Unexpectedly faster! : Hi all, It's... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Unexpectedly faster!

GeorgiosA profile image
14 Replies

Hi all,

It's been a while since I posted, life keeping me busy and with every spare moment being with the twins or out running there has been no much time to socialise (the internet connection going awry in my train commute doesn't help...)

Anyway, I have been slowly increasing my distance at a very slow pace, working my way to my first Marathon in April (London baby!), and my plan calls for a speedy session every four weeks, to baseline the target pace. I have been training quite slow in the meanwhile, with my focus being to stay injury free and make it to the start line (I have a long and horrible history of orthopedic injuries - ex motorcyclist - and am very prone to issues with my joints...)

So, when I went to the track this Sunday, I was *not* expecting the results I got! PBs in every distance to 5K and achieved my long held ambition to break 35 minutes for a 5k, beating that by almost a minute! I know its not particularly fast, but for me it feels supersonic!

Does anyone else get this effect? Becoming faster by running longer runs slowly?? I am perplexed... but elated!

Good to be back discussing with the most friendly fellow runners on the net :) May all of you enjoy your winter training and the run up to Christmas :)

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GeorgiosA profile image
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14 Replies
Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Well done GeorgiosA I had noticed your absence since you got selected for London. I guessed you were either hard at training or running for thie hills. Good to see you so focussed.

Slow running is said to improve your speed - but then so is tempo and intervals. I think its more just a case of regular running, and every now and then, when the stars are in alignment, boom a nice Pb. Always a timely boost, especially at this time of year when motivation take a nosedive from all the rain, cold and dark!

GeorgiosA profile image
GeorgiosAMarathon in reply to Whatsapp

Thank you Whatsapp - did not expect anyone to notice I was lurking... I most certainly have not run to the hills, literally or metaphorically - only very slight inclines so far (I know this needs to change - my visit to Wales in Christmas will make sure of that). Yes, very focused and training week in, week out - have managed to hit the distances in my plan every week so far :)

You are right, it must be the regular running, and a couple of tempo runs. I try to stay slow and keep it healthy, I;ve found that when I push too much for speed I tend to get achy...will make sure to get to April in one piece and *then* try to pick up the pace a bit.

Thanks for the encouragement - much appreciated!

Decker profile image

Nice work Georgios! I can’t speak to full marathon distances yet, but I also noticed an increase in speed as the legs got used to longer distances. In fact all my pbs 5k, 10k and hm came in the final hm race in the last training program. The real shift happened for me after hills and intervals were included in the training mix! Best of luck as you continue 👍🏼

GeorgiosA profile image
GeorgiosAMarathon in reply to Decker

Thank you Decker ! Hills and intervals are on the plan, but lets get round London injury free first :)

My first HM is planned for January the 20th - hope I get there with no incidents and manage to get around - albeit slowly :)

Thanks for the insight and encouragement!

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to GeorgiosA

Injury free is most important! Best of luck with your HM in Jan too.

GeorgiosA profile image
GeorgiosAMarathon in reply to Decker

Thank you @Decker, I'm going to need it!

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon

Hello GeorgiosA, I remember seeing your post which said you were accepted to run the London Marathon, so it is now great to hear that your training is going well. What a wonderful photo on your profile of your gorgeous twins! I have read quite a few folk's comments about longer runs causing speed to increase, so now one more. All the very, very best for your onward running journey, a marathon! I can not begin to take that word in! Well done you! 😊🏃🏻

GeorgiosA profile image
GeorgiosAMarathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

Thank you very much for the encouragement and kind words over61andstilltrying :) and thank you, they are gorgeous indeed, even if they cost me my sleep most nights they're my inspiration and what keeps me motivated in the cold dark mornings I usually run!

All the best with your running and working towards your goals at your own pace :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Georgios, I have been following you on Strava, so have seen how much training you have put in. Its so exciting when you get an injection of pace, and I do think running longer distances helps a lot with this by increasing our stamina. I've noticed an improvement in my pace since I started engaging my core muscles and the glutes, where there is a lot of power, rather than just relying on the legs. Its natural now when I run.

A few weeks to your HM then....looking good and doing brilliantly.

Keep it up, we are rooting for you.

Your twins must be growing up now and bringing you so many happy moments 😙😙xx

GeorgiosA profile image
GeorgiosAMarathon in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thank you so much Jan, your comments and encouragement on Strava and here are always helping me push and go further! Well done for your recent month of running and for working on your technique, reminds me I need to do more of that myself!

I'll make sure to post a race review after the HM, hope I can still type after that effort, lol!

The twins are growing up, teething now and that makes them a bit cranky overnight, but it is so worth it... They make me smile every day :)

Best of luck with your running, see you in Strava!

PS Reggie says hi 🐾🐾

roseabi profile image

Hey - good to see you!!

Yes, long slow runs certainly build speed. Way to go!!!

GeorgiosA profile image
GeorgiosAMarathon in reply to roseabi

Thank you @roseabi - good to see you too! My runs are certainly slow, but getting longer and longer :)

Sorry I can't join your HM plan, I've been following my 6 month Mara plan for 2 months now - but thanks for sharing it, it's interesting input even if I'm not following it - and best of luck to everyone taking part!

Oh,and very well done for doing Beachy Head Marathon, I know it's a challenging hilly route in the south downs- you smashed it! :) 👏

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to GeorgiosA

No worries!

And thank you!! I love Beachy, looking forward to going back there for my sub-5-hour attempt 😊😊😊

GeorgiosA profile image
GeorgiosAMarathon in reply to roseabi

I might join you in 2020...though I'll be aiming for sub 7 i think!

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