My Bigfoot 12.5k Trail report 🥵😵☠️ - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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My Bigfoot 12.5k Trail report 🥵😵☠️

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon
49 Replies

Well, that didn’t go as planned. I knew it was going to be tough given we are in a heat wave and I decided to not get a hotel but instead drive 2 1/2 - 3 hours to my race in the morning. My lovely husband had offered to take me so we got everything ready the night before including showering, got up just before 5 am, went to Timmy’s our lovely coffee shop for our morning coffee and a breakfast sandwich for on the road. By 5:30 am we were on our way. Eating that early and not my normal pre run breakfast was a challenge, but I managed to get it half eaten. We found the race site fairly easily, getting there just after 8. Lots of time for a loo break, apply sunscreen and bug spray, got my race number and timing chip and get geared up. By 8:30, my tummy was starting to growl so I ate half a banana but it wasn’t enough. It was full on growling by the start of the race. And the heat...well it was creeping up.

This was the inaugural race for this event, capped at 100 runners over the 3 distances (12.5k, 25k, and 50k). I believe there were something like 26 runners in the 12.5k race. I set myself up near the middle of the pack and set off with the pack. I have only done a few events so far, and as expected, I started out too fast, especially with how hot it was. I was behind a couple ladies but they weren’t quite running the pace I wanted to so passed them. I could hear someone quite close behind me. All of a sudden, I hear, “I hope you don’t mind me pacing off of you?”. I laughed. Said not at all but this pace is slowing down pretty quickly. We had a nice little chat - he is also running the Beaver Flat 50 - 20k race in the fall - but I had to stop and wet down my hat. I was heating up big time and I was struggling with it. That was when it all fell apart. As soon as I gave myself permission to walk, well, I walked ... a lot! So off he went and I started to play cat and mouse with this gentlemen in an orange shirt that a few of the 50k guys that passed us would cheer and affectionately call “Coach”. I’d pass him, then I’d walk, he would pass me, then walk, and on and on. Then he seemed to struggle and was walking most with only short runs. I found myself doing the same thing so I decided to push it a bit and force myself to run 500 metres before walking. Yes, I had resorted to that! 500 m, then 200m, then we’ll that tree. As I got to the final 1.5 k I tried to will myself to run the final leg home but I just couldn’t. It was blooming hot. But I ran, I walked, and I ran the final 400 m in, crossing the finish line to hand in my timing chip, stand in some ice water in my bare feet, and get a lovely piece of pie. And the piece de resistance? Instead of a medal, we got a great mug as a token! Love it. I’m not sure my actual time (I forgot to turn off my watch and Runkeeper at the end) and am not sure I want to know but I know I didn’t come in last. So, that is that. Once the official times are in, I guess I’ll see where I was in the pack, but man, that sucked. The positives though - I only had to run one loop, unlike the 25k and 50kers. Yikes, I feel for them! But watching the lead guys go flying past us....they are amazing!!!!

As we got back in the car for our 3 hour ride back to the lake, the thermometer read 26 C. Yuck! No wonder it was so hard! There was barely a breeze and although there were trees in the rolling hills we ran, the sun was so high that most of it was in full sun. I poured a lot of water on my head, had soaked my buff but instead of wearing it on my neck, I had it wrapped around my wrist, using it to wipe my face, neck, whatever needed wiping. I had decided mid run that maybe events weren’t for me and I should take a step back next year so I can just enjoy the runs for what they are, but I guess for now, we’ll see. I still have my 20k race in the fall. This was totally a runnable course, but I wasn’t able to manage it and am a bit frustrated with myself. Oh well, time to let it go, and spend the next week at the lake with my feet up and drink in hand....and get 3 more trail runs in 😁

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SaskAlliecat profile image
Half Marathon
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49 Replies

It was worth it for the mug surely? It's great. Those shoes and socks look very clean - are you sure you didn't photo shop them? I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy the race but you did it and without your normal brekkie. I know what you mean about walking, if I start taking walking breaks i'm doomed because I continue to take them. My strategy now is to stop for 10 - 30 seconds and not walk. Then I go off running again. Of course, you might have caused a pile up if you had done that.... Enjoy the lake, the boat, the trail runs. Maybe you'll do another event just to be sure that they are or are not for you?

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to

It totally was worth it, I’m just frustrated that I didn’t push myself harder. I really like my local event and will continue to do it, likely. I find it is such a different type of event to train for with all the hills that running a constant runnable run more challenging. It is a mindset thing. That and the muggy yucky heat today. The shoes are surprisingly clean but it was all ran on grass and some sand so not very dirty at all, other than the grit on my legs.

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

I love that mug - definetly worth the slog in the heat SaskAlliecat! 👍🙂 Don't be too hard on yourself either - not all runs go to plan and running in those temperatures is TOUGH! Enjoy your break and I am sure you will be back training hard for your 20k race soon!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks Sandra. I’m already looking forward too and planning my 14k long run next week (I have 2 shorter ones first, but it is the long ones that allow me to have some fun in my hills 😁)

linda9389 profile image

Ewww, running in the heat is no fun, so draining! But you did it! And after a three hour plus drive? and an unusual breakfast? I think I'd have faded much sooner than you - and maybe not made it to the end either :) I think you're a hero - congratulations. A week of rest is so well deserved. By the time you've sat by the lake with a couple of drinks, you'll see the good in this too. Have a great week :)

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda. Having posted this on my ride home was cleansing and I’m already letting it go and looking forward to the next week of runs. Can’t wait to get back to the lake!

Decker profile image

That sounds like a tough one Sask. Full sun is so hard to run in without shade relief. A lot of changes too from your routine factored in too I am sure. Don’t get down on yourself. Never mind, you still got out there into nature and had some fun, met some good people and and that mug rocks! I got a cool mug too from Sulphur that I use all the time. My placement in that race was terrible, but it still was the most fun of all of them so far.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Decker

Thanks Decker. About 3/4 way through I reminded myself why I do this and really tried to look around and enjoy being in a new area in a type of terrain I don’t normally run in (grassy wide cross country ski trails, with groves of trees). The wild life was sparse but the few little birds I saw made me happy and as did all the great volunteers and amazing runners when I think back on it.

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to SaskAlliecat

It’s good that you were able to do that. It sounds like a beautiful spot to run in. The trail community are a really nice bunch.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Decker

They really are! Even the top place 50 k runners, as their lapping you as they go around their second lap are giving us mere mortals congrats for doing so great. They really are a great breed of runners; something I strive to hopefully become some day 🙂

I love the mug, and the race report. I wouldn't let the heat put you off events. You did what you needed to do and you finished. When it's hot like that, it's so difficult to run in. You can slow down but that just keeps you in the heat for longer. The only solution is to get out of it.. shade, soaking yourself with water helps but it's still extremely hard, especially if you're not acclimatised to it. Watch Callum Hawkins, who is an exceptional British runner, in Australia.

I think you were sensible to walk, not worth it Sask. Get those feet up and enjoy that drink.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to

I sure will! I should have my feet up and drink in hand within the next hour 🍹

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply to

Omg poor guy!!

in reply to Couchpotato2

Bad isn't it? It took far, FAR too long for anyone/medics to intervene as well. Really dangerous.

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply to

Yes I’m really surprised no one attended him and also that the other runner didn’t stop and help or at least get help there fast

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to

Yikes! That is tough to watch. Poor guy. You’re right... not worth that.

Snuffy_T profile image
Snuffy_THalf Marathon

Congratulation on finishing. Hopefully when you run the 20k race, it will be lovely and cool and not 26 degrees..!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Snuffy_T

Thanks Snuffy. Thankfully my 20k race is in the middle of September. The last 2 years have been quite cool and windy. Hopefully we keep on the cool trend. The first year was quite warm though, so anything can happen.

Mummycav profile image

This is fantastic, as always deserve everything you get be it a medal or a are amazing....enjoyable or not, you did it so be extremely proud of yourself xxxxx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Mummycav

Aww thanks MummyCav. You’re so sweet.

Couchpotato2 profile image

Sounds like you managed it! Also sounds very hot and hard. Dont be put off, I’m sure many of us would not be able to do it so be proud, plus imagine wearing that medal around your neck, pretty impressive! Xx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Couchpotato2

Thanks CP2. I’ll be enjoying a huge cup of coffee out of it tomorrow and thankful all I have to do is put my feet up, read a book, and perhaps act as a spotter so my kiddo can enjoy some more water sports. It’s a tough life 😁

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply to SaskAlliecat

Sounds like what the doctor ordered

Lavender1962 profile image
Lavender1962Half Marathon

Great mug and you got it done! 😊 The heat wave is here too. It does make it hard to do what we can usually do on runs. We just have to not beat ourselves up too much about it and expect that it won’t be the same as our usual runs. What you did is amazing - a 12.5 km trail run after along drive and unfamiliar breakfast. I hope you’re relaxing and have already had a drink by now!! Happy running for your runs this week.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Lavender1962

You’re so right Lavender. I’m feeling a bit better about it it now. I am definitely relaxing now, having gone for a little swim to cool down after hauling my gear back down to the boat, getting picked by some friends for an impromptu surf behind their boat (I didn’t surf, just watched. I think I did my participation today 😊) and may already be on my second drink 😉

Wow, respect. If you needed to walk some of it, it must have been tough: I see you as a strong runner, so I know you would have kept running if possible. Running in heat and under relentless sun is hard for anyone. Well done! Be proud xx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to

Thanks Flick. I haven’t felt overly strong lately and then my sheer lack of perseverance mid race frustrated me most, but after my little talking to mid race and setting little mini goals to run to, I’m feeling ok about it now.... as I enjoy my monster cup of coffee this morning out of my new mug ☕️

Oldfloss profile image

Gosh.... I felt that....Phew!!! WOW ! What a hard run...and it really was and so, so warm!!!

I think you did amazingly well and know for sure that many folk would have given up...You know how strong you are, and you really are.... so this must have been a real tricky one...!

I think taking a step back for some of us is not a bad plan... time to regroup and remember what our runs mean to us and just enjoy them.

I know now that speed running is not for me...( although the physio did say he was not absolutely sure that it caused my injury), and I know that slow and steady longer running is where I want to get back to.... but doing it, just for me :)

I am sure you will find where you want to move to.. your runs are so amazing and you know I love running them with you ( virtually)

Enjoy next week, rest up and get out there doing what you love... I cannot wait for the photographs my friend xx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Floss. I am definitely looking forward to getting back out on my hills this week and some shorter campground runs with my hubby, if he’s up for it.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Wow, well you did better than I would have in that heat Sask - so kudos to you. 🏃‍♀️💪👏 🥵 ☀️

It sounds like a delightful run, and all that defeated you was the heat. I think it would have happened to lots of us. You completed it, you earned a fabulous mug and you know you can run that trail in normal circumstances. You’re brilliant! 😀💪👏🏃‍♀️🏅

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thanks Cheeky 😊

Katnap profile image

We live and learn! You'll pace yourself better next time! 😁

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Katnap

Maybe....maybe not ... but hopefully 😂

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Well done on completing. I did a really hot 10k in July last year and had to resort to walking. I was very disappointed, till I find out that people had pulled out of the race due to the heat.

Shame you didn't find bigfoot though.

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

Oh but I did! He was milling around at the beginning of the race, causing this one little girl who came to watch her Dad cry 😱. Within a few minutes though he had the little girl laughing and trying to find him. (She scared him with her crying causing him to run away from her 😆). He did a great job but must have been so hot in that suit!

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to SaskAlliecat


Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

Hopefully you are now thinking about how well you did in that heat and after such an early start. Loads of people would have just given up, but you completed it. Have a great week on and in the water 🏄‍♀️🏊🏻‍♀️☀️

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Sandie1961

I’m coming around to it slowly. I’ll be curious to see the finishing times and where I placed. When I looked at my Runkeeper, the beginning was great and there were some later Km’s that were really good...but the middle was dreadful. C’est la vie

misswobble profile image

Love the mug! It's brilliant! You will use it for years to come and reflect on your run. Maybe you'll tackle it again, that would be fab.

Were you hungry do you think? Did you take an energy bar with you? I always do as they work fast. I make the peanut power bars. A handful of Haribo's also does. In the heat, and with the lack of a breeze, it's very tough. You feel like you're being deprived of oxygen doesn't it. So, we walk. We do what we have to just to get to the end.

It's disappointing if we don't get the result we want but we did it, and got the tee shirt, or mug in your case. Sounds like a lovely event though

Here's to the next one. Cheers!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

I think my hunger played a role. I had a nut and chocolate granola bar in my vest that I had forgotten about. I should've eaten it. I was sipping Tailwind most the way, using most of my water on my head instead. I’m going to have to figure out some real food fueling over the next 2 months before my race. Last week when I overheated on my trail run, I couldn’t stomach actual food so there will be a bit of playing around with it, I think. I may pick up some Cliffbloks as well to just see. I used a few years ago on my walking marathon but after a few hours the body says no, no.... that’s enough. The Tailwind is much nicer but when my tummy growls, it needs real food likely.

I’m not sure if i’ll do that one again. I may, but I think for now I’ll just keep running and enjoying my crazy local race where any sort of fast time is impossible with the crazy climbs.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Im really proud of you Allie, wow you completed 12.5k in that stifling heat! So you jeffed it, but you needed to, and you finished what you started!!✋

You know with the right breakfast, less of a stressful start to the day, and in a more comfortable temperature you would have enjoyed it more...but you dealt with everything wonderfully and should be very proud of yourself.

Well earned and lovely mug!🍻cheers!


SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks Jan. I can safely say that I am more of a cooler weather runner and prefer the autumn races to the stifling heat. But the heat is here to stay for now, so time to get out early morning and run what I can, walk where I must and enjoy my surroundings as much as possible.

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Well done for getting through it regardless. Not eating enough definitely will have played a big part!

Heat is tough but hunger is tougher.

Still, it's done and you weren't last!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to GoGo_JoJo

It was definitely a combination of a lot of little poor choices adding up to a less than stellar day but it is done and I didn’t get a DNS, a DNF, or a DFL, so Yay for me!

alisonx profile image

Huge congrats Sask! 🏆🙌 you little trooper.

the run sounded tough, and the heat sounds unbearable but you completed it! How amazing is that 😄 Hope you are enjoying a well earned rest and had a nice cold one in your new mug!

Enjoy the lakes and runs...bring on the next one eh!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to alisonx

Thanks alisonx! I sure am! I’m having a lovely early morning coffee (I’m in Canada) in my new mug with a yummy added coffee liqueur, watching the fisherman head out while everyone else sleeps. My favourite part of the day out here.

Couchpotato2 profile image

Yes I’m really surprised no one attended him and also that the other runner didn’t stop and help or at least get help there fast

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

That sounds hard work Allie, and you adapted to the conditions even if it meant a bit of jeffing. The mug is a great prize - much more useful than a medal. Well done you! Do enjoy your time on the lake with the family. 🚤 🇨🇦🌳🌲🌳🏃‍♀️👏👏

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Thanks. I will 😊 and I really enjoyed drinking my morning coffee out of it this morning.

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