Can anyone give me advice about how to find the correct visual aids for my mother. She is 93 and has been treated for MD for about 3 years. One eye appears to have little or no sight and the other, which had been holding up had a haemorrage about a fortnight ago and her vision is now dreadful.
She saw an optometrist at the hospital quite quickly after the deterioration who advised 4 more injections and said at the end of the consultation that she would refer her to the low vision clinic at the end of the cycle. However after the first of this new cycle she has been sent an appointment for the low vision clinic for a month away.
She is is very distressed as the magnifying glass she has, with a LED light (provided by the hospital 2 years ago), is proving useless now and she has asked me to find her something in the interim which might help.
I don't live near her and so will have to do this online and by post and I feel quite out of my depth when I look at the choices as to where to start. Can anyone recommend the best hand held device they have found? She cannot cope with anything too complicated. Should I be looking at the highest magnification possible or different lenses? I appreciate that possibly this site does not allow actual makes to be named but possibly I could be privately messaged?
Also I have read that different techniques in reading are needed. Has anyone any tips how she can be taught this? She is generally very resistant to family attempting to help with any of the many challenges she has faced in old age and so I am looking for outside help. She is very sociable both keeping up with friends by post and phone, but when for instance I have offered many times to put addresses of her friends on labels or to re-write her address book in large black pen I have had no success - I know this is far from unique and I might well be the same in her position.
Unfortunately although she is in an excellent nursing home and a carer goes with her to appointments my mother insists on them letting her ask all the questions so I'm very worried she will not get the best advice at the hospital.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received!