Re-focus, re-plan...: ... grit the... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Re-focus, re-plan...

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon
29 Replies

... grit the teeth and get back out there.

Not having a good time here. I'm hating this weather, the cold, the ice, the frost, the rain etc. I'm normally a bit of a wimp in the winter anyway but this is really getting to me and I haven't run for the last 11 days, putting myAsics HM plan (and me) in a bit of a tizzy. I'd already cut it down from three runs a week to two but its excited bleating about 7k runs twice a week just weren't cutting it, and as for the next jump up to 14k...

So this morning I deleted it. I'm off for a 4k run now. I will do that again this week. I can do 4k. And next week I might do 5k, or possibly even 6. I'll see how it goes. The HM in March might still be doable, who knows.

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Anniemurph profile image
Half Marathon
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29 Replies
Maddee_6333 profile image
Maddee_6333Half Marathon

Oh no 😕 I hope you do manage to get back there and enjoy it. Enjoying it is the main thing, right?

I’d rather run in rubbish weather than walk in it, though I’ve been lucky with the weather compared to most people in the UK, I think, and today it is lovely and sunny even though it is cold. So I’m in my running gear and just have to walk the dog then go do a 5k.

I was looking forward to being able to commiserate with you about that jump to 14k! (Mine is due on Christmas Eve but I’m thinking I’ll do it with the Canicross group the day before).

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to Maddee_6333

Well, it's the most gorgeous day outside now, so I'm going to get into my running gear and go! Thank you for your support. Have a nice walk with the dog and a great run :) And a fun 14k with your Canicross group too :)

Maddee_6333 profile image
Maddee_6333Half Marathon in reply to Anniemurph

I’m just putting a lead on the dog. ‘See’ you out there!

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to Maddee_6333

I hope you had a good run. I'm back - gave up. The pavements were still slippy. It turns out that Hokas have zero grip. I slid a couple of times walking, ran for about two hundred meters twice, looked at the next patch of ice, turned round and went home :(

Maddee_6333 profile image
Maddee_6333Half Marathon in reply to Anniemurph

Sounds sensible. Only just back from walking dog. Having to change socks and shoes as my feet are wet and freezing. Will do half an hour of housework and then run. Not that I am procrastinating or anything... 🤫

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to Maddee_6333

Hope it went well :)

C3PO profile image
C3POMarathon in reply to Anniemurph

I think you were brave to try without spikes. I can't live without them in the winter! Personally I don't think you should be too hard on yourself. Your March HM is still doable, even if you wait a little longer. Your ice will only last a little longer.

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to C3PO

It's rarely bad enough for spikes here. I do have some Yaktraks but it was only frosty today so they wouldn't have helped any. I think I just misjudged how icy the pavements were.

Yes, you're right, as long as I get out every so often, I should be able to pick up the training soon and plod on towards March. Thank you :)

Hillrunner2201 profile image

Yes, the ice is a real pain. I've been out running but it's not been the most enjoyable and have ended up going on routes near main roads to avoid the black ice. The good news is that there's some milder weather in the next few days so grab the opportunity!

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to Hillrunner2201

Yes, I've just looked at the forecast and there's an 11C in our future! Hooray! Let's make the most of it :)

misswobble profile image

Stay on it missus. No pressure 😁💪🏃‍♀️ I Had a km in hand so used it at the weekend when I felt like packing in my run early as the space to run on was just a pair of trainers wide 😁 The rest was godd*mp ice and snow 😣.

It won’t always be dark at six, as my mam used to say 😃👍

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

That phrase fascinates me and my friend - what the heck are you supposed to take from it? Things will get better? Things could always be worse? I am clinging to the fact that next week we do in fact start back towards spring - hooray!

misswobble profile image

Ooh forgot to say Murph! Supposed to run today but am off to Chatsworth for the Dickens-themed house decs and lunch

I’ll probably end up running in the dark again 🙄

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Oooh, fab! Hope you have enjoyed it! Chatsworth, that is, not running in the dark :O

Decker profile image

Smart not to run on ice Annie, but I hear you. I am at the last stage of the asics HM plan and they are all long runs now. Even with spikes I had to cut my long run short as I ran out of steam with the unplowed trails. Was kicking myself too. Hopefully the weather will play nice a little. Is there anywhere you can run indoor, even on a treadmill? Just to keep the legs moving?

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to Decker

I shouldn't really complain, Decker, not compared with your weather! You're doing brilliantly to keep running through the winter. I think it's forecast to get better here so I will make the most of it when it's milder. I can't afford the gym prices round here unfortunately!

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to Anniemurph

Happy the forecast is better Annie. Hope you can make the best of it. Ours is rainy and slushy again. I am looking around for a cheap gym too 🙂

poppypug profile image

Hi Annie

Yep I couldve written your post word for word . The pavements have been so slippy around here and I darednt risk running on them . Plus I have a bad throat and chest - Bah ! I lost my voice last Friday , but it has returned and I am slowly feeling better but not recovered 100% yet .

Hoping to get some runs in towards the weekend . Hang on in there , better days are just around the corner :-) xxx

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to poppypug

Hope you feel better soon, Pops! Take care of yourself, lovely lady xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugMarathon in reply to Anniemurph

Thanks Annie xxx I cant seem to get shut of this flippin' cough - its doing mi' head in . I have just got to be patient I think -Bah ! :-)

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to poppypug

Hope you are back in business soon Poppy!

poppypug profile image
poppypugMarathon in reply to Decker

Thank you Rog !

I am getting fed up of it now to be honest , but I shall return ! :-) xxx

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to poppypug

I bet you are! You’ve waited this long, may as well be rid of it fully

poppypug profile image
poppypugMarathon in reply to Decker

Yes, thats true . I am very careful with chest and throat infections xxx

misswobble profile image

Sorry to hear you’re not very well Pops! 😣. Hope you’re up and at em soon 😃👍

poppypug profile image
poppypugMarathon in reply to misswobble

Thanks Wobble xxx

I think my Hubby was secretly quite pleased when I lost my voice :-D

Im making up for it now though ;-) xxx

ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerHalf Marathon

Just not worth the risk of running when it's slippy Annie. You should still be okay for March. If the plan is doing your head in just increase your distance every week and give the long run a miss every few weeks. (she says as if there is nothing to it!!). Your other runs once the weather picks up can be intervals and shorter distances.

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon in reply to ancientrunner

Thanks, AR, that's really helpful :) I'll try and get back on it without stressing too much.

misswobble profile image

Hope you’re feeling better Pops! I went to WW class yesters where we had to Sing! Well some of us. Most folks were speechless 😶. Some bug that is with folks all having lost their voice. It’s going to be a quiet Christmas

Morning Murph 🙂. Are you back out there yet ? It’s gone balmy so I’ll expect so 😃👍✔️

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