Did anyone c on the news today about a product called nuretin that helps people with retina problems geared towards diabetics? I left a message at my dr office inquiring about this they said on the news it can improve your eyes by 46% please let me know if you have ever heard of this thanks
Nuretin: Did anyone c on the news today... - Macular Society

I eat a couple of cans (~425 grams each) of mackerel or pilchards and maybe four cans of tuna (~170 grams each) a week and take 1 gram of cod liver oil, 300 mg of Jarrow Gamma E plus a full spectrum of basic vitamins and minerals a day, anyone like to say where Nuretin at $33.95 a box might fit in?
[Just no one take krill oil instead!]
I had no idea there was such a thing I have macular edema where do I get these frim
Where do u get these from
Thank you
Personally, I would want to see the clinical evidence for such claims.

Right I can’t find anyone who sells it except online it seems like it’s a super refined fish oil pill ingredients r ma herald sardines and seafood along those lines
I wouldn't go near these, personally, having 40 years experience of medicines development and testing. These eye drops that have no product license / marketing authorisation, they aren't prescribable in UK, Europe, or USA, but available for payment over the internet. I wouldn't even trust them to be sterile let alone non-toxic,. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is, Reply More
Firstly, this is not an eye drop but a quality Omega 3. Please know your facts before commenting because real patients have benefited from the Nuretin!!!
Sorry you cant be bothered to read posts properly, before replying, I said very clearly and carefully that Nutretin was not eye drops, although the original post on this thread referred to eye drops.
Nutretin is, as I said, a supplement. There’s very little evidence that supplements have a worthwhile effect
Firstly, my reply was to a post about eye drops not Nutretin. That post has been deleted by the administrators as it was advertising a potentially dangerous product.
Secondly Nutretin is merely a supplement, it cannot be licensed as a drug. It has no FDA approval. WebMD says “The US Food and Drug Administration has not reviewed this product for safety or effectiveness. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details.”
Nuretin is a medical food, not a supplement, and available through a doctors recommendation. It is a re-esterified triglyceride (purest for of fish oil), EPA/DHA in a 1:5 ratio. Nuretin actually has clinical research supporting its benefits- hard evidence. There are no fillers or unsafe ingredients. DHA and EPA in a clean, purified form, like in this product are shown to delay the onset and slow the progression of vision loss in diabetics. Not to mention the systemic affects of taking purified EPA/DHA. Brain, cardio, joint, eyes, skin. Facts, evidence is overwhelming but there. I have my whole family on these. Nature's anti-inflammatory. Proven. Just contact the company- PRN Omega Health