Tap or bottled water? : Morning everyone, just... - LUPUS UK


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Tap or bottled water?

Happy43 profile image
49 Replies

Morning everyone, just watched a very interesting programme about the food and drink we consume (BBC1 Horizon, The Honest Supermarket). It mentions that there is a strong chance that there are plastic particles in some bottled waters. I have been drinking bottled water for over 12 months now thinking it is better for autoimmune disease, now I'm not so sure. Chlorine versus plastic 🤪. Does anyone else drink bottled water for health reasons or should I revert to good old fashioned tap water? 😊

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Happy43 profile image
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49 Replies
MEW53 profile image

I usually use tap water, but when I go out I take a plastic bottle. My retired GP told me years ago to use tap water when I first got high BP, he said there was a lot of salt in bottled water. If I’m feeling unwell I drink cooled boiled water to get rid of any impurities.

Littlegreenie profile image
Littlegreenie in reply to MEW53

Tap water is regulated to a much higher standard than bottled water and is generally the most healthy option; even when there is a chlorine smell this is because it has been added to treat the water and it is harmless to humans and will disappear within a few hours if you leave it to stand in the fridge. The levels of micro plastics everywhere are a concern but they are higher in bottled water as they can come off the caps in the bottling process. The taste of the tap water varies depending on where you live but it is most unusual for it to present a health issue in the UK - if anything untoward happens their monitoring will take it out of supply before it reaches the customer. The source of contamination can often be the kitchen tap. Drinking filtered tap water may improve flavour but if you want to be sure there are no bugs in it - disinfect your tap regularly! (Married to a water quality scientist so have some background knowledge here!).

Lisalou19 profile image


My friend had some tad poles living in pond water, she then put them in normal water and they died within 2 hours!!!! Made me really concerned about what is in our water. Now I use tap water but use a brita filter. I don’t use bottled water as I’m against the amount of plastic that is used. X

in reply to Lisalou19

It’s probably the high chlorine content in the tap water that killed them off. It’s the same with changing the water in the goldfish tank.

If in doubt with your tap water allow to stand for several hours and the chlorine will come off/diffuse off.

Yes, jug water filters are a good idea but can be expensive to use repeatedly. Ordinary tap water from most areas in the UK should be safe to drink unless ?

Remember the disaster at Camelford reservoir?

Plastic everywhere now😢.

Microscopic plastic particles can get through water filters???...or not?🤔

PMRpro profile image

It doesn't make a lot of difference - there is microplastic in all water sources now, even rain which is where mineral water comes from originally, and then any in plastic bottles tend to have more it has been found.

And you need to be careful with bottled waters when taking medication - it isn't always better as the minerals may interfere with absorption. EVery water allowed to call itself mineral is different - so even the doctor's claim there is "a lot of salt" doesn't apply across the board. Many are particularly low in sodium for example.



suggests that some tap waters have lower levels of MPs.

But since MPs are everywhere, including in our food and the air we breathe


then you might as well save your money and accept tap water with a filter if it really bothers you!!

This lists the amounts for the various bottled water:


They are selling a filter - no idea what it costs or how good it is. But of a lot more interest really is the names of the owners of the bottled waters - and their reputations ...

in reply to PMRpro


Not so sure about this commercial link:


Is it a USA system of fitting an adapter to one’s faucet/tap to filter out microplastic?

Seems costly?

Wait until a UK system or special jug cartridge filter is available.

I think it will not be suitable for a normal tap in UK?


PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply to

I didn't give the link for the device - I'm quite sceptical about the value of such things with the standard of UK tap water - but for the table with the analysis of the various bottled waters.

in reply to PMRpro


Many thanks for your response.

I share your scepticism.

Agree that UK tap water is usually safe and good.

Thanks for the other intriguing links about microplastic.

Eg National geographic...Frightening.

Keep well.


Leenie0811 profile image

I drink tap water but I live up in the Lake District where the water is really pure (or at least I’m lead to believe it is) but if we go visit family down south I’m always on the filtered or bottled water. Even going to places like Manchester I can taste the difference but I don’t know if that’s something my family have instilled in me. I know when I travel it affects my skin but I think some of the other ideas on your post are good ones, a Brita filter is a really good idea or even boiled water that’s been cooled down.

Hope that helps! Leenie x

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to Leenie0811

Sounds good provided no nuclear releases 😀

I have heard the same as Alexa321, that it's a good idea to let tap water stand a while to offgas.

But some areas are heavily fluoridated which is not particularly beneficial from my research perspective

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply to overnighthearingloss

Saves teeth!!!

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to PMRpro

I realise that is the official line. But look up dental fluorosis.

in reply to Leenie0811


“...in the Lake District where the water is really pure (or at least I’m lead to believe it is)...”🤔?

Don’t wish to be a killjoy but as PMRpro says above there is “plastic everywhere” even up north in the Lake District but perhaps far fewer microplastic particles/Litre of 💧?

I vaguely recall a Sky tv documentary on how far plastic gets in our environment!😢😢


Nothing wrong with jug filtered tap water which removes heavy metals eg cadmium, lead, mercury etc.

Water filter cartridges can be bought in most pharmacies but neat tap water can be drunk safely most of the time as it has to comply with governmental water standards. If unhappy with your tap water get it tested for free and get a water content analysis.

In the old days when lead piping was used people were told to flush through tap water for two minutes toget rid off accumulated lead salts but nowadays mostly all UK housing has copper pipes.

Water in plastic bottles bought from shops, supermarket etc is actually not a good idea because it’s an example of single use plastic unless you reuse/refill it with ordinary tap water. There will probably be microscopic particles of plastic within that water that are not big enough to see with the naked 👁.

We should ALL CUT DOWN ON PLASTIC use whenever possible. Too much plastic waste on the 🌏?!

The labels on bottled water will always give the mineral content BUT will it actually STATE its plastic content?🤔


Water authorities have to comply with standards for tap water. Best solution: use filtered tap water, refrigerate, allow to stand and the chlorine will diffuse out of it.

After all tap water is chlorinated to kill all the bacteria, viruses etc. Some water authorities will even fluoridate their water supply. Not a bad thing?! What’s in toothpaste for strengthening teeth? Fluoride.

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to

I dont use fluoridated toothpaste these days. You should NEVER swallow fluoridated toothpaste. There always used to be a warning saying so on the tube. Dont know if its still on tubes these days.

Ingesting flouride can displace iodine, which is necessary for a healthy thyroid. I dont believe my area fluoridates the water supply, but many do.

Roarah profile image

Tap water sometimes filtered but in the middle of the night unfiltered and my family and I use stainless steal refillable water bottles to cut done on waste and I have always hated the smell smell of plastic.

maggielee profile image

Interesting discussion - will check links by PMR...need updating.

I have been studying water for work, tap vs. Distilled vs. Deionised (diffently not for drinking) & its impact on organic material...

As far as humans - if copper pipes are replaced for lead in houses it's dubious where I live if they ever replaced the pipes leading into our properties with decent piping or why all the leaks...gosh knows they haven't replaced it all - especially in big cities...

Flouride doesn't bother me or they be dropping like flies in the states as it's been there for decades & have good teeth...

Flouride toothpaste may help me keep my teeth in my head & as sensitive toothpaste with flouride is recommended by sjogren docs/dentists.

Water tastes fab here (lucky me) & local bottle water comes from springs so assuming planet earth doesn't absorb plastic like the sea/river sewage dumping & underground water courses are still drinkable...not that we shouldn't reduce our plastics...did my stint for wildlife & saw seals with plastics around their necks years ago - not good, but good the discussion is being had, especially for current & future generations...

My dogs usually drink the rainwater outside (they eat sheep poo as well) I imagine for minerals & taste. I now leave a pitcher of water out & then pour that after it sits for a while & they drink it now it sits around..

So tap water for me...especially with sjogrens...& bottle if I need it...& recycle always....ml

Happy43 profile image

Thanks for all your replies, lots of helpful opinions and information/links. Just to clarify, we don't need to avoid tap water with autoimmune disease is that right?

GranAmie profile image

tap water 4me but with a built in pozzani filter. a stainless steel bottle or glass bottle when out of the house. x

Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to GranAmie

Hi thanks, lots of people using water filters. Are these recyclable?

GranAmie profile image
GranAmie in reply to Happy43

most of them are; depends on your local water... ours is peaty but pozzani are beginning to modify all of them now - see their site pozzani.co.uk. wish i was on commission LOL x

Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to GranAmie

Haha thanks 😊

Treetop33 profile image

I find where I am tap water doesn't make me feel very well. I filter it but am considering getting a fitted under the sink filter. I tend to drink bottled (with low mineral content) but really would prefer not to because of environmental reasons.

GranAmie profile image
GranAmie in reply to Treetop33

exactly why we got the under sink one i mentioned..will try to check if recyclable, tho' x

Hi have been using bottled water for the last thirty years and yes the water absorbs some of the plastic from the bottles but it is possible to get mineral or spring water from glass bottles it’s just more expensive. The tap water has been recycled and cleaned many times and with a filter it can remove lots of crap but even then it’s filled with medicines, waste etc which can’t be removed. I read a really interesting article on someone on tv who wouldn’t touch tap water even when it was filtered. Everything sadly is toxic and contaminated to some level it’s just the world we live in. The government don’t do anything to improve the quality of the water no wonder everyone is so unwell. I saw a allergy specialist years ago who told me the water had to be bottled as the tap water was highly toxic and was making me ill. If I go out and have a cup of tea or coffee which is rare for me within an hour I start to feel unwell. Best solution drink filtered or get bottled water. But if you find water that’s in a glass bottle it’s much better for your health.

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to

Try to find out if you are in a fluoridated water area.

Meridian99 profile image

Why would you drink bottled water? Total waste of money & bad for the environment. I have a filter jug & contrary to belief doesn’t cost that much in filters. Mine last ages but there’s only one of me. Leave a jug of water in the fridge overnight & the chlorine will disappear. I also drink the tap water if I’m in Europe. The days of having to be wary are long gone.

Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to Meridian99

Thank you. Are the filters recyclable?

Lupiknits profile image

My head’s in a whirl! I drink tap water ( called Council Pop here) but it has no discernible taste to me. I know it’s fluoridated, and that could be why younger people have much, much better teeth than in my day.

In the South of England I find the hardness of the water unpleasant. In the Highlands it’s so soft it tastes sweet to me.

All that is just my sense of taste though.

Given what we have done, and are doing, to the environment I don’t think “pure water” exists anywhere. Other’s responses are very interesting.

Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to Lupiknits

Council pop 😂 my partner calls it that (he's from Yorkshire). Yes I agree there are lots of interesting responses, I originally switched to bottled because I read somewhere that it was better for autoimmune disease 🤔.

A lot of people on here are using filter jugs. I buy 2 litre bottled water not 500ml ones and always take my reusable bottle out with me and I always recycle.

Maybe time to change back to council pop like the rest of my family! I was wondering which one was best for health reasons.

Hopes77 profile image

Omg! My head is hurting reading all this. As a lupus and sjogrens syndrome suffer.

I drink 2 to 3 bottle 500 mls of water a day.

I stopped drinking tap water due to reading how this was bad for you and especially due to failing underground pipes in our area.

Personally I think the amount of plastic we are consuming in bottled water is now possibly in our packaged food as well.

So where do we go from here?

Is a water filter machine the way to go or will this have problems further down the line?

So what is the way to go here bottled or tap water filtered?


Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to Hopes77

Hi Hopes77 and thanks for your reply. I don't know 😫 there are many opinions but to be honest I'm glad there is someone else drinking bottled water because of what they've read and not just me!

I'm not sure if the water jug filters are recyclable which is also a valid part of the discussion as people are rightly concerned about plastic waste and the environment.

Who knows 🤪

in reply to Hopes77

Water machines can go stagnant if not regularly changed :( so I would guess it would be a pain in the bum to change them daily, where as filtered tap water would be much less of a hassle. And refilling plastic bottles can release more micro plastics into the water as the bottle isn't meant to be used again. And if you have a refillable bottle it's likely you would use tap water so I would say the filter is the cheapest and most sensible option, or boiling your water and letting it cool then bottling in your reusable bottle and refrigerate xx

It may be an urban myth but it is said that The Queen wont travel anywhere without a private supply of Malvern Water.

Its a good idea to eat a good proportion of fruit and veg anyway. But consider this. Fluid intake does not need to be exclusively water. If you eat a good quantity of fluid containing foods you will be hydrated by them, together with the added vitamins and minerals they contain.

Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to overnighthearingloss

That's a really good point. I do eat a lot of fruit and veg. Thanks.

mumu profile image

I use a gravity fed Berky water filter, they are the very best. I live in Walsall and when i drink from the tap i can smell a bleach kinda smell wafting from the water. so i purchased a Berky- they are expensive, you need to research on the Internet and make your own mind up.. My friend has a distillation water filter - but i have read that it leaches minerals out of your body that have been taken out from distillation. What info do you believe, research research and go by your gut feelings

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to mumu

I dont think you are wrong necessarily. I have heard good and bad for both types of water treatment.

Submariners apparently survive with distilled water. Dont know if they are known to produce any longterm health effects as a result.

DJK99 profile image

Hi there. I was told by my prev acupuncturist that bottled water is “dead” and to buy a Nikken water filter. So I did! On credit card as v expensive! It’s called a Nikken Waterfall and the water gives back as well as taking out nasties.. I don’t need to drink as much all the time now.. so think there’s something to it. If you can’t afford it I’d stuck with tap water and a Brifa or something (like I used to). All the best, D

Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to DJK99

Hi DJK99 thanks for the info. Are the Brita filter cartridges recyclable? I might have to start a savings plan for the Nikken 😂

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to Happy43

Er not sure bout the recycling bit. Have a google as am sure they’d shout out loud about it if you could ;)

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to DJK99

Had never heard of them. I just looked it up.

Interesting that a charge is applied to the water and that it runs over a mineral bed.

I was reading something a little while back whilst reading on water memory which is the basis of homeopathy. Look up Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier who co-discovered the AIDS virus. He has managed to prove water has memory.

Anyway, it was suggested that tap water was effectively dead water, with additives.

It suggested filtering the water, allowing it to stand in a jug with an added crystal.


There might be something to it though. It suggested a quartz crystal. Crystals apparently hold some sort of charge and it suggested that this could re-energise the water.

For the skeptics there have been studies done on crystals suggesting they may be able to power computers. So maybe they are not completely benign.

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to overnighthearingloss

I like a good crystal! The Nikken has all sorts of stuff in the filter and rocks to put inside the bit the water filters into.. and yep then through some magnets (Nikkens’s big thang)

Imom profile image

Hi. I drink bottled water daily but that’s because I live in Arizona and you never leave home without it!! It’s 107 out today! We have a water filter (reverse osmosis) that we drink at home and I just learned from my chiropractor that the filtering removes all the trace minerals that are so important. I got a bottle at health food store to add to drinking water. Probably why I’ve been getting leg cramps! Who knew!!! Just sharing! 😁

Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to Imom

Hi Imom thanks for sharing! Can I ask why you have a water filter, is it for tap water contamination or taste preference or for health reasons?

My original post has raised the topic of plastic waste (rightly so) but the reason I was posting was to basically ask if it's ok for people with autoimmune disease to drink tap water? 😀

Imom profile image

Hi Happy. Although we could drink the tap water in our town now, in previous years it wasn’t drinkable therefore everyone drank RO or bottled water. Just a habit to not drink it but I have autoimmune and drink tap water all other places. I’ve never heard that it could be a problem. Sorry I got off the subject. I’ve seen where there’s plastic in bottled water also, but it’s minute.

Happy43 profile image
Happy43 in reply to Imom

Thanks 😊

maggielee profile image

Hi Happy

Just came across this water analysis on bbc m.facebook.com/watch/?v=210...

Under Honest Supermarket - water google if the link doesn't work...

It was a good overview on bottle water...ml

I was born in 1962 when bottled water was largely unheard of. I hate single plastic use and the carbon footprint of associated manufacture and subsequent disposal. Nothing humans make or eat is completely kind to our world. I leave a large jug of tap water for a few hours to allow chlorine evaporation, when chilled and laced with frozen lemon slices left over from baking it’s delicious. Mint leaves frozen within ice cubes or cranberries, strawberries or grapes make a lovely taste and it’s especially nice mixed with GIN 😜

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