1. The ADAA moderation team can delete any post they judge inappropriate without notifying the author. The community member may be informed of the reason the post was deleted and invited to rewrite their post. The member can get in touch with the support team to discuss this. [N.B. For the safety of all community members, any content that could potentially provoke depression and anxiety or trigger suicidal thoughts may be removed without notifying the poster. This is to ensure the community continues to be a safe environment for all users.]
2. The ADAA moderation team can make any member 'read only'. An explanation may be provided via private messages.
3. Members should report any abusive or inappropriate posts immediately. It is not the responsibility of community members to police other's posts nor is it helpful to engage with members with whom there is conflict. Report the post and let the administrators handle any potential issues.
4. Members posting links should try to explain briefly what people can expect to find if they follow the link. Links without such an introduction/explanation may be deleted.
5. Any post considered to be advertising will be edited and/or deleted at the discretion of ADAA and/or the ADAA moderation team. This includes any links or information leading users to commercial or irrelevant sites, including obtaining prescription only medications without prescription.
6. Do not solicit members to other websites or forums for your own purposes either via posts or the messages system.
7. Off-topic conversations not centered around anxiety, depression or treatment is allowed in moderation however the support team reserves the right to remove posts that provoke unrest in the community. This can include religious and/or political posts.
If you have questions or concerns about any of these guidelines, please direct them to a site admin.