What do you think?
How about these homemade energy bites?? - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
How about these homemade energy bites??

They look really easy to make. Probably taste good too.

Yep, they will be lovely. So easy to make too. You can chill them down and freeze, each wrapped in cling. I box them so they don't damaged in all the rummaging that goes on 😀
They won't be portable on a warm day, e.g. In your pocket, but fine for afterwards as a recovery, or pre run snack.

There's definitely lots of energy in them! I slightly wonder about the fresh blackberries - wouldn't keep very long (although fine in the freezer as MW says) and could get stuck between teeth. But I love the flavour combination of peanut butter and blackberries. Also, chia seeds must be pretty expensive to buy, but ok if you're already used to using them I guess.

I love all the variations you can come up with making these balls, I love oats and PNB etc so these look lush

They look yummy!!

look lovely

As a diabetic I have to avoid all the high sugar energy bars but I wonder if this would be OK for me if I skip the honey and use some stevia?

Chia seeds aren't hard like berry seeds so you be ok 😁

Have you made these Bazza1234 ?
They look like a nice change from the bites I usually make (and probably a bit cheaper too), thanks for sharing that one.