Feeling blue: Because I am on the IC... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Feeling blue

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon
67 Replies

Because I am on the IC for the foreseeable future. 🙁 Woke up yesterday with a pain in the ball of my left foot, out of the blue. Did a short run on Wed with no problem, with no foot pain at all. Now, it’s even to painful to walk on. Of course I googled the life out of it and all the symptoms line up with Morton’s Neuroma. I shall see a podiatrist if I can next week, but from what I’ve read, MN is tricky and the last thing you want if you have a HM booked in 6 weeks time.

Feeling very blue. My training was going so well, and the strength training working beautifully keeping me niggle free. I made it to 10 miles last week, and the HM felt truly within reach.

Sorry if I am sounding ridiculously sorry for myself, but the truth is I am. This training was keeping my spirits up and giving me a focus since losing my job 2 months ago, so I am now worried how I will manage this set back emotionally. I know injury is all part of the running journey, so I will be doing everything I can to be realistic and keep my spirits up. But I was really looking forward to my first ever race, which is looking unlikely if I miss weeks of training at this stage.

Ah well! Perhaps this means I will focus more on finding a new job, which is no bad thing!

Sadie-does-not-run x

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Sadie-runs profile image
Half Marathon
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67 Replies
David_G profile image
David_GMetric Marathon

Oh Sadie, so sorry to hear that. Hope you manage to see your podiatrist soon and things aren’t as bad as they seem!🤞

I hope too that you manage to find a job soon, it can be difficult to find something new🙂 Just try to stay positive if you can👍

In the meantime, keep an eye on us all. We’ll be with you in spirit!😊

All the best👍👍x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toDavid_G

Thanks for your kind reply, David. I am keeping everything crossed that this will pass quickly, but it does feel bad. 🙁 I would be quite as low if I didn’t have my first race coming up...but heck, what can you do?! I will definitely be keeping an eye on you all! You guys keep me positive! x

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Sorry to read this Sadie - not what you needed just at the moment by the sounds of it. Definately try and seek some professional help to get a proper diagnosis - could it possibly be plantar fasciitis or are you sure about the Mortons Neuroma? A good sports physio might be a sensible move. Don't completely give up on that HM just yet - you have already built up to 10 miles so are fairly well prepared. Fingers crossed that you can get this sorted - stay strong and good luck with your hunt for a new job, too! 🙂

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toSandraj39

Thanks Sandra, I appreciate the sympathy so much! 😘 I am pretty sure it is MN, but yes, will see someone for a proper diagnosis. Do you think a physio would be better than a podiatrist? I have no idea! I think a couple of weeks out of running would be okay as I have a good baseline of fitness, but any more than that I wouldn’t be confident. Dang! I have been training so well, too! xx

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply toSadie-runs

I can only say that the physio I saw for two injuries was worth her weight in gold! She was also a runner herself !🙂

SlowLoris profile image

Sorry to hear that Sadie. I’m lying in bed shaved and stitched like a spayed dog (again) munching pain killers and oralmorph (good stuff). Also annoyed about my first HM in September.

On the plus side, Madame Loris is not telling me to get out of bed and I don’t have to wear a collar of shame.

Look after that foot.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toSlowLoris

Oh no! I didn’t know you had been sidelined too! And that you also have a HM in September. 🙁 So sorry to hear that, SlowLoris. I do wish you a very speedy recovery. Glad to hear that Madam Loris supports your bed rest - and that you don’t have to wear a cone! 😂 Get well soon! x

Fishypieface profile image

Oh no!! This is pants. You've been doing SO bluddy well with your training and stuff. Try and reserve judgment though until you've seen the Pod. You might be able to focus on cross training until the foot is better? Supporting your running indirectly. You WILL get to do a HM at some point, I just know this, because it's you. You will find a way round this, it just doesn't seem like it right now.... you have had set backs before and have overcome them (brilliantly!). And it will make your HM even more amazing when it comes, because of everything you've been through.... though it doesn't feel like it now.... You are made of strong stuff SR.

I've found cross training has really helped my running I am stronger and quicker (unbelievably) for it. My 5k's definitely feel easier. But I've still got arsecheekitis. Did 5k today after 2 weeks off and my bottom knows it! Used to get away with a 5K but now it seems not. Sigh.

Don't deal with it all on your own, let us know what's going on so we can help if we can. Big hugs to you xxxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toFishypieface

Oh FPF, thank you so much for your lovely reply, brought a tear to my eye! Oh dear. Silly to get so emotional! You are right of course, I should calm the flip down until I have seen someone about it 😂. And you are right too about the strength training - it has also helped my running no end! I did 30 mins worth this morning to try and get my spirits up - core exercises, squats and clams, and some weights for my arms. Need to stay strong! I would go swimming but at the moment cannot even hobble to the pool (I don’t have a car). But, if it eases up I will mince to the swimming pool next week.

Sorry to hear the arsecheekitis persists - pffft. But very pleased to hear your are running good 5ks, that is ace. Hope the arse pain abates. Seated figure of 4 stretches after every run are a must for arses. 👍

And thank you. Talking to you lovely folk really helps; my bf is very supportive, but not a runner, so cannot quite understand my despair. xxx

Fishypieface profile image
Fishypieface in reply toSadie-runs

Never tried a seated figure of 4.... Hang on, is that on one leg? A super stretch! Lots of self-TLC for you instead. Nice meals, tv, books, baths (bah!), wine 'n' stuff. Let us know what the prognosis is xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toFishypieface

This is the one - helped my bout of arsecheekitus when I was doing C25K:


And thank you my lovely. 😘 xxx

Fishypieface profile image
Fishypieface in reply toSadie-runs

That is the most civilized looking stretch I've ever seen!! I can definitely do that! Thanks Sadie xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toFishypieface

It works a treat, too. 😁👍 xxx

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon in reply toFishypieface

Re the arsecheekitis have you tried lying on your back with a spiky Pilates ball or even tennis ball under each bum cheek. Lift your legs so it looks like you are sitting on a chair ( but lying on your back if you know what I mean ) then wriggle about on the balls so they get into the spot that hurts. Then try to relax onto it.

If you can stand it drop one knee to the side and wriggle for a while, then repeat with other leg. It helped me when I had same issue.

Fishypieface profile image
Fishypieface in reply tolimberlou

Ooooh, thanks for that, sounds like hell but I know that it's exactly what I need (short of someone getting their hands on said cheek - which is never gonna happen!!) Thanks so much for the tip :)

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon in reply toFishypieface

It worked for me 🤞

LoungeLizaard profile image

Have only “liked” this to show support (and there is no “sad” button) 😔😔

Wishing you a speedy recovery, podiatrists are worth their weight in gold!

Maybe time for a box set marathon instead today? Xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toLoungeLizaard

Aw, thanks Mitch, support appreciated so much. Not minding the enforced rest today as have been away visiting family and am grateful to be home! Will be like a dog scratching at the door for walkies by Monday though! x

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Oh Sadie, what a massive shame. I do feel for you. ☹️

Please remind yourself you have a ton of friends on here to keep you cheerful. You know you can vent - we all understand. And who knows, your podiatrist might discover something else - something that’ll take less time to heal than you’re expecting. 🤞🤞🤞

Whatever, we’re here for you all the way. ❤️

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply tocheekychipmunks

Aw, thank you Cheeky. 😘 It is a bit of a blow, but reading all your lovely replies is so comforting. Will try to stay positive until I get a diagnosis. Trouble is, often when you google things you find out stuff you don’t want to know!

Thank you for your kind support. 😘😘😘

linda9389 profile image

Ugggggghh. I totally feel your pain. As Beachcomber66 wrote recently - 'it's a fine line between joy and despair' where injuries are concerned. I know we're all different and handle things in our own ways, but for what it's worth (based on my current experience) I would suggest:

- Definitely get to the podiatrist ASAP because your head is your worst enemy right now, at least the podiatrist can properly define the issue and the recovery.

- Be absolutely realistic about the HM - it will be putting the most pressure on you right now. Once I'd cancelled my two races I did start to relax a bit; it's still tough, but counting the days became slightly less painful. There are so many events and you really want your first HM to be enjoyable - you don't want to be worrying about your foot. Wait till seeing the podiatrist, but if your worst fears are confirmed then be realistic and cancel ASAP if it's not likely to be feasible.

- Do not slide into an eating/drinking period of self pity. You will hate you, the scales will hate you and it doesn't make you feel any better (needless to say, I learned this the hard way🙄)!!! Whine on here and be encouraged and comforted.

- Cross train as much as you can. Look up Caroline Jordan hurt foot fitness videos - there are lots of them and some are pretty tough! GoGo_JoJo recommends her too (she is very positive and supportive, but be warned she may make you cry 😍). You can safely do those while you wait for your podiatrist appointment as there is no weight bearing foot work involved. When you see him, ask the podiatrist what else you can do - I've found cycling has absolutely saved my sanity but it may not be OK for you.

- Think about volunteering at a local event or Parkrun; it's really nice experiencing a race from the other side - all that warm camaraderie that a pack of runners creates! Maybe even at the HM you wanted to run if running it yourself does prove impossible this year. By the time you're back running events and races you will know the ropes and be more relaxed about the logistics of taking part.

I know none of that completely takes away the ache of not being able to run - sadly I don't have a magic solution. I haven't been able to run since 19th May and have had (and still have) periods where I am unbelievably low and grumpy, but I'm still here and still absolutely committed to getting back out there when I can, maybe even enjoying the journey back to fitness, we'll see!

Sending love and hugs and hoping for good news for you 😘🤞💖

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply tolinda9389

Oh Linda. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, with such helpful advice and much needed sympathy. 😘 And that Beachcomber fellow is very wise!

I will get a podiatry appointment for next week. Have found a guy who specialises in sports injuries to feet, so fingers crossed he will be able to at least diagnose me and advise. In the meantime, I am going to focus on some strength training, and when I can walk a bit better, some swimming. Thanks too for the pointer to the YouTube videos, I will check them out.

No chance of me comfort eating, as when I am low I lose my appetite. Meh. But, will carry on with the same diet I was using for my running (but fewer carbs!) I might indulge in some wine tonight, if only to cheer myself up!

I completely get what you are saying with regards cancelling the race. Will wait until after I have been seen by someone, and get their prognosis, as you say. But it will be with a very heavy heart that I cancel this one. It is local to me (the start line is just 15 mins walk away), and so I thought it would be the perfect way to do my first race without the stress of having to travel to it.

I have followed your injury story feeling incredibly sad; I am so sorry that you are going through this, especially as you were doing so very well. I think that you are coping remarkably well (though I know you must be having your moments of despair), and you do inspire me, Linda.

Sending love and hugs to you too.

Sadie xxx

Elfe5 profile image

Oh Sadie, big squishy huuugs winging speedily to you. 😘😘

How frustrating & completely bleeuugh!! (to use an accurate and technical term!😂) I have been thinking of you such a lot since the redundancy and rejoicing in your running focus so this is “extra pants” - but you are one strong lady and will overcome this glitch.

Do you have a bike or opportunity to borrow one? Or is your foot too sore? It’s not the same, but cycling has kept me sane at times when I can’t run and there is Mapmyride too to help give a sense of focus/purpose/satisfaction.

Get thee to a medic, - hoping for a better outcome than you think from online info. Xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toElfe5

Thank you so much, lovely Elfe. I think training for the HM was a good distraction from my fears around being out of work, so I am going to have to find new ways to stay chipper. I have some job search related things to get onto this week, so that will help. Sometimes my mental health is a bit wobbly as I am prone to the blues, so will have to keep an eye on that. I don't have a bike, but once I am able to walk a bit better I will take myself to the swimming pool. And I can do yoga and Pilates and weights at home – and hope that helps me to retain some fitness whilst I heal! Thank you for your kindness. xxx

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Oh Sadie, so sorry to hear of your injury. I do hope that the podiatrist can come up with some answers and get you back on the road again. Lots of love to you. 😘🤗

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toDexy5

Thank you dearest Dexy, sympathy so appreciated right now! xx

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Oh no Sadie, I'm very sorry to here this...😯

Here's me grumbling that I'm not getter quicker at my Parkrun yet, and you have pain now even on walking!

I agree a proper diagnosis is best, in the meantime rest from impact activities, maybe still sneek a swim if you feel like it.

You have every right to feel fed up, your training is going so well. I hope it turns out to be a blip that doesn't keep you on the ic for long. Chin up, my lovely, take a look at some job prospects, but no need to rush into anything that isn't right.😙

Fingers and toes crossed. x

Do keep posting and chatting on here so we can support you. x


Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toBluebirdrunner

Thank you so much, Jan. And grumble away! But in my book you are doing fantastically with your running at the moment! I am especially proud of you for getting into Parkrun!

It does feel a little unfair for this to pop up when I thought I was doing everything right, and being really careful with my training i.e. not overloading, cross training, strength training, basically giving it my all. :-( But, life is really not fair sometimes and I have to get over myself! LOL!

I will stay close to the forum – you folk are all so kind and supportive and such a help, it's amazing. xxx

Decker profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this Sadie, I really hope once you’ve seen the doc that it is not as serious as you are thinking. You’ve come this far and you are tough so you will prevail. Hoping for good news. 🤞

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toDecker

Thanks Decker. I do hope it is not as bad as my drama queen imagination is leading me to believe right now! x

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon

Ach Sadie, that sucks. Everyone has given excellent advice and support so I don't think I can add much at all to that—except to say to give yourself a break! And I mean that both physically and mentally. Bodies are always going wonky, but they fix up again—they're marvellous at that. Take the pressure off, relax, keep moving in the best way that works for your injury but don't panic about the running. It's still going to be here in two weeks, one month, six months, whatever. Time is irrelevant really, you've worked hard to get to this point but even if you think you'll hit worst case scenario and end up back at the start it'll be easier next time round. Remember how hard it was to do a 5k? But as soon as you knew you could do it it wasn't anywhere near the mountain you thought, and it'll be the same all the way back to where you are now. It's true that running is as much a mental challenge as a physical one. So don't be down about it, see someone about your foot so you are working with a good diagnosis, then once you're feeling up to it you can resume your half marathon challenge!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toSqkr

Thanks Sqkr. And yeah, it sucks the big one. I guess I am just really disappointed that I might not make my planned HM, 🙁 especially as I was so on track and really enjoying it. You are right of course, running will wait for me - I will never give up running entirely as I love it so much. Thank you so much for your lovely thoughtful reply. xxx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon

So sorry to hear this Sadie. I do hope you get it sorted out soon. Take care of yourself, physically and mentally.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toSaskAlliecat

Thank you so much, Sask. It is the emotional/mental side that worries me, but the support and love here is helping so much. x

Really sorry Sadie. Please keep us informed. And begging all the stars in the sky to get you fixed before your HM xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply to

Flick, you are a love, thank you so much. xxx

in reply toSadie-runs


andystev profile image

Me too! I am still running, but my feet feel like they're on fire. I've seen a pod though, and custom orthotics are on the way. He seems to think it's eminently fixable, so that's encouraging.

Hope you get it sorted.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toandystev

Yikes! So sorry to hear that, Andy. And what your podiatrist says is very encouraging. My brother in law seems to think I should see a sports physio – but I am wondering if a podiatrist is better? I have found one who says he deals with sports related foot injuries...but now don't know what to do for the best!

Hope you are on the road to full recovery soon.

andystev profile image
andystev in reply toSadie-runs

Thanks, you too.

I've got medical insurance with work, so spoke to one of their GPs first, he suggested the referral to the Chiropodist / Podiatrist. From what I understand the cause is your foot position bearing on the nerves, so exercise/physio isn't likely to be a fix. The guy I've seen is keen to point out that his best success has been custom orthotics, obviously he's trying to sell them, so... That said, not at all pushy and keen for me to look elsewhere if I wanted to.

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon

I had a very similar thing last summer whilst out walking with my son. This was before I managed to fracture my ankle. I was walking along normally then suddenly this pain started and I could not put weight on it without agony. I hobbled home slowly leaning on him and he thought I was laying it on. I hadn’t stood on anything, didn’t have thin soled shoes,hadn’t banged it or jumped onto it. I suffered for 3 days then made an appointment with my sports masseuse who did a lot of work in the soles of my feet and also glutes and lower back and I haven’t looked back. Yours might not be the same but worth a try. 🤞for you that you are up and at ‘em again soon but if not, as the others say, carry on with your strength training so that when you ARE fit again you won’t have lost too much ground. And just top up your tan in the meantime.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply tolimberlou

Thank you dear Lou. I remember when that foot thing happened to you! So good that a sports massage sorted it out, eh? I do hope mine is as easy to resolve, but you know what it’s like, the mind tends to gravitate to worse-case scenario, as if to prepare you for it. 🙁 Ah well. I will survive, of course, it’s just an incredible disappointment. Thank you for your kind words. xxx

Oldfloss profile image

Oh my goodness, that is horrid...:{

Do go and get checked, it may not be what you think... my last injury..which I thought was Achilles issues or calf tear.. was not... !

You will get sorted.. you will run again... and as for keeping your spirits up well... we are here....to support and listen and to help in whatever way we can.. !

It is fine to feel sad and down and sorry for yourself..but... then... time to think as you already are doing... Your last sentence..."I will focus more on finding a new job, which is no bad thing!"

As one of my last ? post headings on Bridge said....

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts..... Churchill"

You will get through this... and there will be a HM with your name on it... :) xxxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toOldfloss

Thanks Floss 😘. I am really hoping it is not what the symptoms are pointing to, I really do. I can cope with being out a week or two, but any longer I fear I may go crazy! I have gotten so used to being active, walking, running, swimming, that it feels quite terrifying to only be able to hobble around my house! If it eases off I might be able to hobble to the swimming pool, but will wait to see what my sports physio/podiatrist says as I don’t want to make it worse by walking on it too much!

Thank you for your kind reply. Good old Winnie, he spoke a lot of sense. And here’s where I get to test out my mental resilience! xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply toSadie-runs

Huge hug,,, and you know where we are... :)

TailChaser profile image

Oh Sadie, everything everyone has said above. It’s such a blinkin’ shame as you were doing so well. I hope you can find an outlet for your frustrations once you have your diagnosis, I definitely recommend parkrun volunteering, it will keep some of your routine going. Everything is crossed that you’re back before you know it 🤗🤗 xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toTailChaser

It does seem rather cruel with its timing, TC! 🙁 Was feeling at my fittest, too. Thank you for crossing everything for me! xxx

mrrun profile image

Well, that's no fun. They will fix you, don't worry, they fix anything but don't despair in the meantime, that won't help. You'll get your race, this one or the other, they won't go anywhere, you'll be alright.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply tomrrun

Thank you mrrun. I suspect I might feel better once I have seen someone, worrying about what it could be and self-diagnosis is a fruitless past time, eh? I feel I have learned something though - don’t enter flipping races! I might take your approach, and run the HM distance on my own when I am recovered. I just want to do the distance myself for a sense of personal achievement, and I suppose I don’t need an organised event to do that. I know I can do it. 👍

mrrun profile image

I only ever do all this for personal achievement. Cannot care less about bling or being out there with other runners, it's not me, it will never be me. Always, at all times, everywhere, do your own thing on your own terms. That way you are always on time, always ready, always in the mood. That approach is my zen.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply tomrrun

Sounds like a very good approach. If I didn’t have an event coming up, I am pretty sure I would not be feeling quite so maudlin about all of this right now. I would just rest, and resume training at my own pace when ready. 👍

quirkybee profile image

Oh my lovely, dear Sadie, what has happened, eh?

Firstly, I don't like the fact that you're in pain and it's uncomfortable, miserable, making you feel very unhappy, possibly irritable and very cross. I know I'd be feeling all of those feelings.

Secondly, this is undoubtedly going to and will have a negative effect on you and on your focus toward the HM, I mean, goodness me, you've done all this positive strength training and it's been going very well, a really positive aim toward your goal.

Thirdly, last but not least, haha 😏 make an appointment to see either your GP, or a Podiatrist who will be able to assess your foot and pray to God, give you a diagnosis and relative healing treatment 😊 This will be your first step (excuse the pun) 😉 to getting back on your feet, oh dear, I did it again, lol, just trying to cheer you up, well, the words just flowed out really, lol 😂Maybe now as you're inactive for a short moment of time you could focus on a job hunt just see what's available, that will be good time spent. Most of all though my lovely, stay focused, keep your mind active, it will get you down, but once you've had a professional diagnosis you will then be on that running road to recovery.

I know you will come out stronger soon, a little setback shall we say, but not a permanent one. You will do your HM, just maybe not as planned, but you will soon. Thinking of you, if I can do anything to help, just shout for me 😘😘😍 xxxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toquirkybee

Thank you dear Beth. I am sure I will look back and laugh at this myself one day – just not yet! Thank you so much for your kind reply. I have things to keep me occupied – strength training, Pilates, job hunting...so am sure it will all work out in the end! xxx

Colinsmith profile image
ColinsmithHalf Marathon

So sorry Sadie. It’s all been said above, so just be kind to yourself til you’re back out there. Wishing you all the best.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toColinsmith

Thank you for your kindness, Colin, means a lot. It has been so overwhelmingly lovely, all your thoughtful replies have really helped. x

Lavender1962 profile image
Lavender1962Half Marathon

I’m so sorry about your foot. I hope it gets sorted out soon. Take care of yourself and your foot! 🤗

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toLavender1962

Thank you so much, Lavender. Feeling a bit less sore this morning, so fingers crossed! x

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon

How’s the foot Sadie? Any better ?? Hope so

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply tolimberlou

Aw, thank you so much for checking in with me, Lou. It is actually feeling a LOT better today. The icing and exercises have helped no end. Feeling cautiously optimistic. 😁👍

limberlou profile image
limberlouHalf Marathon in reply toSadie-runs

Oh good 🤞

Couchpotato2 profile image

So sorry to read this. You are allowed a bit of wallowing, it’s totally understandable. Hopefully the nhs suggestions for it are helping but probably good to see a podiatrist if you can. They might have useful suggestions. In any case let us know how it goes x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply toCouchpotato2

Thank you for the very kind reply. 😘 It is easing off a bit, so will see how it feels tomorrow, and if still sore, go see someone. Progress today though - can actually walk rather than hobble! xx

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply toSadie-runs

That is good. Even if better might a podiatrist help prevent it? Anyway pleased to read that no hobbling is involved

316neil profile image
316neil10 Miles

Oh Sadie. I’m sorry I’ve not replied earlier. I don’t check HU that often these days, and what with being on holiday, I’ve not been checking emails much for the notifications. Now we’ve talked about this before, and you and I both know that ups and downs are very much a part of the life of a runner. I was going to suggest that it sounds to me like you should get it checked out professionally, GP or podiatrist, before panicking too much.

Whatever happens though, no-one can take away what you’ve achieved so far in your running journey. I think you’re amazing, and remember we’re all here to support you through good and bad times.

Take care of yourself, and be kind to yourself Sadie dear, thinking of you xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply to316neil

Thanks buddy. I don’t think I would be so hysterical if I didn’t have a race (my first!) coming up. But, it does seem to be improving a lot, so there is a ray of hope...resting and icing is working wonders, and I am keeping spirits up with the punishment of core work and squats and swimming! 👍 I want to be strong for my comeback 😁. Thanks for your support. Hope you are having a lovely holiday. xxx

316neil profile image
316neil10 Miles in reply toSadie-runs

Hang in there Sadie. You are one determined runner, and it sounds like you are doing all the right things. Well done for smashing the core stuff, I hate core, but it does us good, right?

Mummycav profile image

Oh my goodness Sadie-runs , you must think I'm a terrible friend...this was my reply to this post...I mustn't have clicked the reply button properly and I've just got an email about a new post from you which has prompted me to open HU and I saw my reply written but not sent!!!!

Oh no Sadie...I absolutely know you will be devastated at your time on the IC....I am devastated for you...you have been doing so well...these things come to try us and this will def try you. You must be patient and listen to your body, which I know you will....I am taking you with me every time i go until you're fixed xxx massive hug...and you have every right to feel sorry for yourself xxxx

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Looking over my training log I am having a wobble. Have I done enough training and miles for my hm...

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Hello lovely running fiends, LONG RAMBLE ALERT! Well, it's a week on from my HM (woo hoo I did it!...
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I would like to finish somewhere in the 2.2-2.5hr mark for my HM in May, but I need to focus on...
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