SLE lupus
Does anyone else have a problem with skin tags? ... - LUPUS UK
Does anyone else have a problem with skin tags? I have numerous on my neck, shoulders, and chest where muscle pain and inflammation occur.

I do get them around my neck and at the top of my thigh which get infected and has caused foliculitus when they get infected I have to stop the was and it quite sore and painful it’s been quite bad this last three weeks I hope yours clears up soon
I have numerous skin tags in armpits and some on neck and torso I have noticed since starting vitamin d they are shrinking
Yes everywhere but especially on my neck they drive me insane I hate them xx
I had one on my eyelid that was interfering with my vision. My PCP at the time just took a scalpel & cut it off (no charge.)
I really miss her.
Dear Annienjoe,
I don't, strictly speaking, have 'Lupus' I have....."Five, or six, 'Overlapping Strains', of ANCA Vasculitis'". However I DO have Skin Tags and Warts! I had a problem, with my right ear, from Christmas Last Year until, nearly August This Year. The ENT Specialist finally discovered, that I had, a 'Skin Tag', in my Right ear Canal.
I have them mostly, on my neck and under my chin, with Odd Outbreaks elsewhere. My Dermatologist, tells me, that 'Unless They Are Really Uncomfortable For You, It Is Better To Leave Them'. They Happen apparently, as a 'Side Effect' of all my Medication. My Heavily Suppressed Immune System 'Can't Fight', the virus.
I shouldn't complain though Annie I AM ALIVE, Twenty-One Years (you DID read that right) after I was Given an Hour, to live. So I have a few Skin Tags, Warts, Blemishes and so forth....SO WHAT!!
Kindest wishes
This was one post I read and thought , I don’t get these ! All of a sudden I am breaking out in what looks like multiple skin tags, but the area around them is bright red! They don’t squeeze or pop so can’t be spots . Do new skin tags normally have red skin around them when they first become visible?