Pain under my eyelid... can't resolve it! - Macular Society

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Pain under my eyelid... can't resolve it!

whiskbroom profile image
9 Replies

(I am in California with Medicare instead of N.H.S.) I have been getting Avastin injections in my right eye for about 18 months. There has been no progression, so now the shots are 16 weeks apart. I live about 60 miles from my opthalmologist, so I haven't asked her this question. My next regular appointment isn't until January.

I'm hoping someone is reading this on a Saturday and might give me some guidance. My right eye has been hurting since early Friday. It feels like there's something under the eyelid, such as a hair or wee grain or something. I cannot see it or get it out. I've tried water into the eye, including during this morning's shower, an "eye cup" with water held to the eye, and eye drops (which I use anyway for the occasional dry eyes), rolling eyes, etc. Nothing helps.

There is no vision change, my eye looks the same, and no pain other than this annoying one, every time I blink. My doctor and I have discussed what happens if my eye "fails," and I know vision changes and pain are on the list, but under my eyelid?

I will call her on Monday if I still have this, and I'll need to drive an hour each way to see her, but if this is not resolved by then, I probably need to do this. I have Googled around but cannot find anything to help. Thank you to anyone reading this lengthy post, and for any advice!

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9 Replies

Hi, did the water / drops give any relief at all, even momentary?

Are your eyes watering? if so then I'd say they are very dry.

To my knowledge the pain you describe isn't associated with inj other than if they scratch your eye doing it ( but hopefully the mac soc will see your post and advise on that).

I did once poke my eye with the sharp end of a plant leaf, not on purpose!, and that felt similar to what you decribe.

Whenever I've had similar pain otherwise it's been due to a scratch or severely dry eyes or eye strain from lots of computer work and its needed lots of hylotear drops every couple of hours plus a couple of paracetamol to stop me feeling it (and stop me focusing on it).

Can anyone have a look for you to see if an eyelash bed looks inflamed or bent back? Maybe a sty is forming?

might even be as simple as a bit of " morning crust" stuck to inner eyelash scraping every time you blink.

Id put a not too hot compress over the edge of the eyelid to see if that helps.

Personally I wouldn't overworry as vision isn't affected but if still scratchy by Monday go see a doc.

whiskbroom profile image
whiskbroom in reply to

Thanks so much for replying. I think the drops help some, but from researching around (wondering if it's "Covid Eye") (because I'm 78 with a bad heart) I find I might have pink eye or conjunctivitis, about the same thing. I'm going to do drops all weekend and Monday decide on a doctor visit. My primary doctor is local and I'm sure she could prescribe something. I haven't scratched my eye, I know that. I am pretty sure it is not Covid Eye, because I have no other symptoms. Thanks again for replying!

LB1st profile image

Hi! When I first started going to the ophthalmologist for WMD, I mentioned to him that I felt like there was something in my eye and he flipped my eyelid up and said there was an eyelash growing rogue. He plucked it out and that was that. You might want to check with your doctor just to see if she could check for that possibility.

alalex101 profile image

Your retina specialist should have a colleague on call today. Call the office phone number now please

Koalajane profile image

Would a heated mask help at all, I use one for my dry eyes

whiskbroom profile image
whiskbroom in reply to Koalajane

I'm happy to report, now on Sunday morning here, that my eye feels so much better! I used my eye drops yesterday a few times (both eyes just to make sure), and today my eye feels nearly normal. I knew I had dry eyes, having been told to use eye drops daily, but I've been very lazy about it because nothing ever hurt. This is the first time I've ever suffered in any way from my dry eyes! I have totally learned a lesson. I will use them daily forever, I promise myself. I am always so paranoid about my "bad" eye failing and losing vision, so it's difficult for me to realize that this was my fault! However, I'm taking responsibility, and I really appreciate all the ideas. This is an excellent website, and you've all been very helpful. Thanks so much.

Bluegreensea profile image
Bluegreensea in reply to whiskbroom

Oh Whiskbroom

I'm so happy you are okay!


Koalajane profile image

Glad to hear of your improvement

Hi fellow Yank! I am near Seattle~ Listen, I had the very same thing happen to me..esp when I got Avastin injections. This may be a dry eye thing...not a biggie! I bought some no preservative eye drops and started using them about 4x a day. I no longer have any discomfort under my eye lid..the eye drops take care of it.

Be certain to buy dry eye formula and NOT red eye eye formula will mask eye irritation by taking the red indication of trouble that might come up.

I buy mine either on Amazon or eBAY..I use Bosch and Lomb dry eye formula. If you have an Amazon get free shipping often one day shipping. If I can help you just drop me a private message!

PS I too am on Medicare 8-)

Hang in there


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