Painful injection : I have both eyes wet amd... - Macular Society

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Painful injection

Teddi63 profile image
20 Replies

I have both eyes wet amd .My 2nd eye had3 rd injection today,normally after injection I normally have gritty and red eye for day or so but not too bad ,but today the iodine felt different and the injection hurt more .Since I,ve had nasty pain and feels like when I close eye feels like I've got lashes in my eye ,hard to sleep !!!!!! Rang called emergency nurse and said put in drops and see if hurts tomorrow .just put on here in anyone ever had this happen and may know what caused so much pain .thanks for listening to my moaning,

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Teddi63 profile image
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20 Replies

Hi teddi, my first ever inj was like that afterwards. They had pressed on the eye clamp too hard causing me immense pressure pain during the inj and I think maybe scratched the eye which caused the sharp pain (like arc eye) after. It took quite a few days to settle down. The eye being very dry will do it too.

I have found things get better the more inj you have. However, always best to raise any concerns with your clinic asap just in case.

My clinic now give soothing drops straight after inj which help but I don't use my hylotears for at least 5 days due to risk of infection.

If things don't get better with other inj it may be you are sensitive to the iodine which they can change.

Best wishes going forward x

Ps check out the Macular Society website for lots of info and support if you haven't already.

Teddi63 profile image
Teddi63 in reply to

Thanks eyes right ,It sounds like happened to me was happened to you too.Bit better today and talked to macular helpline and really helped as they always help when worried .I had my 3rd injection and then see how on it goes !!!!!! Had lots injection on my other eye ,wasn't good so not great and not sure what's going to happen yet ,It's still wet but my cataract covers it over so hard for dr to see on scans and says it's staying the same but try again next month ,haven't had injection on that eye for months !!!!!! Can't imagine 2eyes injection together .If all this helps us keeping seeing always thankful and thanks very much to your kind help xx

Hollyg profile image

happens to me too

hang in there

Teddi63 profile image
Teddi63 in reply to Hollyg

So sorry Hollyg ,do Hope it doesn't happen to you again xxx

boyosww profile image
boyosww in reply to Hollyg

And me bit scary it is ,hope things get better soon for us all

andy1955 profile image
andy1955Macular Society

Hi Teddi,

So sorry about your injection experience.

Have a look at our factsheet at the following link;

If you would like a chat, please call the Macular Society Helpline on 0300 30 30 111 (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).

Best wishes


Macular Society

Teddi63 profile image
Teddi63 in reply to andy1955

That's a very good fact sheet thanks putting it on and it's so nice to talk to you all at macular when you're worried lots of thanks xx

squinty profile image

Dear Teddi OMG you are very entitled to moan, that gritty eye pain us the pits ☹️ You brave lady having injections in both eyes at the same time ! One is bad enough. Has it improved by now? I get that pain and something gritty in the eye but it passes after an uncomfortable night with no sleep. Hope you are near your hospital. Moan all you like we are all in the same boat darling. Mega hugs from Squinty xxx

Teddi63 profile image
Teddi63 in reply to squinty

I only have one eye injection at the moment ,for 3months .Had lots injections in other eye but said sort of not going anywhere and was pretty bad as dry went to wet without any help in time.but next month drs checking to do if anything more injections on it again !!!!!!!! Let's hope a cure for everyone in soon as possible . Thanks for replying with help xx

squinty profile image

Oh no yeh I've got wet in one eye n dry in other eye ! I've started taking loads of vitamins hoping to stop dry going to wet. It's terrible isn't it hope u feeling better now n grittyness gone. I'm of in hols and come back on 19th to gave my ftjurd injection, absolutely hate them☹️ Take care and remember we are all here for each other xxx

glimmerstar profile image

I have only had injections so far in my right eye, but now I feel like my left eye is going bad. I had 2 different types of injections over the past year and they have all been very painful, and seemed to get worse with each one. When I asked about it, the staff and dr. made me feel like I was a complainer and no one else had problems like that but me. So I went to a new dr. and it was even worse, so I went back to the original dr. who told me my eye was so damaged that nothing else could be done now. I have had many other medical problems in my life including bypasses, cancer, etc. so I am not a baby believe me. These eye injections were so painful, but the fear of being totally blind made me endure them. But now with the other eye getting worse ( I am now legally blind in my right eye) I am so torn on what to do.

By the way, the injections never made my eye better, it just kept getting worse. I would begin to have severe pain within 2 hours of coming home, that lasted anywhere from 3 days to a week 24/7. They have occasionally hit a blood vessel and one time, my entire eye was completely bloody for almost 2 weeks. The kicker was they didn't even tell me. My daughter was with me and when I came out of the office, she was horrified when she saw me and the office staff looked shocked also. Several times I was also tempted to go to the Emergency Room but knew they wouldn't do anything, and I was in so much pain, I really didn't feel well enough to get up and go, knowing I would sit in the waiting room for hours.

When I found this website people said to discuss the pain with tmy dr. and see if he could use something different for numbing the eye since I might be allergic to whatever he was using. When I tried he just ignored me saying I had ruined my eye from not coming back as soon as I should have and now it was too late. (I had gone to the other dr. just to see if it would be less painful, during that period). I don't know where people find these dr's. that they say they can sit down and discuss things with, but I have been to many dr's. in my life and so far I haven't found one of those.

Evidently for some reason, these injections are much more painful for some than others. I thought it might be the skill of the dr., but like I said I tried a different dr. and it was much worse. I am absolutely terrified to go back. Just wanted to let you know you are not the only one.

kalahuchi profile image
kalahuchi in reply to glimmerstar

Hi glimmerstar, it's hard to believe what you have had to endure; you must be so brave, and I can understand why you are terrified to go back for more treatment. I know a friend of mine found her chemo very difficult to endure (nothing to do with her eyes, but the principle is the same) and she found hypnotherapy helped her to cope through this difficult time. She said it helped her stay calm and to feel more positive. I have never tried it myself but it may be worth a go. I also "open up" more about my feelings to nursing staff and junior doctors because I am sure that this then gets passed on to the surgeon doing the injection and all the time during the procedure I keep saying to myself "this is to save my sight, this is to save my sight ..." over and over and over again. One of the doctors once told me the injection last for just 4 seconds so I count when I see the "clouds" in my vision and ask them to tell me as soon as the needle is out. That is when I start to relax. Before I go into theatre I tell them all I am terrified every single time; that I am frightened in case I feel anything and always ask for a hand to hold. I do this because when I feel anxious I look rather cross and I want them to know that is not the way I am feeling. In my mind I try to break the procedure down into three stages; the clamp and washing I try to think of as just uncomfortable, like a scale and polish at the dentist. For the injection itself I have my little "chant" to help me and afterward I leg it out of that theatre as soon as they will let me go! I'm down that corridor and back to the waiting room like a whippet! After that I try to distract myself any way I can during that "gritty" recovery period. So far I have been on meals out, been dancing (yes, complete with my eye shield and with plenty of rests), been to bed early, basically anything I can think of to stop me thinking about my eye. Sorry to waffle and I'm not sure any of this has helped, but anyway good luck with your treatment and keep trying; you WILL find a nice, friendly, helpful doctor to talk to eventually.

in reply to glimmerstar

So sorry for you glimmerstar. My initial experience of both diagnosis and inj was horrendous to the extent that I made a formal complaint via PALS. Since then I received an apology and it was agreed I would not be seen again by the dr I complained about. I was given an appt with a different consultant who was sympathetic and everyone Ive seen since has been wonderful. If I see someone new I make a point of telling them I had a bad experience before, that I am nervous because of it, and need to hold a hand. They have all been very comforting.

I do think clinics know when they have rubbish drs but noone does anything about it unless its brought to their attention in a way they cant ignore!

The 1st dr I had would not lsten to me either and I could not face going through it again with her so my only option was to make sure I got someone else. I would have kept on until i was happy.

Complaining formally is a big thing to do but you need the inj to at least see if they will work so if I was you I would write to the clinic manager and explain how you were treated and the side effects you had and ask if you can be seen by someone else.

The inj havent worked too well for me either so far, a bit of a rollercoaster, but its all we have so im sticking with it until my clinic pull the plug.

Best wishes going forward x

Diana001 profile image
Diana001 in reply to glimmerstar

Hi there, I have had these injections for on 5 years now. For years, although unpleasant, they were sort of OK. Some times I had a really bloody eye the next day - impresses all at work :) or other times I seriously had absolutely no pain and could have gone on the computer that night. For some reason, this year, every one has been horrible. Last month's injection I had to take 3 days off work, the injection I had on Tuesday of this week - I coped OK that night, went to work the next morning and by 10 a.m. was sitting at my desk bawling like a baby. One of the girls at work said to me it may be that its the poor old same eye having injections for all that time and maybe you have scar tissue. She also googled and said that she thinks there may be some laser treatment instead of the injections Has anyone else heard of that? I am a lucky girl this month - the next injection is in 6 weeks (instead of the usual 4) :)

Lynae profile image

Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about you're pain this time around. I haven't experienced that and I pray that I won't. I'm getting my second set of injections next week and I'm worried now. My daughter is getting married in 3 weeks. Lord help watch over all of us with this disease

in reply to Lynae

Dont be worried Lynae, if your first was fine i think the rest are likely to be too. Worry will just make you tense which spoils the good days x

Lynae profile image

Thanks, I'll be positive when I walk into his office

TDW1 profile image

Today I had my 6fh Eylea injection, after inj5 I had horrendous discomfort , eyelids swollen, misty vision and a hot and runny nose! I was an emergency care practitioner for many years, and so looked to research this problem. I had been told by an RGN at the clinic, not to use ibuprofen for the pain, this I found odd and after a lot of searching could find nothing to support this, I fact I discovered that there a trial for the use of NSAIDs drops for intraV injections. The conclusion I arrived at was Iodine, there are many cases regarding similar events, and some, including the Mac Society, suggest chlorhexidine. I spoke with the specialist clinician undertaking today's injection and she suggested a 5% solution of iodine and gentle swabbing of the peri ocular area. I am pleased, no delighted to sy that the discomfort is barely worth mentioning, some 5 hours post injection. I have also found that Thealoz Duo eye drops are highly beneficial again, post injection. I hope this will help others who have pain post procedure.

Franmacpherson profile image

Was almost ready to call e.r. then read your post. I will hang in there. Every injection seems different ... today was one of the worst but vision remains at 20/30 so guess it is worth it. I think it is the betadyne ...Will make sure they flush better next time.good to hear other experiences. Sorry for typos...not seeing well this evening.


folkmusicilike profile image

It's not 'moaning'! Honestly, I've just had only my 8th or 9th injection and really don't ever want another one. The first few were fine - quick and, despite a difficult milisecond of pain, over and done with and no after-effects. The last 2 have been very difficult. More painful and more after-effects - as I've said in another post I have reached injection fatigue already! Despite being aware - and I may be lucky in this - that my eyesight has improved and the injections seem to be working I don't want to submit to another injection at all.

Really hope your pain eases soon. The woman before me having her treatment today was having injections in both eyes. I felt so sorry for her and was so grateful that, for now at least, I only need to have one injection. All my best wishes to you x

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