Hello all, I'm also on the Thyroid forum, but was originally diagnosed with CFS in the early '90's. A couple of years later I developed Thyroid Cancer and hence, life has been confusing for doctors. However, I believe I have had CFS since I was a child and I had several months of mononucleosis and it all reared its ugly head later in my adult life.
From America, I was diagnosed by my OBGYN for my chronic fatigue after several months of trying local GPs who said it was all in my head. My OBGYN was a godsend for me if there ever was one. We don't seem to have access to OBGYN's in the UK unfortunately, or at least cannot access them without a major issue. But he was awesome, and was also responsible for getting me to a surgeon for my cancer. I also was able to work with another doctor who was doing research in CFS/ME and kinetic energy. That helped me a lot. I also regularly injected B12 for myself, but that soon came to an end in the UK.
I've been in the UK for nearly 23 years and it has been a struggle to deal with doctors who, when I mention my CFS don't even take me on. So I have to research everything myself and be my own guinea pig.
One good thing that has come out of COVID is the fact that governments and medical practitioners cannot overlook long COVID in patients. I knew this would be a bnefit to all of us in the ME/CFS community who have been hammering on about their conditions without success. I have attached a recent link from the Guardian above related to ME/CFS/Long COVID which may give you some encouragement.
You will find that gut health is really important to your symptoms and I have given up milk and dairy products altogether. Also, sugar is a problem and best if you can get any sugar through fruit and vegetables. Yoga stretching is good for your muscles if you can muster the energy - I find it is very helpful.
The best thing that this community can do is share information as you find it and support each other. There is also an official ME/CFS network - - that you may find good information on.
Thanks for letting me share!🙂