Persistent Low Grade Fever and Worse Pain When Si... - LUPUS UK


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Persistent Low Grade Fever and Worse Pain When Sitting

10 Replies

Hi everyone! This is my second time posting on here. I want to say thank you for the amazing answers and support I got on my last question. I am learning so much. Over the past 3 weeks or so, I have been dealing with a persistent low-grade fever. I am usually 99.6 to 100.3 fahrenheit in temperature. This can break randomly, but comes right back up super easily. I haven't dealt with a persistent low-grade fever like this in the past that I am aware of, and it hasn't felt good at all. Is it common to experience fevers with autoimmune disease? What could this possibly mean? Another question I had is regarding pain when sitting or laying down. For some reason, if I sit for longer than say, an hour, the joint pain, muscle aches, and neurological numbness and tingling get so much worse, as does the fatigue. I usually need to be moving in some fashion, no matter how little. However, if I stand and move too long, I begin to experience aches and fatigue and must sit down for a time again. Does anyone else find that their pain is worse when sitting? Laying down is far worse for me, making sleeping difficult. I do everything I can to keep up my strength and keep myself as healthy as possible through all of this. I play guitar, piano, am an avid lego fan and builder, and an equestrian (horse rider). All of this helps me to maintain my strength, stamina, coordination, and fine motor skills as much as possible through all of this. Please let me know what y'all think of the low-grade fevers and worsening symptoms when being too sedentary.

10 Replies
KayHimm profile image

Keep a record of temperature. Fever can mean different things but is a common feature of certain systemic autoimmune diseases. Let your GP know. Xx

in reply to KayHimm

I will definitely do this. Thank you so much =)

in reply to

Hidden is me by the way. I wanted to create a new account and change some things. Thanks again!

MrsMarigold profile image

Hello Hidden. I experience low grade temps only during a flare. You keep active and am so envious of your ability to still get on a horse. I’ve had to give it up. Just guessing here, but maybe you are doing too much? Not sure how you pace yourself. Recently my right hand joints are so bad it is hard to turn a door knob. It gets better if I do almost nothing with my hand for a few days. Holding the reins on your horse, brushing him, sitting up straight // you are using every muscle in your body. Wow. Especially your legs/ back. So, perhaps curtailing that. Also not sure what you use for pain. I take gabapentin as I have a spinal injury as well as lupus and other AI diseases. It helps tremendously and the severe sleepiness did wear off after awhile. Yes. Sitting too much, sedentary makes everything worse. It’s finding a balance in your activity. I agree with Kay to write your fevers everyday and I would also track your activity to see if there is correlation too. Best, Titters

in reply to MrsMarigold

Hi! Hidden is me. =) I decided to create a new account. Riding horses is super hard for me, but I'm so determined. I had to give it up for 6 years due to health, and have only been back at it for 3 weeks now. Honestly at this point its hard to tell if it is beneficial for me, or perhaps a bit much. My instructor isn't pushing me hard, and I am super familiar with my lesson horse (rode him through high school) so that helps immensely. I have a voice and am able to say when my body needs a break during lessons. Even with that, it is hard. I wonder too if I push myself too hard at times. I have also found that pain after an activity could start hitting during the activity, soon after, or days after. The days after can sometimes give me a sense of false confidence. Finding a balance in my activity has been one of the most challenging things so far. I will definitely keep track of my fevers. That's a new symptom, so I want to pay attention to it. =)

Tanitani profile image

i had worse pain w sitting because of muscle spasm. Move more or take muscle relaxant if severe was good for me

in reply to Tanitani

Hi! Hidden is me by the way. This is really helpful to know. I have been taking Robaxin, which seems to help. Always a balancing act.

MrsMarigold profile image

Hi Brooklyne/. It’s evident that riding causes pain. It sounds like you ride more than once a week ?

Things to consider: begin to ride for pleasure as lessons are stressful even with greatest teacher

Decide what your riding goals are. If it were me, it would be the pleasure of connection with my horse.

How much care are you responsible for? Brushing, Bathing, hoof care etc.. my lupus body could do it but I would pay for it.

Perhaps once a week is a realistic goal? Or biweekly? Finding a balance is tricky. But I’ve learned that there is almost always negative result with the intensity of an activity. Even scrubbing my kitchen floor😂It also sounds like you do a lot. Maybe decide which interest is most important/ perhaps two? Best, Titters

in reply to MrsMarigold

I currently ride once a week. My goal for now is just pleasure and enjoyment. I would love so much to be compete again someday, but my body is far from that right now. I also started doing it again to help with strength, but I am unsure at this time if it helping more or hindering more. Hopefully someday definitely helping more. That's a great suggestion! Focusing on one or two top interests. That way I can still do things I enjoy without it having negative consequences. I ended up canceling my lesson this week as the weather was way too hot, and hot weather is an absolute flare-up guarantee. Riding definitely causes pain. It's like a mixture of pain and a feeling of freedom for an hour. It's seems contradictory, but that's the best way I can describe it.

MrsMarigold profile image

what about some xtra pain med before you go? Gabapentin helps my lupus and my spine condition. I know what you mean about helping and hurting. I have a saltwater pool and some days it helps the pain and others not. But it does help me to stay physically strong. A year ago I could not push myself off of the floor to get up. Very humbling and frightening. But after my diligence in pool/ water therapy is gentle, I actually have muscles in my arms.

Have you ever thought about teaching disabled people/children on horses for their therapy? Instead of riding regularly? I did that years ago and it was very fun an rewarding and I rode just a bit.

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