Hi I have had 4th lucentis injection today, since my jab I have a very dark black dot in my vision especially when I look down or bend my head also had a little blood released in the corner of my eye my eye is blood shot and sore.it's the black circle that is concerning me any advice really appreciated regards jill
Injection : Hi I have had 4th lucentis... - Macular Society

I've often had small black dots which have disappeared in a day or two One little dot seems to last longer from last injection but has gone now. Do contact the clinic if you are worried but I think you'll find others post with same experience.
The black/ blue spot(s) you see is an air bubble that is all. It will go within 24 hours. Hope that helps
Hello - I've recently posted on this subject & can only repeat my experience. I've been having Lucentis injections for 2 years. I've had small black dots following injections but on one occasion I had a large very black dot like a ball that was bouncing around from left to right when I moved my eyes. I phoned the emergency number at the eye clinic I attend and was told that if it was moving was an air bubble created at the time of the injection and that it would automatically disperse. It did disappear within 24 hrs. So far I've not had any blood leakage following an injection. You need to contact the emergency help line at the eye clinic you attend to get their advice.
As commented above the bubble is merely air trapped in the syringe. It is harmless and disperses.
My first ones were quite amusing because at night they became luminescent orange!
As I had had radiation to the eye I joked that I must be still radioactive. 😆
Usually, they appear to be at the bottom of the eye but in fact they are at the top, they are lighter than the vitreous but we see them upside down because they are behind the lens.
I just got Eyelia injection and experienced the black dot when I bent down immediately following , however it seems to be gone now. I’m hoping this new medicine will improve my wet AMD. The biggest issue I have is the cost.
I hope the dot disappears for you soon. I agree , contact eye care professionals regarding the blood discharge.
Hi Mikkjilly. I experienced big and small black polo mints after my fourth injection. I was told that it was the fluid from the injection and that it would disperse soon. They did, after three days. I have had large and small black dots occasionally since but they are harmless.
I have had this black dot on quite a few occasions after injection it has always gone by the following morning
Relatively common and like others I’ve had the spinning black disc with the luminous golden centre. Quite lovely and almost missed it when gone but I no longer worry about them!