Hello everybody, I’m new to this group but not to this website…. It’s so hard to know what to say to people these days everyone starts with how are you and It’s an instant downer! How do you cope with that? I never quite sure what to say. Usually it’s something like ‘I’m fine but don’t look too close’ or ‘surviving not thriving’ but I don’t want to lie or minimise the truth of my situation. I suppose I’m having an existential crisis.!!
My neurologist has decided I have m.e and put it on my drs notes but I suspect I’ve had it most of my life (well at least since getting glandular fever has a nine-year-old ) and it’s only become more recognisable since having an anaphylactic reaction in 2016 and Long Covid in 2019… the strangest thing is the symptoms keep changing… they just keep coming like waves on the sea….
I have had. ACT therapy -and a Fatigue workshop as part of my long Covid treatment ., but no help for the m.e as such, it’s been so scary because the symptoms often look so much like m.s… they’re such an overlap for m.e. Just having a brief look at the posts on this group I can see there’s a lot of similarities. I can’t help to be a little dramatic - I have 3 pages of symptoms, and yet I’m very aware and greatful that it could be so much worse.
My most annoying problem at this present moment are my eyes., the prescription gets worse at a ridiculously fast rate, they are very sore and light sensitive and I’ve gone from an average reader to an audiobook listener. At night my eyes just feel like they are moving uncontrollably so I put an eye mask on to weigh them down. Does anyone else get that? 2nd worst- chest pain. That’s really weird too- cold sensations and tight, heavy sensations as well as palpitations…
I also have terrible adrenaline dumps in between 3 and 5 am which could be related to my hashimotos…. And I have many of the symptoms of dysautomnia, but confusingly I have very low blood pressure and low blood sugar…. So I have all the dizziness and fatigue and nausea ect without the high blood pressure.
My worst thing is, I feel so guilty. And frustrated and bored! My sense of humour is getting very dark! I’m not sure what I’m trying to achieve by writing this post… just putting it out there I guess! I hope you find some glimmers and moments from of joy among it all.