HM Training... oh and Tracking Runnin... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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HM Training... oh and Tracking Running Shoes

PDIGC profile image
PDIGCHalf Marathon
20 Replies

I've been preparing for next month's HU HM which will be my first ever HM distance. I always do my long run on a Friday evening (I will also do the HM on the Friday of that week too). Yesterday I managed 19km in 2 hrs 17mins - ok, not exactly speedy at an avg of 7.15/km but feeling really chuffed with myself. I felt pretty comfortable for the entire run although my calfs felt like they might cramp for the last 2 km. I don't think I'll do any more runs as long as that until I give the HM a go. If I succeed it will be a week before my 63rd birthday and a month before my Couch to 5K anniversary! It was quite a warm run as it's still about 25ºC at that time here in Gran Canaria, but think I've becoming acclimatized to living here now. The pic is from one of my pit stops for a drink and some spicy mojo banana chips - I still can't drink when actually running! I just wanted to share on here as friends tend to glaze over when I mention running! On a different subject, I purchased my first decent pair of running shoes last September (Saucony Triumph 19) and added them to Garmin Connect to track. I only use them for running and now the app says I should be replacing them as I've gone over 643.74km (400miles). Is this realistic as the soles seems to have a lot of tread left. I'm just interested if anyone else bothers to track and replace at the suggested distance.

Have a great weekend all


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PDIGC profile image
Half Marathon
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20 Replies
cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

You’re well on track for a fantastic 1st HM distance next month PDIGC, that’s a great time for 19km too by the way!

As regards shoes, in theory they should be changed regularly as it’s not necessarily the soles alone that wear out; they can lose stability and cushioning too. All that said. I’m shocking at changing my shoes. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve only just retired two of my pairs which had done ….. ready? …… well over 1,000km each! No ill effects, and I only bought more because I was sick of Garmin and Strava bellowing at me saying they needed replacing! 😅 But don’t do as I do. If you feel yours aren’t feeling so good, maybe consider a new pair.

PDIGC profile image
PDIGCHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thanks for that, I'll probably wait until I visit back to the UK as I'd really like a gait analysis done and to be properly fitted. I think neutral are ok for me but I do have a wide feet. I couldn't find anywhere here that do it and even if I did I'm not sure my Spanish would be up to that level of conversation! None of the shops I went to had wide fitting in my size either and the Saucony were the most comfortable I tried. Having said that I've run a lot in them without any pain or rubbing so they must be ok.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Really well done on your 19K, especially in the heat. That’s a pretty fab photo that shows the terrain really well and I can imagine you’d have to plan carefully before your long runs.

Most HM training plans take you to 16K so you're in really good shape for the HM and I think you’ve trained and timed the distances perfectly. Just keep the runs short between now and then and you’ll be good to go on the day 🙂

Regarding the shoes, I use the Garmin app to keep track of my shoe mileage but my legs usually tell me before the app as I start getting various pains and niggles. It’s a tricky one to answer because your shoes still sound ok but ideally you should get another pair (the same model if you can) just in case.

I’ve had a couple of pairs of Saucony Triumphs and I’ve replaced them around the 600K point. Then again, do we ever need a good reason to get another pair of running shoes? 😂

Good luck with the HM 🍀

PDIGC profile image
PDIGCHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you Irishprincess. Yes finding longer routes here is quite difficult and I find I have to double up on some parts. I avoid areas where I know it's going to be busy with holiday makers as they do like to string out across any path lol. As soon as you go outside a resort there are very few paces pleasant to run as its all very dry loose stone and I don't feel comfortable running in the road. There's a nighttime HM up in the capital Las Palmas in October so I'm thinking of doing that. The pic is my route last night - as you can see I used most of the roads near me!

19k 28 April Maspalomas
SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

What a beautiful place to run, very warm and your pace is great, as to shoes mine are on Garmin but I've got 2 pairs that I alternate, so I won't need to replace them when Garmin says, I think you'll know when they don't feel as comfy and springy.

PDIGC profile image
PDIGCHalf Marathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Thank you. I still find it hard to believe the progress I've made since finishing Couch to 5K last June. I've tried to stop worrying about pace as I run for pleasure and to help me stay fit, but then can't help feeling a little smug when I've done a same distance a little faster! Maybe I'll treat myself to a new pair for my birthday next month!

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to PDIGC

Ooo birthday present time, nice. I've slowed down over the last couple of years, hoping with more consistent running I'll speed up again.

For every run I transfer £1 to a little savings account, thinking when I'm due new shoes there will be a good amount towards them. Mind you once saved I'm dreadful at taking it out again, I have an account that I started last year for an iPhone, just couldn't spend it as it earns interest, 😂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to SueAppleRun

Do you know you can add more than one pair of shoes on your garmin Sola? You set one as a default pair, but if you run in the other pair you just amend it after the run.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles in reply to Dexy5

That would never have occured to me 😄

Reggit profile image

You’re in a great place for that HUHM with that 19k run.

You’ll notice with your shoes that they’ll tell you when they are getting ready for replacing. When mine are getting to the end of their running life I start feeling small jolts through them into my feet as the cushioning starts failing, usually around the 600km mark. At that point I’ll get a new pair and alternate the shoes and use the old ones for the slow easy short runs and push them on for another 50km or so if they’re still feeling ok. (probably shouldn’t do that but I like to get my moneys worth). They then get relegated to general dossing around shoes - I always try and pick the colour of new shoes with the end of their running life in mind, I can get away with a dark coloured trainer for work, but not bright blue etc.

PDIGC profile image
PDIGCHalf Marathon in reply to Reggit

Ah that's a good tip! My current shoes are bright blue and can't see me using them for anything else after!

linda9389 profile image

I agree with the comments above: recommended distance is just a nudge to remind you to check how your shoes feel. Having said that, any excuse sometimes ... Having found some shoes that mostly work for me, I now just order the same shoe online. Thinking about it though, maybe it is time to think about getting another gait analysis done ...

Your 19k run sounds fab, and certainly doesn't sound slow to me! You are perfectly placed for the HUHM 😊

Woollyweaver profile image
WoollyweaverHalf Marathon

At the risk of being controversial, my sports podiatrist disagrees with the 650km limit and reckons that a shoe should last 500-600 MILES...he reckons the km limit is a ploy by shoe manufacturers to make us buy more shoes 🤔...make of that what you will! I guess it makes sense to go by feel, factoring in variables such as your own weight, running style, surface, etc....

My New Balance trainers are approaching 800km with very little sign of wear, so I am pretty confident that they will make 1000km 🤷🏼‍♀️

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Woollyweaver

I partly agree Woollyweaver - as mentioned above some of my shoes do far more than 650km. Others, however, were worn out well before that. What sort of running does your sports podiatrist do?

Woollyweaver profile image
WoollyweaverHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

He's a road runner, so I guess he was basing his judgement on the soles. I tend to find that my trail shoes (ASICS/Brooks) take such a battering that the uppers wear out before the soles, so I have to retire them earlier. My New Balance road shoes, however, have done many more miles but still look like new. I had been concerned that the high mileage on my road shoes might have contributed to an injury, but he had a good look and said 'no' they have many miles left in them 🤷🏼‍♀️.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Woollyweaver

Interesting Woollyweaver - we've had opposite experiences with brands, and the uppers of my shoes have never worn out! 🤔 Just shows how different we are. 😀

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

I find that buying a new pair before necessary and then alternating between the 2 pairs you will soon see whether you are getting support you need. I’ve found my saucony shoes have gone on for far longer than my brooks, but Garmin has the same tracking distance whatever you wear.

Freecloud profile image

I completely agree with Woollyweaver BUT I just like buying

!!! 🤣🤣 However, I do log all my runs with the shoes in Garmin and Strava. This running hobby can be very expensive if you let it. I thin I probably have more running gear than the res of my clothes now..

Cmoi profile image

Running in 25°C PDIGC ? Well done! I hate running in warmer weather, I'm happier in single figures!

As for shoes, I'd go by how they feel and any visible signs of wear. I run off-road a lot and got over 1000km out of my first pair of Brooks Cascadia trail shoes. However, they weren't even usable as walking shoes after that, not nearly enough grip or support. Retired my second pair earlier, and they're still great as walking shoes. In contrast, I got maybe half that out of a pair of New Balance road shoes. I also doubt my Brooks Divide, which I use as mixed trail-road shoes, will last as long as the Cascadias.

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

I never get much out of mine, maybe 500K? I can usually tell if I start getting little niggles in my knees and ankles. If you bend the toe up towards the laces you can usually tell if they are finished, you shouldn't be able to do that. Or hold them sole towards you in both hands, and push your thumb into the middle of the sole, if they bend there it's time to say goodbye.

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