Madge reporting in from the Cambridge... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Madge reporting in from the Cambridge HM πŸ˜„

Madge50 profile image
β€’50 Replies

What ho gang! Thank you so much for your support and good wishes, I made it! πŸ˜„

It was wet, windy and cold, I'd been watching the weather reports with a sinking heart, we were going to get wet, and early on too, with cold gusty winds as well - oh deep joy and rapture...

Me and OH used the park and ride to get into town, very efficient, so efficient we were at the venue quite early, dry, but with a cold wind.....😬...not too bad, but then it started to rain......we were shivering and cold trying to put off using the bag drop until the very, very last moment. We did have some plastic rain capes, which actually turned out to be very useful.

Pic top right is us waiting in the cold windy field......, then call to pens.....whilst waiting I took the middle pic on the right.....and off we went......

Kept my rain cape on, didn't fancy being overly soggy too early.....took it easy, kept thinking of AndyD 's post re tortoise and wasn't as packed as I thought and I moved easily along (they did two starts) , then on the lookout for Curlygurly2 , who was marshalling near mile 3, at Kings Parade, in the city, hurray! Found her and had a lovely bear hug before carrying on.....

Due to the gusty wind the rain cape started to act a bit like a sail, plus I'd warmed up a bit and my toes had actually thawed out, so at mile 5 abandoned said cape and had a loo break......took a few minutes as there was a queue...just a little one....

Then off through the lovely village of Granchester for miles 6 - 9 , yes of the TV fame...a really good band was in the village which was playing (lucky me) a tune I really like, so that put a spring in my step πŸ˜„

Then back in towards town, along the historic 'backs', and through the colleges for mile 10, then back on part of the 'out' route, and there I was a mile from the a bit emotional here, this is the furthest I have ever run.......but soon found you can't cry, breathe and run at the same time πŸ˜‚, so pulled myself up and just kept rocking along...and then there it was.......the finish......all that training, all that effort, the cold, the biting wind and rain, all's over, I did it!

Top left photo is me walking down to collect medal and goodies.........

From trying to huddle from the cold and wind and waiting around before the start, my neck and shoulders are really sore, in fact my legs are fine in comparison.....πŸ˜„ It's easing a bit after a nice hot bath, but I had trouble reaching the kitchen wall cupboards without shrugging my shoulders πŸ˜‚

I really enjoyed it, the support all the way round was great, plus the surroundings are pretty nice too...........would I do it again? Even though we froze, got wet and got battered by gusty cold winds? Absolutely yes!

If I can do it, anyone can, but you must, must, must do the training.

Thank you to you all on here, I hope you enjoyed it, I did take you with me you know....πŸ€—


P.s. Please can I have that half marathon badge?

P.p.s - forgot to mention my time πŸ˜„ 2hours 39...... very happy with that.... πŸ˜„

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Madge50 profile image
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50 Replies

What a fab report and great photos too! So glad it went well despite the horrible weather. I shall be inspired by your achievement when I do my first event. Well done!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply to

And then you'll be hooked! Even more so than doing C25K, it seems 'runners' are a really happy long as they are in or about to, or just finished πŸ˜‚ a's a great atmosphere to be'll love it....πŸ€—


PippiRuns profile image

Lovely report, Madge! The weather has been like that here as well, and I was freezing when I went out for my Sunday run. I am glad you enjoyed it and am now looking even more forward to my first HM in three weeks.

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toPippiRuns

Thanks Iben, it was a good day......despite the weather.....will look forward to your report....


JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyHalf Marathon

Brilliant, Madge. I used to live in Cambridge so I can visualize some of the route. Over 30 years ago, so it's probably changed a lot, but it's still nice to hear familiar place names!

You trained so hard and it paid off. A great time for a HM, I am in awe. Well done and lovely piccies!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toJaySeeSkinny

Hi JaySee, it's probably just as you remember it, very little changes in the old part of the city......and having a variety of things to look at, and the support makes a big, big difference, I did find the training really hard......


poppypug profile image

Massive Congratulations to you Madge !

All that hard work in training certainly paid off , you did brilliantly !

The weather here today was awful too, very cold and raining - horrible

You can now put your feet up and bask in your HM glory -You are a superstar ! :-) xxx

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply topoppypug

Thanks poppy, you know what it's like, we hate waiting around! Don't mind the weather (too much.....!) if we're moving! πŸ˜‚

I'm so glad I've done it, and immensely proud....being part of this forum and all the people on it, has played a very big part.....


poppypug profile image
poppypugMarathonβ€’ in reply toMadge50

Great stuff Madge, yes you are totally right in being immensely proud of yourself .

We are so proud of you too ! :-) xxx

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ₯‡πŸ‘πŸŽ‰ Brilliant Madge - so pleased for you! What a fab report and tough conditions too by the sound of it - no wonder you are pleased with that time! I thought of you a couple of times today, wondering how it was all going! Like Ibsen, reading your run report just makes me feel even more excited for mine next week. Lovely photos too - I'd sleep in that if I were you!!πŸ˜‰ Rest up well now - you deserve it!πŸ™‚x

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toSandraj39

Thanks Sandra, I was going to do a mock up of the 'it's all over' emoji, wearing my medal lying down asleep! That aside, I do think there is something to be said for these bigger organised runs, there was plenty of entertainment, a steel band, a brass band, a highland piper, and the band in Grantchester, the marshals are great. For those of us who are more sedate it makes a big difference......πŸ˜„


C3PO profile image

Congratulations, Madge! I enjoyed your report and am so glad it went so well.

Dunder2004 profile image
Dunder2004Half Marathon

Well done Madge, that's terrific. Nice write-up and lovely bling too.

Pity about the weather but it will just make the next one more pleasant!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toDunder2004

Thanks Dunder, one of our local parkrun directors was there and kept saying........'it's perfect weather'.........l wasn't the start.....πŸ˜‚


aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

That's brilliant Madge!love all the photos and the medal! Feel very proud of yourself!you did it! Great time too!congratulations! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜†

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toaliboo70

Thanks aliboo, I shall look forward to your trail HM report, that looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!


aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toMadge50

It does! In a slightly scary way!! 😊

Shame we have to get the 5.30am ferry! πŸ˜•x

GoogleMe profile image

Cambridge always makes me emotional, dunno why.

What a joy to read your account, thank you for sharing it and bravo!

MarkyD profile image

That's fantastic. Sounds like a cold and damp race, but you conquered it, took some photos and wrote an ace report. Well Done!

misswobble profile image

Great stuff Made! ☺Well done! I saw the photos earlier on and it looked very cold, wet and windy. I was out today and got soaked but I only did a short run, so hats off to you ☺

Have a rest up, eat well this week as you need good grub to aid your recovery ☺ I hope you can sleep tonight

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply tomisswobble

Thanks missw, someone did say to me on the way round.......well the next one will be a breeze! πŸ˜‚....

We had simple roast chicken for tea, I've never craved protein so much....I probably could have eaten the whole thing myself....πŸ˜„

Yep, no runs until perhaps a 'parkchat' at parkrun on Saturday....


Millsie-J profile image

Madge you are so inspirational! Fantastic race report and a terrific run!

Shame about the weather but that just means you are a real runner!

Great bit of bling that πŸ…πŸ…πŸ˜€

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toMillsie-J

Thanks Jacs, that's really kind of you, not sure about being a 'real runner' but I like wobbling along, having a chat, doing a bit of sightseeing.....and where a town is concerned you can always consider a bit of shopping......πŸ˜‚


Beccym profile image

Well done in such awful weather

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toBeccym

Thanks beccy,


ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerHalf Marathon

Oh well done - and a great time. That top left picture says it all - tired happiness. Seeing Curlygurly2 must have been a boost along the way. Hope you have had a lovely warm bath and sleep well tonight.

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toancientrunner

Thanks ar, oh yes, we were discussing hot baths in the starting pen! πŸ˜„......seeing Curlygurly2 was lovely, there were also a few people from parkrun volunteering too which was nice.


Eatcakeandrun profile image

That sounds like an exciting run! Congratulations on your first (of many..) half marathons. The on route entertainment sounds fab!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toEatcakeandrun

Thank you, even the 'boring' bits were OK,


Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

Oh Madge, you did so well! Great write up, I enjoyed that! It was a bit nippy wasn't it? I'm so glad I picked you out of all those runners, it was great to see you!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toCurlygurly2

Nippy?, blimey waiting about in that wind and rain was hard, we tried to do like the penguins and huddle together in the pen πŸ˜‚, that wind was raw...😬

Yep, thanks for the hug πŸ€—

All in all a good day πŸ˜„

See you soon


Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathonβ€’ in reply toMadge50

At least you could run to keep warm, I stood still for 3 hours....ok, I had a jumper and a fleece lined hoodie, a raincoat and my new bloo jacket, but even so...why on earth did they want us there so early We had to be in position at case some runners started early or what?

Oh BTW we saved someones "running" life, a man was out running, towards Trumpington, we spotted his race number, and managed to stop him..

roseabi profile image

Jolly well done, and thanks for the great report - it sounds like a lovely race! I definitely empathise about the rain and the cold gusts of wind, brrrrrr, I wore a black bin bag to the starting line of my 10k :)

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toroseabi

Thanks roseabi, we did the bin bag thing a while ago, bit tricky with arms....πŸ˜‚ I bought some very (very) cheap disposable plastic rain capes with hoods and sleeves, from the magic internet market place.......first outing for them, and actually worked very well.


benwill profile image

Excellent work well done and good time.

ju-ju- profile image

brilliant race report, huge well done to you...... it sounds tough and wonderful all at the same time!!! Brilliant time and a gorgeous medal too... Well done :) :)

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toju-ju-

Thanks Ju-ju, (and for the fabulous badge πŸ˜„), once we were moving it was great......loved the atmosphere, in a strange way the weather made it better? More enthusiastic encouragement I think, or maybe that's just us strange lot........πŸ˜‰


misswobble profile image

Ooh poor guy. Could you imagine where he could have ended up πŸ˜€

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumHalf Marathon

Massive congratulations Madge, that sounds like a proper tough run in the cold and wet. You did brilliantly and got some great bling. Loving the photos, they give a real flavour of the day. So three cheers for you for a job well done! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Looking forward to finally meeting you and Curlygurly2 in a couple of weeks time :)

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toAncientMum

Thanks AM, I really enjoyed it - not the freezing bit before the start though....the atmosphere and support was great. I would certainly do it again.....πŸ˜‰

Yep, looking forward to that 10k, that's going to be a little pootle about, having a natter.......I won't be in any hurry - not that I ever am....πŸ˜‚

We'll have to plan where to meet.......

Keep well..


AnneDroid profile image


Oldfloss profile image

Blooming marvellous.. that is all I can say.... Fantastic!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toOldfloss

Thanks the way.....when is that parkrun happening.....go know you want too....πŸ€—


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorβ€’ in reply toMadge50

Shhhhhh.. I am hoping folk forget I said I would do it... :)

If davelinks had not put it out there for me and Mcfitty...but, I said on the forum that I would do it and I shall. I was in North Wales this weekend and am there next, so, it is the week after :)

I do, finally, feel as if I am almost back up to par, after all the Lurgy monster's efforts!

You did brilliantly!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toOldfloss

Excellent, it has to be when you're good and ready, no rush, you've pinned it on the 'to do' list here, so we'll hold it for you........πŸ˜‰

thanks for your lovely comments (as always 😊)


davelinks profile image
davelinksβ€’ in reply toOldfloss

Floss! You do it when your ready! And if you want to do it! My post wasn't to push you and fitty into doing a Parkrun, that wasn't the intention, but to give some motivation! After all, you mentioned about doing one, guilt trip springs to mind here!😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorβ€’ in reply todavelinks

I know sweetieπŸ™‚

I am glad you encouraged me..I needed a little has motivated me and I have upped my game..Between you and me....I am excited !!

You are an example I want to

davelinks profile image

Well done Madge! Good run!😊

Tomas profile image

Wonderful race report and great run. You did us all proud Madge50 , congratulations!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathonβ€’ in reply toTomas

Thanks so much Tomas, I'm really happy...😊


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