Before I was diagnosed I was always getting bitten by Mosquitos and horse flies. Now that my lupus is flaring again they are back with a vengeance. Does anyone else get this?
Mosquito bites: Before I was diagnosed I was always... - LUPUS UK
Mosquito bites

Yes I get this all the time. No one seems to get bitten like me and my reactions are 3 times worse to how it affects anyone else. Always thought I was going mad till I got diagnosed and started reading up on all the symptoms - thats why I love this site so much, knowing others know and understand what its like.
I think what causes it is when we have a flare up the body goe into over drive so any bites are far worse.
I agree. 1 summer in Spain i got 3 bites on my right forearm and 4 years later they still hadnt healed, were 3 or 4 times bigger than at the start and also twice as itchy! My dermatologist told me that our skin has memory so it is a reason 4 the itching x
When I get bitten, I get the biggest bites ever. My skin swells up and is raised. The skin goes really tight where the bite is, it's very hot and once I got one which nearly covered the inside of my thigh. I'll have a fish through for the photographs and post on here. The itching is horrendous and medicated dusting powder helps. Always have a cold to warm shower as I find a hot shower just makes them throb and itch more.
I'm off to Turkey in 2 weeks and have just left a request with gp for hydrocortisone cream which will reduce the swelling if I get bitten as I've always struggled with mosi bites but fear they will be worse now. Have you also tried the after bite sticks that are made from ammonia? They are on offer in aldi at the minute and provide instant relief. Icing and elevating affected limbs also works-had to do this for my son last year who also over reacts to bites-we used the cushions from the sofa under the foot of his mattress to raise his foot for sleep and it worked a treat. Hope this helps!
I've just remembered we also take aloe vera gel with us to soothe the itching which can be applied freely and I take non drowsy antihistamines for the really rough nights. An ice cube on an itchy bite or aloe vera stop the itching quickly
Hi, I suffer badly from insect bites and believe that this is another predisposing factor of Lupus. I use hydrocortisone cream and also take a non drowsy (and god knows we don't need to be any more drowsy) antihistamine. Bites are so nasty and yet another thing that we have to bear. Try anything that helps, maybe Aloe Vera or Witch Hazel too.Hope this helps.
Before I was diagnosed with lupus I could get bitten with no side effects, since 2006 I think the mosquito just have to buzz pass and I am in agony.
I went to Jamaica in 2008 and I was bitten and my body just swelled up which was very painful. I tried all the over the counter medications and applying Aloe Vera but nothing relieved the pain or swelling. I had to go to the doctor as I was itching and could not sleep. I was prescribed antihistamine, antibiotics and Hydrocortisone cream. The doctor came back to see me two days after as she was so worried about me. Everyone would exclaim about the bites as soon as they saw me, they had never seen anyone bitten like I had it left me with awful sore but thankfully i wasn't scared when the scabs went.
When I got back to the UK I went to see my GP who said I am allergic to the bites. I went on a cruise a month later to the Caribbean and got bitten by one mosquito again and the same thing happened again.
2009 I went to Tunisia and the mosquitoes must have though I was theirs again as just one night they attacked with force.
Now when I travel I carry the spray, wipes and bands that you activate and wear on your wrists and ankles. This really helps to keep them away.
For those living in the UK Aldi supermarket is very good for these product.
Use DEET free repellent products too - cant remember why (brain fog day!) just that its important. Also beware anybody on warfarin, many creams/lotions to sooth bites does send your INR through the roof - aldi amonia pen is fine & the electro shock clicker safe & effective.
Any creature loves to suck on my blood and NOBODY drives me insane! Do you happen to have rhesus negative blood?
I'm not sure about having rhesus neg blood -does this have an effect?
i have a great repellant its made by avon its skin so soft dry oil the green one biting insects hate it .it smells nice and is good for your skin use in garden on hols it helped so much when i went to scotlandf i react badly to any bite .i have heard the army use it x hope this helps
yes in fact i am covered in them today! they're very angry, hot and itchy always had this kind of reaction since i was small but since my SLE diagnosis it all makes more sense!
Skin so soft dry oil is on offer for under £2 at the minute from Avon on line plus I had a deal on fri that if I spent £10 I got free p&p so I stocked up and will tell you in a couple of weeks how effective it is