Hi I'm new to this forum. I was diagnosed with AMD last Friday following my annual eye exam. Needless to say I am terrified!!!!! I'm 58 yr old female who lives by herself & still needs to work for many yrs. I have been crying for over week about this & I don't know where else to turn. I'm so scared for my future. I have done alot of research on this condition & it doesn't look good! Can someone please give me some insight on how to stop panicking over this. Thank You
Diagnosis of AMD & Terrified: Hi I'm new to... - Macular Society
Diagnosis of AMD & Terrified

Thank you for your reply. I have Dry AMD in both eyes. Last Friday I found out. 8 days ago. The eye Dr really never went into full detail. Told me to take AREDS 2 and he will see me in a year!!!!!!
I was diagnosed with dry AMD ten years ago at the age of 55 and had the same fears as you. I took supplements and had an annual eye scan to detect changes. My optician explained the condition to me and changes I needed to look out for. Everything remained stable until last March when an annual scan detected changes in one eye that signified that the wet form of AMD had developed. I began monthly injections which are still continuing. It's been a roller coaster and it's normal to feel scared. The positive thing I can say to you is that because everything was detected and treated early I have experienced no obvious deterioration in my eyesight. Had I not being having annual scans I don't think I would have been aware of the problem. Go back to your optician, explain your fears and ask for a detailed prognosis and regular eye scans. You will feel far more positive.
Thank You
I am 36 I have Macular degeneration in my right eye. I was getting the eylea shots for about a year but it would only help if I kept getting them. I stopped because I think it is not worth to just slow down the inevitable. I did read where doctors were doing a surgery and putting like a small looking camera in their eye, but you lose you peripheral vision and that is all I have left in my right eye. Do you have it in one or both of your eyes? I hope they find a cure for it for your sake. I myself have come to terms with it. Wish you the best.
Hi Pink 1223, your feelings are understandable, but don'r help. AMD is a very slow process, and AREDS 2 will slow it further. There is a further step to take as well - saffron. Saffron works at the genetic level, combining with resveratrol to replace lost pigment. You can take it as a supplement with AREDS2 or as a replacement for AREDS 2. The specialist in this field is a Canadian company named Persevita, who have two products named 'Saffron 2020' in two varieties - Saffron 2020 Pro is a supplement taken wit AREDS2, and Saffron 2020 XP is one that combines saffron with the AREDS2 formulation, so one a day does it all. Genetics offer the best hope for an actual cure and research proceeds but is still some time off. Until then, our best shot is probably Saffron 1010 XP.
What I find sad is that all this has to be found out by yourself by researching every idea and lead. There is no professional guidance whatsoever. By the way - I have no connection with Persevita other than as an appreciative customer!
Sorry! That last should read ',,, our best shot is probably Saffron 2020 XP' ... typo!
Sorry to hear your. diagnosis. Everyone is different but In addition to AREDS 2 vitamins, after research and advice I wear melanin lenses when outside in daylight and have blueblockers on reading glasses. After seven years of dry AMD and one year of wet in one eye, with injections, there is no significant deterioration of my vision. It is important to have regular eye check ups with OCT scans so that any deterioration can be dealt with quickly. I hope this helps.
Sending you a hug X diagnosis is a scary time -I cried myself to sleep for 2 weeks thinking I was going to lose my sight. Vision problems are known to be akin to bereavement emotionally so be kind to yourself.
As has been said you can take the well researched supplements and must monitor with the amsler grid and any changes ensure you get seen immediately to avoid any potential problems.
Wishing you all the best going forward. The macular society have a good website and helpline.

Thank you so much. The anxiety is so overwhelming sometimes. But I thank God for everyday.
As so many have said it is a very frightening time. I know how you feel because I also felt the same and even now I can get very depressed about it. I was diagnosed about two years ago with wet MD in my right eye and have had maybe twenty injections. Now they seem to think it might not be MD but is due to being short sighted. Seems strange to me but hope they are right as up to now my left eye is ok. Try to stay positive and as you see there are lots of kind people here who will support you.
I have wet AMD in my left eye. Thankfully, my right eye is fine. I've had various injections of anti-vegf medications but my most positive response in terms of fluid reduction was with the steroid implant, Ozurdex or dexamethasone. Even with AMD, one's peripheral vision is still there but with wavy lines and small print is impossible to read, really. However, thanks to the good eye, I continue to work using a computer.
There's really little point in panicking although I understand how depressing the diagnosis is. You are unlikely to go blind in any case. Regular injections will help maintain your vision and although eye injections sound dreadful, the eye is anaesthetized and the actual injection is a mere pin-prick..
At this stage, I suggest you do everything to protect your eyes. Always wear sunglasses in strong sunlight. Eat whatever foods are reputed to strengthen your eyes. I eat lots and lots of blueberries. I also drink Saffron tea. Make sure your blood pressure is normal. I have a hunch that perhaps a diet high in sugar is not good for the eyes so I've cut out sweets and pastries. I'm not diabetic but sugar is hard on the eyes if the body cannot process it properly and diabetics are very prone to wet AMD.
Research into the problem is going on all the time. There are a couple of new medications on the market which are stronger than the Lucentis, Eyelea and so on. Brolucizumab is a new drug awaiting FDA approval. AXT 107 is another one. These new drugs last longer requiring fewer injections, maybe only two per year.
Meanwhile, keep calm!
I hope others have helped, try eating more eggs, anyway you like the yellow yolk is supposed to be good. I'm a veggie and eat plenty of fruit and veg so don't take supplements, but that's my decision and it's up to the individual whether they do or not.
I've had dry AMD for several years now and have ceased to worry about it
Pink 1223,
I understand your fears and feelings of hopelessness when learning of your diagnosis. I too was overwhelmed with the diagnosis of wet AMD in the right eye. However, there are medications your doctor can pursue to delay the loss of sight in the affected eye. Additionally, this forum has proved to be an invaluable source of relatable information concerning my journey with AMD.
I agree with previous advice regarding diet and medication. I have been receiving Eyelea injections for 6 months. Additionally, I've changed my diet to include supplements good for the eye. I also included micro greens in my diet. As of this posting I am able to read with my affected eye. The improvement was slow and steady.
Each person's experience with AMD is unique. As you move through yours, gather information, listen to your doctors, and stay connected. It's not all bad news. I truly believe the best outcome is possible and I hope you'll find it .
Wishing good eyesight and improved vision,
Apparently most people ‘of a certain age’ show signs of AMD and cataracts which may or may not develop into something requiring treatment. It sounds like you hadn’t noticed any symptoms like straight lines of text, walls, stairs etc appearing to be wavy or kinked? If you have you’ll need to see a specialist but do talk to your GP if worried. It’s a pity your optician/ophthalmologist didn’t take time to give a fuller explanation and if you have the time do give them feedback before they thoughtlessly scare someone else. As suggested you need an Amsler grid to test your eyes.
Good luck with everything - hopefully you won’t have too much to deal with for a good while - if ever!
I was diagnosed three years ago and stared taking Macular gold and have now been discharged as there has been no change. The specialist said it wasn't a cure but would delay it. Hope this helps

Dear Pink1223,
Please contact us directly to discuss the way that you are feeling. I am copying a link to our booklet on Emotional impact:
Which type of macular condition have you been diagnosed with?
The Macular Society Advice and Information service is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111. Alternately, you can contact us via:
Kind regards,
See a specialist - take the AREDS2 vitamins they recommend and stick with it. I am just 80 years old and have had WMD for 4 years in my right eye and just diagnosed in my left. I receive Eylea injections every 5-weeks - can still drive as long as I don't let the horn blowing and screaming bother me - HA- HA!! Get the treatment from a qualified specialist - it does help.
Darl, I'm 57 and was in same boat. I finally saw a proper EYE Surgeon who told me that the Optometrists had instead of considering my age had told me I had MD and early CATARACTS...
Please Go get a 2nd or 3rd opinion and I stress to anyone who has been diagnosed the local Shop to get see an actual EYE SPECIALIST....
Who diagnosed it? Was it a Specialist??
It takes years to develop but I know how scared I was too.....
I prayed and had Faith for God to heal me....
I can't say it will be a misunderstanding but I seriously hope and pray that a cure will be found darl....
Supportive hugs from Australia. 🙏🙏💖👍🤗🤗
I was diagnosed 12 years ago at 49. Had hardly any prescription changes during that time. There is stem cell research going on at the moment but not conclusive as yet. The only thing you can do to try and slow the progression is take eye supplements..look up AREDS2 and add spinach.kale and fresh fruit every day in your diet. That's your only option at this time. My vision has just started to change and now I'm in total panic as I'm active horse riding etc etc..so fully understand the sheer nightmare of blindness. Research the AREDS supplement and tank yourself up on your greens.
What i found out is that there is more options. People who turn to keto diet with a lot greens etc and no vegetable fat beside virgin olive oil have even reversed (in early state).There is very little research about keto food, but it really heels many other health related problems.
And take out all sugar is super important.
I got my diagnosis 1.5 week ago and searched for ideas to stop it going worse .
As i have tested keto before this was the way i wanted to go. Have doing keto before and it healed my blood suger, my blood pressure was lower and healed my ibs. My hubby did it too as he was diabetes 2. His blood sugar went normal in a few days.
If keto is too hard you can go with low carb, with no sugar.
Thank you so much. I went to see a retina specialist yesterday. He told me I'm in the early stage of the dry kind. Take AREDS2 & lots of fruits & Veggies. Which I eat spinach everyday. He will screen me every 6 months to monitor it. He did make me feel alot better. Wishing you good health.