Has anyone tried the special lights which are advertised and claim to help people with MD to read small print ? I am aware that good lighting is very important but these "special lights" are very expensive and I wonder how are effective they are. I would appreciate any opinions.
SPECIAL LIGHTS: Has anyone tried the special... - Macular Society

Hi Jmcfly
Are you in the UK? My consultant referred me to the low vision department of the hospital. I have been given a magnifier with battery operated special light to help me with reading. The NHS lends them free of charge to suitable patients until discharged. All it will cost you is to replace the batteries as needed. The bright light certaily helps but the one drawback is that it is handheld, so you have only one hand to hold your book.
There are also local low vision charities in the uk who can provide you with similar gadgets at a very reasonable price. However, I always use my standard lamp by my bed with extremely bright led bulbs. I bought the lamp at local shop hor £40 and has been worth every penny for a year now and is still so now. I have seen such lamps advertised at extortinate prices, but I do not think you have to spend that much for the same effect.
Thanks very much for your reply. I don't live in the U.K. and don't know if the Spanish NH or other organisations will have similar facilities. I can read books easily on an e-reader or tablet but other things are a problem.I will look for a large magnifying glass with a light. Like you, I think a normal lamp with a bright led bulb would be as effective as one of these "Special lamps" which f have seen advertised and are really expensive.
Hello Jmcfly,
I agree with you that some 'specialist' lights can be very expensive.
Please see our lighting advice booklet at the following link;
At the macular Society, we have a list of some good suppliers. If you would like one either call our helpline 0300 30 30 111, or email your request to help@macularsociety.org
Best wishes
Macular Society
Hi, I bought a freestanding magnifier A4 size with illumination for about £30 from one of those catalogues that pop through the door (they're all on line too). Not sure now who it was but a search online will probably find it. I think I might have posted about it before, will trawl through and let you know if I find it.
My mother has two of these lights purchased from Serious Readers. They have been a great help. The light is a different type to normal lamps - it's the type that AMD sufferers need. You can also dim/brighten them to suit your needs. The only downside is that they do get hot! But my mam couldn't be without hers.