WEEKLY CHAT 15-21 MAY ☕️🫖 (I’ll pass... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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WEEKLY CHAT 15-21 MAY ☕️🫖 (I’ll pass on the cake this week 🥴)

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon
26 Replies

What an epic weekend!!! You lot are amazing! Loads of fabulous VRBs running 10K or HM for our HU event yesterday. A huge well done to every single one of you, you're all stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

There are still lots more to come this week as you have until the 21st so keep those brilliant reports coming in everyone! We love reading them.

A special “thank you” must go to linda9389 , Cmoi and TailChaser who all worked very hard putting this event together and, due to their efforts, have made it such a success. I’m sure you agree that we couldn’t have done it without them 👏👏👏

While my esteemed colleagues were working on the HU event I was on holiday in Italy (a tough gig but someone had to do it 😎) A fab villa, lovely friends, great weather and lots of laughter. When I originally signed up for the HUHM I worked out that last week would be a taper and so I thought, “oh good, carb loading in Italy! Perfect” 😋 But when I arrived I already knew I wouldn’t be running so what happened next was even more inexcusable!

I am prone to diverticulitis from time to time and so I need to pay attention to my diet. While I love pasta and bread and cake I can’t eat a lot as it affects me badly but generally I have good willpower and work hard to keep my diet on track. I know what I can eat and what triggers a bout of discomfort.

So my bad alter ego must have been on holiday because I have no idea how this happened 🤷‍♀️Not only did I eat pasta two nights in a row but then a lady came to cook pizzas in the pizza oven and somehow I ended up gorging on more pizza than I usually eat in a year. It didn’t end well 🤮

I lost a day’s holiday as I couldn’t venture far from the bathroom and my tummy still isn’t right and it’s all my own fault 🙄 You’d think at my age I’d know better. Anyway, lesson learned. I don’t think I’ll eat pizza ever again 🤢

Running-wise, I did manage two runs, both on a treadmill because we were on a steep hill and I didn’t think I should risk it with my niggles.  But my first run back home was through my little forest to see the bluebells 😍 and I thought I’d share them with you as they are so gorgeous.

Right, I think that’s quite enough from me for now. What about you? How are you doing? Tell all your news whether you’re running or not and keep those run reports coming in. And in the meantime, have a great week everyone!

From The Marathon Team xxx


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Irishprincess profile image
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26 Replies
RunWillie profile image

Hi Irishprincess & other VRB’s,

I’ve been enjoying everyone’s run reports today. What an awesome bunch. Big thank you to linda9389 & Cmoi & TailChaser for working so hard on it. I’m still trying to shake this head cold. Did a super slow 5k today & my heart rate was so high that Garmin called it a tempo 🤣 I’m going to have to delay my HM until next week or the following week. I’m determined to not let this latest hiccup derail my long distance goals this year but I also do need to listen to my body. Hopefully, I will still get that monthly HM in just not in time for the HU HM.

Sorry you had stomach issues on your holiday Irishprincess . Hubby also suffers with this and we’re still trying to work out triggers. Hope it eases soon

Have a great week everyone ❤️

New easy day shoe 😍
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

There’s always something to derail us from our running plans. I hope your cold disappears quickly, they can hang around for a while can’t they?

You’re right to wait though, the HM will come 🙂

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

Good morning Irishprincess your holiday sounds almost perfect and most holidays are a time for a bit of over indulgence of some kind, can you ask your wayward tummy to have a chat about consequences to my wayward legs please? They keep asking to go out for a little run 😳🤣😳Plans for this week? Walk run alternate days, squats and kettlebell and next weekend run along the river and turn right instead of left to see where it goes.

Run happy

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Over- indulgent became greedy after a while and it serves me right! Still learning …. 😂

I love exploring on runs and turning in a different direction. It keeps us on our toes 🙂I hope your right turn is thrilling 🤗

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you 😊

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Oh IP, that’s rotten luck, even if self-induced somewhat. I can see how it would be very very difficult to resist all those yummy Italian carbs though. Glad you’re feeling better 🙏🏻

You’ve come back to (hopefully) lovely weather, and running or walking through bluebells is wonderful. I’ve attached a photo of Flossie at the weekend from our post PR walk. 😍

I echo your sentiments to linda9389 Cmoi and TailChaser . Incredible work ladies; thanks. 🥰

Tapering a bit this week for me ‘ready’ for my HUHM on Sunday. When I say ready ….. 😵‍💫

Labrador and bluebells
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Aw cute photo Munks, Flossie looks right at home amongst the bluebells 😍

Knowing you as I do, methinks you’ll be getting your hands on that fab bling! Good luck! 🍀

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I can’t fathom how I could run that distance without the lure of bling IP. 🏅😍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Me too! Why would you? 😂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

👏👏👏 from me too for the incredible Cmoi , TailChaser and linda9389 . My 10k will be later in the week with any luck, between dentist and hairdresser appointments!

It was a busy time last week too with a 10k run in the New Forest during a mini-break, which also included a bluebell wood, ponies and puddles just before all the over indulgence of food and alcohol. We also had the loveliest running buddy meet up at the craziest parkrun on Saturday. Getting up at 5.15 to do this sounds a little mad but it was well worth it.

It sounds like a lovely Italian break Irishprincess and I hope your stomach settles down soon .

New Forest scenery
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

How lovely is that Dexy! I love seeing all the various shades of green at this time of year. It’s a real nature palette 😍

Don’t you sometimes wonder at the crazy things we do for this running business? Getting up really early to go for a run or to meet up with VRBs is perfectly normal 😂

Good luck for your 10K 🍀

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Hi IP. I think that overindulging in the wrong sort of food is something we can all plead guilty to. We were at a puddings evening on Saturday. I had an inkling that I would decide to run a HM today, but I just didn’t have the heart to refuse the food. The puddings were amazing 😋. Happily they must have been converted into energy by today!

👏👏👏👏 to our three HUHM and 10k organisers, and to you for doing the weekly chat 🙂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

That’s exactly how I felt with the pizzas BC! The lady was making them especially for us and it seemed rude to refuse 🙄 If I had been in a restaurant I would have stopped a long time before!

You didn’t say how many puddings you had. Just wondering…… 😋 did you run the HM? I must catch up on the latest posts.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Yes, thanks …. I ran the HM…..I have written too much about that already so you will see the posts 🙄

I lost count of the puddings! We had at least 6 but could have been 8….I will check with Mrs BC when she wakes up. Half were cold, half hot …..chocolate, banoffee (but I had to pick out the bits of banana …I have never eaten them!) fruit crumbles, custard, sauces ….it just went on and on. Our hostess is a brilliant cook. We could maintain portion control, so I was as sensible as possible short of being ungracious!

This all goes back to an auction of promises we held at church. It is a way we use to fund raise; people promise to do things and we all bid to receive the service …so I offered a calorie free fly fishing tuition trip. All of the money goes to church and we have loads of fun redeeming the promises. You can see how it would have been rude to turn down the puds 😋.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Great idea! And yes I get it now 😂

TailChaser profile image

Oh IP, it’s not fair is it? I shouldn’t really eat wheat either but when someone waves pizza at you, how can you resist?! I did manage to say no to a custard doughnut at work today and I’m very proud of myself, but that was at work - it’s so much more difficult on holiday! I hope you’re feeling better now 🤗

Talking of work, I went for a run after work today. My HU 10k yesterday was the Tempo Trail and I survived totally unscathed on the lumpy, bumpy, muddy, slippy paths and had a great time (bluebells, Red Kites and Cuckoos but unfortunately no views of the Malverns and Wales as it was too misty). Today’s 5k, a basic road run, I went flying trying to avoid a bloke chatting to his friend on a bike and scraped my knees up 🙄I had a bulge on my leg that looked like a second knee for a few hours but thankfully its settled down. The other knee is a bit sore but overall I’m fine and Garmin said it was ‘Productive’ which is a bonus 🤣 Mad isn’t it? All I did was go on to the grass verge and off I went!! As I’m 15 days into my ‘5k a day in May’ I’m not being beaten that easily and I’ll be lacing up the shoes again tomorrow.

Sunday I’m due to do my HUHM. After yesterday’s run I toyed with signing up for the Worcester Half to get a bit of bling but I can’t trust myself to take it easy, so I think just a local pootle instead. I haven’t built up to it at all but I’m hoping all the miles in my legs these past few weeks will hold me in good stead, that and that distraction of a stonking great playlist! I’m so chuffed everyone is enjoying it so much, but it couldn’t be done without everyone’s contributions - thank you everyone who sent in suggestions!! Cmoi and I have had a great laugh putting it together!

Have a great runny week everyone 😀😎😀

Tempo Trail Race 2023 medal
Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to TailChaser

Totally endorse what you said about the fun of our playlist double-act TailChaser .

Do hope the bike incident is less painful and harmful than it looked. Guess Garmin was right re the run being "productive" though - after all, it produced a whacking great lump! Heal well xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

Oh no TC! That sounds like quite a tumble. Hope everything has settled down now. It can happen so easily, these falls. One minute we’re upright and the next 😱

That’s great looking bling there! Looks very spring-like 😍And the run sounds lovely, especially the mist!

Good luck for your Sunday HM and well done on turning down the custard doughnut 😇

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to TailChaser

Thanks Cmoi and Irishprincess . Healing is fine, although I’m a bit bruised and the bits did remind me they were there yesterday! More my pride than anything truly hurt. Onwards and keep up-wards!! 😁xx

linda9389 profile image

Sympathies IP, that's rotten, but the rest of the trip sounds wonderful.I'm back in the UK after the most stressful few weeks I've had in a while - EVMeverytthhinnng all happenedat once! The stress continued today, but maybe tomorrow there will be some light at the end of the tunnel. At least tomorrow is a run day so there's that to look forward to 😊

All being well, I hope to be a tailrunner for the HUHM on Sunday. Looking forward to that 🥰

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Stress seems to be a way of life nowadays. I hope yours settles down Linda and you can enjoy your runs stress-feee. You’ve got your memories of your fab Vancouver HM though!

Talking about stress, I’ve been staying with a friend the last few days. First day I locked us out of her house and we had to call a locksmith! Yesterday we got caught in the M3 closure and sat in a traffic jam for 5 hours 🤬then the place was closed when we eventually turned up. Her satnav kept getting us lost and so it went down on. I’m driving home today and can’t wait to go for a run 🤗

Good luck for the HM on Sunday 🍀

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Wow, that sounds like a proper nightmare!I'm about to go stay with a friend for a few days ... suddenly I'm nervous 😍

Cmoi profile image

Buongiorno   Irishprincess ! Thanks for hosting, and for that wonderful photo of the bluebells. They're rare round here, so it's a treat to see such a glorious carpet of them. Your Italian holiday sounds bellissima too, other than the dietary troubles - hope you're fully recovered now?

As reported elsewhere, I finally got back to HM distance yesterday, by dint of going out and heading away from home until there was no short way back. Just as well I followed my instinct, lack of preparation notwithstanding, as today's weather is horrible.

Aiming to do the HU10K later in the week, since my body doesn't seem to mind yesterday's silliness much. Other than that, no running plans or goals - they still strike me as too much like hard work!

Wishing everyone safe, injury-free, and most of all fun (however people choose to define it) running!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Tummy much recovered thanks Cmoi although I’m still being careful. In a way I’m glad I’m not doing long runs at the minute because I’d have to eat more bread and that wouldn’t be good yet 🙂

Well done on the HM! I must catch up on the posts, I remember you hadn’t done one for a while so that must feel really good. I haven’t done an HM since September 2021!

The 10K will be a doddle! Good luck and enjoy 🍀😍

Freecloud profile image

Hi IP and everyone. I'm glad you had a great break in Italy with your friends and your recovering now. I have the 1sr anniversary of my second HM event on Saturday 20th. I'm a bit weary of doing any prep runs for it as I think my legs need a rest from last weekends HU HM and the marathon two weeks before that. So I am trying to be sensible for a change.I'm also still in bed writing this as I have a day off and trying to rest. The reason I'm off is because my wonderful granddaughter is having her confirmation today and she asked me to be her sponsor. I am very touched that she asked me. We have a great relationship and I have taken her with me on a few 5ks and cycles and we have lots of fun.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Freecloud

How lovely 😍 I hope it all went ok and you both have precious memories.

Your granddaughter sounds like a future C25K candidate but then again if she’s already running 5K …..

No wonder your legs are a bit tired! You’ve certainly put them through a lot recently.

Congrats 🎉 on your anniversary 🤗

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