Has anyone added an extra eye supplement to their areds2..namely pure saffron in tablet form and are noticing any improvements or stability?..I've purchased saffron in pill form and am adding them as a daily supplement. Any feed back will be useful please...also..does the macular society have any information on this particular topic?
Dry AMD ONLY: Has anyone added an extra eye... - Macular Society

Hello horseaddict! I went for the saffron supplement from the only people specialising in its treatment for AMD. Tool it as directed (after breakfast) each morning for 10 days, and noticed a distinct worsening of the 'mistiness' that is my main symptom. I asked the company if this was usual, and they replied at once that it wasn't, and to stop taking the saffron immediately. I did so and queried a reaction with other meds I take for a kidney disorder. To my astonishment they replied they had never had any such reports, and did not have any records of such incompatibilities ... I find that very hard to believe ...
I feel guilty that I was singing the praises of saffron as it works at the genetic level, which is where the answer must lie. Your question broke my dilemma - am I really the only person on Earth to have had a negative reaction? I might be ...
Hi I've been waiting for your feedback on the saffron..it was you that pointed me in that direction to swot up on it. I'm very disappointed for you as anything and everything we have to try..it gives us hope in a futile situation. I've ordered some pure saffron to take as an extra with my areds2. I'm now a bit apprehensive...like you..I can be negative as there doesn't seem to be any positive results on research that's been going on for years ..like you and many others I'm just here awaiting the blindness. I will try the saffron and see if theres any difference for me..I will let you know.. one thing I've noticed since taking the areds2 is that I now have floaters in one eye which I had not got before?? .
Hi horseaddict - worth a try. I have other meds, which are Loxen (2 per day), Irbesartan (1 every 2 days) and Furosemide (1 every 2 days). The last is a diuretic, as is saffron, but that has nothing to do with AMD ... I think ... the problem with this site is that no-one who actually KNOWS anything never reads it. I may be unique (just mt luck!) so worth a try - better than sitting about twiddling our thumbs while research grinds on through the decades ... what we need is Lily the Pink's Medicinal Compound ... one word - the increase in mistiness has not gone away, although it varies day to day and usually during the day as well - the brighter the light, the denser the mist, is a general rule.
Will keep you posted.thanks for that. I do notice after taking spinach cooked..my eyes are marginally better?? But maybe that's equivalent to the placebo effect. I was also wondering if it's a good idea to wear those anti glare glasses..the ones with yellow lenses..when on the computer.phone and watching TV... thanks for your reply.apreciated.
Oh yes - I wear 'night-driving' glasses (amber) that fit over my normal glasses (which themselves are UV coated) because they enhance contrast enough to be useful, without taking away too much light. Wear them all the time out-of-doors. As to spinach, it is very high in anti-oxidants and a good soldier in the war against AMD. It's a regular weekly intake - we have it with grilled salmon. which is also a good soldier in the omega 3 field. They go well together. As a bonus, red wine (must be red) is also high in a powerful anti-oxidant, resveratrol - it comes from the grape-skins. If you're into curries, turmeric is good (curcumin), Avoid dairy, especially cheese and white (refined) anything (bread, pasta, rice etc:). Use the brown varieties. Avoid potatoes, we use (oddly!) sweet potatoes instead,
I have taken a saffron 20 supplement for nearly 3 months. I have had Wet AMD (myopic) for over 2 years and thought I would give it a 3 month trial. No ill effects at all but the only real benefit I have noticed is that the sensitivity of my eyelids (noticed since cataract ops) has reduced markedly. Sight has remained fairly stable, as it has for the last year without injections. Unless something drastic happens either way, it is very difficult to assess. However I think I will carry on for a bit longer. I would also love to hear from anyone else taking saffron.
thank you for your reply. Yes I think none of us will ever know if these eye supplements are doing anything .Saffron seems to have a good write up?..getting saffron with just saffron in it is proving difficult.I just purchased what led me to believe was pure saffron extract..when it arrived it contains other stuff and the saffron content is just 3%....any body recoment a saffron product with just saffron in it..i feel duped.
I did try using real saffron a few months ago. They say you should steep about 12 threads in boiling water and this would be a suitable dose. Maybe I used too many and it caused the bowels to seize up a bit, so stopped taking it. When I started the pills I had a mild bowel reaction for a couple of days and then righted itself. I have read that saffron rarely causes reaction even in strong doses but it certainly did with me. I did feel that if it could do that, perhaps it could work on the eyesight as well!