Shielding is lonely : Hi all, Just wondering if... - LUPUS UK


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Shielding is lonely

TheJBird profile image
26 Replies

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else is struggling feeling lonely and isolated whilst shielding? I’m in my 20s and very lucky I do not live alone but my partner works long hours and I find being stuck in so much almost unbearable. I am a very sociable creature and miss going to work and just catching up and being with others!

I’ve written a blog post on it of anyone is interested:

Does anyone have any hints or tips to pass the time? I speak to family and friends often on the phone etc but still find it lonely.

Anyone else feeling like this you are not alone!

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TheJBird profile image
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26 Replies
Star13 profile image

Do you go out for a walk every day? Like you I’ve been shielding since March and it certainly is taking its toll but I try and set myself something to do everyday and also go for a walk. Even when you are walking alone I see lots of others doing the same and most say hello some even stop and pass the time of day at a safe distance of course. It breaks up the day and helps you feel less claustrophobic!

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to Star13

Hi, yes I do and I do definitely find it helps! Struggle to go out for too long though due to fatigue and the cold etc.It’s nice to go outside and see others and realise that they’re is a world outside your window!

Spanielmadlady profile image

Hi...I'm clinically extremely vunerable and I'm quite happy in lockdown including 1& rural living near several beaches so I'm out every morning for a walk with the dogs.then I'm in for the day as I'm only allowed out once a day my son has to take them out later in the afternoon.i can usually find something to do in between naps as I knit and star I set myself a task of the day. I cant have any contact with my daughter as she is a nurse and I miss my grandchildren I've only seen the youngest 3 times , the last time I held him was feb last year when he was 4 months old.hes now 16 months but it is what it is no point dwelling .whilst I still have a teenager at home I'm on my own as my OH died in 09 so past experience has taught me to deal with being on my own plus with a dog you are never lonely...cant even go to the loo on my own 🙄 I've also done 2 charity projects...1st lockdown was knitted hearts for covid patients in ICUs with 250 sent out to hospitals 2nd lockdown was Christmas boxes for isolated elderly and shelters .havent started one this lockdown yet 🤔 ......Chin up keep smiling xx

P.s just a point on your blog....sheilding must continue after vaccination if you like me are immunosuppressed as the immune response is not yet known x

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to Spanielmadlady

Hi there,

Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you’re managing to keep busy and occupied. It’s lovely you’ve been able to do your bit for others too.

Some days are better than others. I’ll keep plodding on!

Stay safe!

Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady in reply to TheJBird

I think part of the secret my love is not to overthink it .if you dwell and fester it will become harder and will seem longer.try to keep a positive mindset.being on immunosuppressants has also helped as precovid I had to keep away from people with colds,flu and stomach bugs over winter also as someone who is older I developed my coping strategies but you will find yours ...big hugs treacle xxxx 🤗

P s we are always here xx

Lalaoe profile image

I think you have just explained how a lot of people on this site must feel and it is really hard to keep your spirits up, by yourself, day in and day out but be assured you are not alone. The very nature of this complaint slows you down and makes you feel a little blue from time to time and that is without this pandemic. Like others I try and set myself a new daily task and fill my day with something that will occupy a couple of hours like; a little reading, watch a film, write a letter, bake or cook something, try researching your family tree and always have a jigsaw on the go? Hope this helps And let us know if you discover something else to do. Stay well 😃

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to Lalaoe

Hi Lalaoe,

Thank you for your lovely comment. I’m sorry you are struggling too but atleast we know we’re not alone.

I work from home three days a week which does occupy my mind but find the other days harder to fill. I do have a list of jobs and tasks and try and slowly tick them off

I often think that we’re all doing amazingly just surviving at the moment and have to give ourself praise for that!

Take care and stay safe 😀

strawberrylips profile image

Hi TheJBird,Oh yes, I am climbing the walls, right now too.

I am solely on my own at home all day now my husband is back at work (he was furloughed for months) .

It is hard not seeing people, it's a weird time, one we haven't experienced before.

I try to have something to focus on every day

Hobbes, particularly my stories I like to write, yoga etc...I also volunteer for a blind charity and befriend and ring our members weekly.

The main consultation I keep reminding myself is everyone is suffering, right now, everyone in one way or another, at least we are keeping safe.

We are all making sacrifices and we have to keep going.

Remember we are all hearing your comments and it resonates with everyone on here, we are all in this together 🙏❤jx

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to strawberrylips

Hi strawberrylips,

It sounds like we are in a similar position.

It is really hard not seeing others and being alone. I’m a really social person so this is really hard!

I’m glad you’ve found some things to keep you occupied!

We are all in this together to help ourselves and to help others as you say!

Thank you for your kind words. I hope today is a good day for you 💜

strawberrylips profile image
strawberrylips in reply to TheJBird

Hi again, Yes we are indeed in similar positions, so I completely know how you feel right now.

Hopefully the tide will turn someday soon 🙏 and our lives can resume, in one way or another.

In the meantime we have to 'dig our heels in' and carry on...

Have a good day too jx

strawberrylips profile image
strawberrylips in reply to strawberrylips

Hi I have just read your blog!!Goodness like reading about my life since this started.

Much love ❤ jx

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to strawberrylips

Thanks so much for reading! I’m glad you could relate even though I’m sorry you’re going through the same feelings!

We’ll get there one step at a time! Lovely chatting to you and take care 💜

willow80 profile image

Hi I have read a large proportion of your blog. I found it really interesting, I know there are slim people who do only eat a ‘lettuce leaf’ due to fashion but you unfortunately are in a really difficult position. That amount of fat content is so small you must be so hungry throughout the day. I have multiple conditions including lupus, sjogren’s, osteoarthritis (osteopenia), hypothyroidism and cervical spondylitis along with others. I often feel like a walking medical dictionary. I differ from yourself as always have felt on the larger size. On reflection I was probably tall for my age. Now however I am overweight and since being gluten free it seems to have increased. It is difficult checking contents in the supermarket, this I can fully understand. You do feel people are checking as to why?

Despite taking azathioprine, which ended up with me in hospital, I was not placed on the shielding list, but as my white count especially neutrophils have been critical/low levels I decided to self shield. I do also have a partner at home but he too is really busy. I was often left alone.

I would read, craft and do almost anything to keep myself amused. But I like yourself am very social, I missed my friends and family. They would call and I call them but it is never the same.

Yes I could have gone out but not only would I put myself at risk but also my partner.

Do keep up with the blog it is really great and hopefully at some time in the near future we will get to socialise more. I think more people need to learn about the condition you suffer with and then all shapes and sizes will be accepted.

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to willow80

Hi willow,

Thank you so much for taking the time to read the blog and for your kind words. It means such a lot to me.

I’m so sorry you have struggled with your weight too and felt judged. If only people could be kinder the world would be a better place! The low fat is really difficult at times but I do my best and that’s all I can do! It’s a lot harder currently relying on supermarket deliveries too as you never quite know what you will get 😂.

It’s really difficult missing loved ones isn’t it. I hope the day comes soon when we can be reunited again!

Thanks again for your lovely comments on the blog which have given me a boost. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to reach many people and I’d love I get my story out there!

Take care and stay safe and well!

Prunes profile image

Good morning TheJBirdI remember commenting on one of your posts earlier on in the pandemic.

I'm sorry that you are still finding it hard to cope with the shielding. I can't believe that it's been ten months now - this lockdown is so much harder than in the summer. I'm very reluctant to go out and we only go out after dark when it's not so busy.

There is another group on HU called Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation where you might find some support and I'm sure people there would be interested in your story.

Take care and keep safe and warm.

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to Prunes

Hi Prunes,

Thank you for taking the time to reply!

I think it’s more difficult this time as we’ve spent so long indoors already and as you say the weather is dark and miserable!

Thank you for suggesting that group. I will definitely check it out!

Take good care of yourself 😊

LupusWarrior77 profile image

Hi I am in my thirties and I live alone. I have found shielding extremely hard to deal with. Often feeling like people dont realise how lonely it can get. Its comforting to know other people are experiencing the same emotions and feelings xx take care and look after yourself eat well and keep yourself occupied is the main focus for me. I hope this helps 👍🏻

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to LupusWarrior77

I think you’re amazing doing it alone! I really don’t think other people understand. I’ve had loads of people tell me how they’d hate to have to self isolate for two weeks and I think to myself we’ve been doing it for months!I’m sorry you’re finding it so tough too but glad you know that you’re definitely not alone!

LupusWarrior77 profile image
LupusWarrior77 in reply to TheJBird

Thank you that's very kind of you. It has been hard to say the least but you just have to get by. Like I have friebds ands family but I think it's hard for people to realise how exhausting our situation can be.

Florence91 profile image

Go out for a walk every day - as long or short as you can manage, mask in pocket & mobile in case of need and you will smile and see people. It really helps. Best wishes

TheJBird profile image
TheJBird in reply to Florence91

Hi Florence! Walking definitely helps! It’s nice to breathe in fresh air and see that there is a world outside!Take care 😊

Florence91 profile image
Florence91 in reply to TheJBird

Thanks. The other thing I do is paint - anything creative will help take your mind off things x

Meg52 profile image

I think most of us will know how you are feeling, it’s not a normal way to live, especially at your age. But it’s something that we need to do to get through this. If the loneliness feeling sinks into depression do get help.

Even though I struggle to do every day things I still love socialising even if it has to be done on zoom. I play the ukulele and meet up on zoom with half a dozen other Ukelele friends. Some days we play and sing together, other days we chat, put the world to rights, but have all supported each other throughout these lockdowns. Another group of us have coffee mornings or party nights. It’s certainly not the same as seeing them in person but at least I get to chat and have fun with others.

Take care and look after yourself. Meg 💕xx

Oreol profile image

I'm in shielding too (clinically extremely vulnerable ) and live alone, a HUGE contrast to my life before covid. I've returned to drawing and painting , cooking my way through some cook books (double edged sword though as someone has to eat all the food).

Ordered a sculpturing kit and did some pottery a few days ago (air dried stuff that doesn't have to be fired in a kiln). So basically I try to remain creative and explore new activities that doesn't require going out to help me pass the time.

Also there's a sense of pride (and /or laughter) after seeing what I've created most times :)

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Oreol

Hi Oreol 🤗 welcome to the group 💐 Keeping active with crafts is something alot of us do on please post one of your creations at some point!! We do all sorts..for instance I work with wood when I can..recently I've been painting horseshoes..that is till it got too cold for me to handle them!! 😹Anyway welcome..I've read your profile n I have to say that u r in the right place to learn about all thing lupus n autoimmune disease in general!! Lupus UK is a fabulous resource with loads of helpful leaflets n they r keeping us bang up to date on covid stuff right now.

Take care n keep on crafting n cooking 😋 Kat 🌈😽😽xx

Paul_Howard profile image
Paul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK

Hi Hidden ,

I just want to clarify a few things you have said, because we have to be careful not to spread any misinformation about the vaccines.

You have said "even with vaccination the immunity to Covid-19 only lasts a short time".

This is a bit of an ambiguous statement. Since the COVID-19 vaccines are still new, it isn't known exactly how long the protection will last, but follow-up from the studies suggest it could offer at least six months protection against existing strains.

You have suggested that people who are vaccinated could still spread the virus.

Again, this is currently unknown. Research studied are undergoing to see what effect the vaccines may have on the transmission of the virus and whether it will prevent someone from spreading the infection. In the meantime, people who are vaccinated are advised to continue following social distancing as a precaution.

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