Well, what a surprise that was. I've struggled to run regularly for the last few weeks due to a cough that just lingered on and on.. Especially at night. The most I've done is 5k I think, and only once a week just to keep a semblance of fitness going. On Thursday I struggled to do 3k before giving up, so had no great hopes for today other than seeing if I could get to 5, MT fallback distance. It was cold, Frost here last night and was only 5' when I set off... I thought I would check on my out apiary at the same time. I hadn't covered 1 hive with black plastic to deter woodpeckers from chomping their way in. They find hives easy pickings when the ground is frozen. Anyway, I digress, can't resist an opportunity to talk about my beloved bees when it arises!. I parked about 10 minutes from the hives and started running down a single track road. No puddles, leaves or ice to dodge and I felt pretty good. Unlike Thursday. I'd planned to do 2.5 and then retrace my steps. I was feeling pretty good still so thought I'd carry on to 5 and turn back. Which I did.....but got really confused by all the little single track roads I'd been on....at 14k I stopped and asked a rare person in a remote garden, the way back to the where I'd parked! Then I walked the next 4k! I was cold by then so went straight home to a hot bath, ignoring the bees! Was dead pleased I'd done so much after doing so little. Maybe the enforced rest really did my muscles good?
GOBSMACKED : Well, what a surprise that... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

I've set four separate PBs this week after having (unwillingly) to take extra rest days. There might be something in it, you know.

That sounds like quite an adventure you had Mormor1! I’m glad you got home to a nice warm bath. I’ve had a few runs like that, they’re really good and pop out of nowhere. I think your muscles were all rested and raring to go 😃.
It was sooo surprisingly reassuring too. I'd begun to think I'd probably peaked last summer and it was slowly downhill from now on!

I didn't know you are a beekeeper - how lovely!!!
Well done, rest is fab xxx
Started to learn about bees 7 years ago, and not unlike running, it was something I wish I'd started years earlier. I was up to 18 hives this year, in 2 locations, so it's alot of heavy work in the season, April- September mainly. But I love everything about them, from lifting the roof and trying to understand what they, as a colony, are saying, ( sometimes it's "put our lid back and buzzoff" ) to reaping the rewards of calm bees and lots of honey.!
Gorgeousness! How fascinating, they are amazing creatures 😍 And do you sell honey?
Yes. I supply 2 shops and a small museum but mainly I sell though an honesty box on the track outside where we live. It's a popular walk/cycle route and I have lots of repeat customers now. If they are really interested I ask them if they'd like to see the bees, suitably dressed in a beesuit of course. I also make lip basalm and beeswax wraps but don't sell those.

Fabulous! All round!!! 😊
Good for u Mormor. A big jump from 3 km to 14 km , U must have felt good and lots of energy. I bet I’ve been stung a few times. Do the bees die off in the winter with the cold? Well done and a deserved hot soak in tub🙂
The honey bee is the only bee to survive winter as a colony.With all other bees and wasps it's only a pregnant queen that survives. It's why honey bees are so important for early pollination. They survive temps below 10' in a cluster in the hive. They disengage their wings to huddle close, like penguins they rotate from middle to edges. Here endeth the lesson!! I get stung quite another but am immune to swelling up now. It still hurts going in! Usually means I've been to heavy handed or something. Sadly I used up all the hot water for my bath, but it was wonderful. No stiffness today despite the leap in distance. 👍😅
That’s good , half marathon coming up!!

You ran on fresh legs and didn’t you do great? and hopefully the bees 🐝 are going to be ok through winter too

AHH very well done, such a great run 👏😃You must bee buzzing 🐝 😂
That is just brilliant. Well done. I'm looking forward to having one come from out of the blue now 😀
That rest period has maybe helped you.

Having a rest is really worth it if you’re hurt and need to regenerate and recuperate 🙂. Really pleased that you got out and nailed a great run 💪🏃♀️😃🌪
Did you try eating honey for your cough, eg by the spoonful? I found running helped my last cough - which was yonks ago - but coincided with a race. I’d done all sorts to shift it, but come race day I was still hacking. I sucked on a cough sweet at the start, and kept some in my pocket. I found that once I started running up the long hill at the start I was fine and never coughed again. I assume it was because running opens up the airways and diaphragm 🙂
I love bees and my garden is always buzzing with them and wasps. I grow veg so it’s open house 🙂