I often get a ringing sound in my ears, it is not loud or particularly annoying but I have had it for years I was wondering if anyone else experiences the same?
Just wondering.....: I often get a ringing sound in... - LUPUS UK
Just wondering.....

I get a heart beat sound all the time its like a pulsating noise been told it is tinnitus. That maybe what yours is. Unfortunately there is no cure. I just have to put up with it.
I have had tinnitus for years and gradual hearing loss due to nerve deafness, I suddenly lost the hearing in one ear after the tinnitus got worse and I had feelings of fullness and pressure and vertigo, I also was getting facial nerve problems, I went to audiology and told them about it and got seen by a Dr straight away to cut a long story short had steroids, a scan and the result is I have an accoustic Neuroma which is a benign tumour of the accoustic nerve, so do get your symptoms checked out as I'd left it a while before going to the hospital, have an urgent referral to another hospital and it looks like I'll be having a form of radiotherapy called gamma knife surgery but waiting to see the Dr to find out
Hi for the last few months I have even getting a noise in my left ear. I've just been ignoring and haven't mentioned it to any drs yet. It's hard to describe but it's like someone is scrunching something or a bit like when you rub your fingers together. Some days it is very annoying especially when it's quiet. I have lupus, APS and vasculitis is it one of these causin this?
I am glad you have asked this question because I too have had tinnitus for a few years and have told my GP but she wasn't much help. I had a neurology consultation at my insistence and all is normal. Perhaps it it a side effect of one of my meds, but it is horrible at night when trying to sleep.
i have been getting raily bad headackes and waking up with them and buzzing in ears and some times goes down in 2 my face my doc sending me 2 see neorolgy next mth been aving this for mths now same symtoms as u lupie cathy so now how u feeling xx
Hiya I occasionally get bouts of tinnitus and understand that it's part of my symptom set relating to APS/Hughes/Sticky blood which keeps my lupus company
I think that Plaquinel is a toxic drug to the ears and as such mustn't be ignored. I would definitely recommend getting your ears checked out.
Be well.