
Welcome. It is such a shame that your son has had his first year at schools cut short.
I am sure other children are also finding this difficult. Are you still in touch with any other parents or the school itself during the lockdown? If so, then it may be worth talking to them.
Have you been able to get a new routine at home? This may help, although it can be very hard to do at home. There is lots of information on the Mencap website about keeping busy - This includes some links to planners.
If you are concerned it would be worth talking to a health professional about your concerns. I know it may feel strange to contact your GP at this time, but they may be able to offer support.
You are also welcome to get in touch with our helpline -
Best wishes
I would have thought the noise he makes is stimming, my son is nearly 9 and he does the “eeeee” sound and claps his hands, it’s a way of balancing himself and calms him down if he’s fretful. Does your son have a favourite thing? my son loves water so I have a lazy spa set up to keep him busy to distract him from the lack of school routine, so he goes in there for a few hours every day preferably at the same time so he develops a new routine at home during this difficult time. Hope this helps 😊😊😊
It's sounds funny but he makes like a sqeaking noise. Like eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk. He has very bad sensory issues so doesn't like water. He loves counting and playing with dinosaurs. This speaking only happens when he's frustrated and he can't get his own way but has only happened since not been at school. X