So my entire body is swelling up and pitting.. To scared to go to the doctor. I feel really sick and tried everything to make it go away..
I wonder if this is just anxiety? ? - Myalgic Encephalo...
I wonder if this is just anxiety? ?

Oh that does look pretty swollen
I feel my legs swelling at times
Try elevating them 3 times a day at least and have a bath with Epson salts I know what it's like with the doctors.. I'm avoiding it too. I do think you should et it checked
I think alot of symptoms are brought on by anxiety or worsened. At end of the day the only person who can help you is you that's the way I see it for me.
When I feel positive I feel better, try writing a list of things you are grateful for.. To help change your mindset
If you have anxious thoughts write them down to get rid of them throw it away or keep it and learn from it, likely you'll read it a day later and see it in a different light.
My entire body is swelling up! ! God
I know our minds can have a huge impact on our bodies but I really really doubt that that swelling and pitting is caused by anxiety.
I my experience Oedema like that, (fancy medical term for that swelling) is caused by physical factors such as heart problems and kidney problems - although there are a number of other causes.
If it were me I would go straight to my GP - I would want to know what's causing it and how to stop it.
Why are you afraid to see your GP about it? If you feel that way see a different Dr in the practice or change practices, please address this problem as soon as you can no point in it getting to a point where you are going to suffer more!!
Let us know how you get on and good luck.
You really need medical attention I think
Mindset is really important, I'm not saying it isn't real (as it probably easy to assume I mean that if you're used to people making you feel that way.) It is true that any stress or negativity elevates symptoms.. Your body Is attacking itself and to feel stressed calls out the hounds lol and increases that, personally I have never been so easily anxious until I had this illness so it's okay to feel that way but you do need help dealing with it..
The NHS offer a free pain clinic and free CBT therapy just now there is also a wellness programme and they can send you on a mindfulness course all these things are known to help
We do have to seek these things ourselves and be responsible for our own health. It's quite empowering to set up things that help you.
It is tough but if you're strong in mind it helps you deal with the symptoms of your body properly today I have pain but I know if i do stretches go for a bath I will feel slightly better. Choose to be happy no matter what sucks in life
If this is a new symptom, you should get it checked out by your doctor. It might be due to any number of things. I got it about 3 years ago, and it turned out that I had severe hypothyroidism (responded well to combined T3 and T4 thyroid meds). I had it all over my body, like a type of myxoedema you can get in hypothyroidism. I was very fortunate, all my thyroid function tests were within normal range, but my GP gave me a trial of thyroxine and it made a huge difference to the swelling, and also improved my energy levels first thing in the morning from nil - don't care if the house is on fire, I can't get out of bed, to low, but functioning. I have ME and fibromyalgia, so I suspect the hypothyroidism had an auto-immune cause, but was never properly investigated.