Last week I asked the question regarding palpitaions and on several of you advising me to go to the Doctors I did just that. Well what a surprise I had in store!! After being prescribed beta blockers, wharfrin and a trip to Hospital I am now awaiting a cardioversion procedure. I have a leaky heart valve and Atrial fibrillation. I don't think it has anything to do with my Lupus but i am sure I will find out for definite at some stage in the near future.However my CPR levels are 18! which is maybe a bit on the high side(not really sure) and my white blood cell count is high.I am seeing my GP tomorrow and will ask him about the blood tests and see if he thinks the Rheumy should be informed. Needless to say I feel completely wiped out at the moment but thanks to you I have hopefully nipped in the bud something that could have turned out quite nasty.
Once again this community works for all our benefit. Thankyou so so much x