New here...And quite anxious! Was diagnosed with the early onset of change in pigmentation about 2 years ago, by an eye specialist with the possibility of AMD. I started noticing the wavy lines in certain areas in my sight, which prompted my first eye exam in my late 30's. After the specialist Dx, I have since tried to ignore the whole idea of any possible eye issue until recently. But, I went and did one of those DNA tests and it was discovered that I tested for both genetic variants (Y402H variant in the CFH gene & and the A69S
variant in the ARMS2 gene). So under my own researching, I have since self-diagnosed myself with JMD (Juvenile Macular Degeneration), as opposed to AMD. Under the assumption, I was most likely born with this, but considering I never had any eye issues until my late 30's, it went unnoticed? Either way, of the late, I have been noticing more wavy areas in my left eye and my eyesight is more blurry. This led me up to a recent eye exam and I am being sent to a specialist once again. As I can see the progression since 2 years ago when I last went to see a specialist. So with this being said, I started reading up on this (AMD/JMD) and came across this website. I would love to hear from anyone who may be more well versed in this area, that may have some positive thoughts for me or some guidance? Perhaps, some information on how to get more involved in some clinical trials here in the States? I do understand the risks that may come with clinical trials, but at this point, I feel I have nothing to lose. I really am just looking to talk to others who may understand a bit better as to what I am experiencing. As this fear of the unknown is quite overwhelming and as much as I try to keep myself distracted, it really is not that easy lately. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. I will say this much, I have started with AREDS2 supplements and my new computer glasses / sunglasses do block out the blue light. Sorry for the long rant...