I have lupus & scleroderma so along with it comes... - LUPUS UK


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I have lupus & scleroderma so along with it comes other health issues. I have tried meds for acid reflux & hiatus hernia and am now trying a

MoominMomma profile image
9 Replies

Tablet called esomeperazole. I was wondering if anyone has had this and if it helped.

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MoominMomma profile image
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9 Replies
anbuma profile image

i have been taking omeprazole fro stomach acid prescribed by my GP for a long time and it helped me until a hospital dr told me to stop taking it.dont know if that's the samething as esomeperazole?

Same with me, I take omeperazole. And have also been on it years. I don't get stomach or reflux issues so can't say if it will work for you. I was put on it by rheumy to line my stomach for other meds. Hope you get relief from it.

Barnclown profile image

Yes: in my 50s, I was on daily esomeprazole (nexium) for 6 years, with added domperidone when my lifelong upper GI symptoms flared. I'd recommend trying this sort of regime if your drs recommend it. But follow guidelines re timing of taking these meds depending on your other medications (eg hydroxy etc)

i haven't been diagnosed with scleroderma, but even so, perhaps my perspective on this can help

My consultant & gp had both told me i would never be able to come off Rx esomeprazole & domperidone. But at the same time i started that Rx up, i chose to also go on a strict anti inflammation diet too. after 5 years of that Rx, my consultant's concern re my bone density results made me look harder online at whether esomeprazole could be interfering with my bone building. My conclusion was that maybe i could see if my upper GI had had the time it needed to recover enough so that i could manage my GI symptoms with just my anti inflammation diet...so, I tried coming off esomeprazole & domperidone, and succeeded! But, in the years since coming off, I have had to keep fairly strictly to my anti inflammation diet and lifestyle manage my upper GI symptoms conscientiously because my strong predisposition to GI probs definitely remains a significant issue for me...and i'm open to taking esomeprazole & domperidone again if needed

some background:

My infant & teen SLE diagnoses got lost...and I had life long upper GI probs amongst my typically widespread lupus symtpoms: as a child & teen my main prob was swallowing. When i was a young woman in my 20s that prob joined up with recurring GORD and a feeling of gullet blockage which was misdiagnosed as hiatus hernia & treated with Rx gaviscon. In my 30s the swallowing trouble continued but diet changes seemed to stop the GORD & heartburn. Then in my 40s, after years on NSAIDs & analgesics for my spine condition, i developed persistent nausea, + the GI trouble got even worse generally & I pretty much lost my appetite. Shortly after I turned 50 this all got so bad that a gastroenterologist did endoscopic procedure & biopsises, diagnosing chronic gastritis & oesophagitis with "functional dyspepsia" (but no hiatus hernia, and incidently no heliobacter pylorii either, haha)....that was when I was prescribed esomeprazole & domperidone......and started the anti inflammation diet etc.... what happened next is in the para above. then, in 2011-12, after i was (re) diagnosed with lupus, and on plaquenil, I was on high dose long term oral antibiotics for osteomyelitis (flucloxaxcillin 500mg ).....incredibly, after 5 dreadful months of that, my life long upper GI probs became even easier to manage...and have stayed this way ever since....so long as I keep to my anti inflammation diet & supplements + lifestyle management routine conscientiously....but i can't help wondering if possibly some sort of bacterial issues in my upper GI could have been making my symptoms even more chronic and troublesome all those years....i also strongly suspect gastroparesis is part of my GI mix

Sorry for posting such a looooong reply, but my DECADES of coping with dreadful GI symptoms means this subject means a lot to me, and at least we have lupus in common. I hope some of the detail in my reply is useful to you, and maybe others also

Take care & good luck

Britchick42 profile image

Hi I have lupus , Sjorgrens and hashimotos . I was positive for scleroderma but since I didn't have any outward symptoms I was told to disregard it . I have watermelon stomach chronic gastritis and gerd. I'm only good with lansaprazole , which was initially given to me to protect my stomach from the other meds. Then I needed them the days I run out I've taken my tablets and I have heartburn stomach pain and diarreah within a day or so. I find them important to me, as for the med you mentioned I'm not sure . I. Allergic to Zantac and lose. So I can only do lansaprazole . I do have to still watch what I eat although I will indulge now and then acidic food wise :)

Foss profile image

Hi, yes I was prescribed esomeprazole ( different to omeprazole ) with Domperidone a year ago and the combination has made a big difference to what I call ' heart attack' pain of acid reflux / gerd and constant nausea. If you are taking other drugs do be careful about timings. Good luck.

Barnclown profile image
Barnclown in reply to Foss

Thanks Foss: I've corrected the spelling in my reply above.....I do get these meds names spelling confused, which is not a good thing to do!

Foss profile image
Foss in reply to Barnclown

Barnclown, I didn't notice any spelling mistakes, but good to hear from you. G I problems are awful on top of everything else arn't they. Still the suns shining at the moment !

Barnclown profile image
Barnclown in reply to Foss

So true!

MoominMomma profile image

Many thanks for all your replies, so nice to know I'm not alone. I'm taking esomeprazole as lanzoperazol and omeperazole don't have as much effect. I'm also taking domperidone, buscopan and ranitidine 300mg for my esophagus probs too. Take steroids, mycophenolate, hydroxcloriquine daily too. Sometimes feel like all I do is take meds! Sorry if I'm moaning but I really appreciate your helpful replies.


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